Two you feel healthier?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Today (23 March, 2010) marks the second anniversary of Obamacare drawing it's first fetid breath. Forced on the American people like the attentions of a back alley rapist this legislation is the defining moment of the Obama administration.

Let us recall some of those special moments;
...if you like your healthcare provider then you will get to keep that healthcare provider... Barack Obama
Most people are getting their insurance through their employers and employers are starting to drop their health insurance which means that people are losing their healthcare contrary to what Obama said.
...the cost of healthcare will drop for everyone... Barack Obama
On average the cost of healthcare has gone up double digits for some, and single digits for most.
...this bill will only cost the country about $785 billion yearly for a savings to the country...Barack Obama
Recent CBO report says that Obama care will likely cost over $1.3 trillion dollars annually. There will be no savings.
...federal money will not be used to pay for abortions... (commenting on the Stupak amendment) Barack Obama
Obama orders employers to have their insurance carriers to pay for abortions healthcare then changes his mind when the catholic church objects but decides that insurance companies should do it without employer input.

Feel free to share your own special movements.
Nope; but i am feeling the financial pain of increased premiums because of Obamacare.
About a 14% jump in premiums since Pelos/Reid/Obama passed it.
And let's not forget this gem of a promse:

But the truth is they will get coverage......

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Tuesday that it has awarded $28.8 million to 67 community health centers with funds from the Obamacare health reform law. But as part of that sum, CNS reports that ”approximately $8.5 million will be used by 25 New Access Point awardees to target services to migrant and seasonal farm workers,” and an HHS official said:
“grant recipients will not check the immigration status of people seeking services. ‘Health centers do not, as a matter of routine practice, ask about or collect data on citizenship or other matters not related to the treatment needs of the patients seeking health services at the center,’ Further, the grant recipients are ‘required to serve all residents’ who walk through their doors”.