Sam Harris says the quiet part out loud.

Ducbutter's Avatar

Is this the belief of the left, the elites, the FBI? All of the above?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Love how you’re lumping “the left, the elites, the FBI” together now.

I supposed that’s a new thing in Trumpville.
ICU 812's Avatar
For the sake of simple brevity: "If the shoe fits . . ."
Ducbutter's Avatar
Love how you’re lumping “the left, the elites, the FBI” together now.

I supposed that’s a new thing in Trumpville. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Actually no, I didn't do that. That is why they were seperated by commas. And there was a second question asking if all three were lumped together. Where did I answer that in the affirmative?
And if you think I am a fan of Trump you have lost the plot brother. I challenge you to find a quote of mine here praising him. I'm pretty sure I've referred to him as a huckster and a carnival barker. I know exactly who Trump is and he ain't what people like Harris say.

But no repudiation of the ideas Harris spouted? You're ok with that are you?
Ducbutter's Avatar
Love how you’re lumping “the left, the elites, the FBI” together now.

I supposed that’s a new thing in Trumpville. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I will say this, I should have used "the Democrats" instead of "the left". I know plenty of folks on the left who see the lack of ethics in this and the danger. They're just not democrats.
Try “Socialist/Progressive/Liberal/Democrat”.

All turds are shit, but not all shit is turds.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So why does the majority of democrats go along with people like Harris, including many on this site? Imagine how this attitude would manifest in the everyday world; we all got together and told lies about our boss. Now he's gone and I'm hoping for a promotion. I didn't like her take on the issues so I'll scare the shit out of her kids and throw her off her game. He actually enjoys watching professional wrestling...I'm going to have my sister tell his wife that he and my sister are having an affair. That'll fix that wrestling clown.

Is that the world that left wants to live in? The lack of condemnation makes it seem that way.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I stopped listening to that horse shit after the first sentence out of his mouth. Set the tone for what I’m sure was a titillating expose.

I sure miss Billy Carter.

Ducbutter's Avatar
You're doing great!