Trump has drawn a line in the sand...

DNinja69's Avatar

We have a few days until the former President brings forth what he describes as irrefutable evidence.

Interesting it has been 3 years but only after multiple indictments are we going to see some 'proof' made public.

My confidence level on seeing anything that does more than cast doubt or make accusations is pretty low given the lack of real information showing widespread election tampering from 2020 but Monday is coming soon!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
1) PSA reminder:

2) Memory lane, aka Memory Hole

3) 37 States changed voting laws in 2020 under emergency provisions

4) Seem Normal?

5) The popular vote means only 2 things: Jack and Shit.
How does any of this compare to the trumpy claim the election was stolen from him in 2020?

Who keeps bringing up "russia, russia, russia, except trumpys? Why don't we hear about "tucker, tucker, tucker"?
You people believed everything he said even after debunkings too numerous to list and his own sent emails were released. There was an investigation that didn't find enough evidence to file any charges for "collusion". Multiple indictments were issued to Russian nationals for fraud and election interference related crimes. "Russia, Russia, Russia" is a trumpy statement that is used to pretend there was no Russian involvement in the 2016 election. But then trumpys are the undereducated people who see no difference between the lack of proof for one charge and an abundance of evidence proving numerous charges against numerous people and organizations. They don't seem to understand an investigation is used to find facts, evidence of a crime, and other info needed for due process.
Every lawsuit filed by the trumpys to contest the election, except one, lost. No evidence of large scale fraud has been presented. If I'm not mistaken, the lawsuits didn't include fraud as one of claims.
Plus the number of republicans, elected or otherwise, that continue to believe and spread the "big lie", make the "12 minutes" look like a sorry joke. Adam Schiff doesn't push his statement anymore. You continue to push anti-vax/sudden death misinformation. Many, if not most, trumpys continue to believe the "big lie" despite an almost total lack of evidence. They also believe some folks have evidence that's only days from being released.

You said "37 States changed voting laws in 2020 under emergency provisions"
Then you said "seem normal?" I don't know. Are "emergency provisions" normal?
Of course not. An emergency isn't normal. Covid type events aren't normal.

And what laws were changed? Most of the changes were including an application for absentee ballots, extending voter registration dates (like Florida), adding Covid to the list of reasons you could give to vote absentee, and so forth. Things more major than those were challenged in court. Tell us which states had a major law change illegally made.,_2020

The vote count examples you have included have been explained many, many, many, times. You not understanding the way votes are counted in different states is just that.
You not understanding.

The popular vote in a state determines who gets that state's electoral votes. So it's important at a state level and as one of the indicators of the national "feeling". Instead of acknowledging that a significant amount of people not only registered to vote against trump and his "hate state", they'll do it again. Except the number will be higher.

We keep trying to lock them up and trump keeps letting them out.

1) PSA reminder:

2) Memory lane, aka Memory Hole

3) 37 States changed voting laws in 2020 under emergency provisions

4) Seem Normal?

5) The popular vote means only 2 things: Jack and Shit. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
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  • 08-18-2023, 10:39 PM

We have a few days until the former President brings forth what he describes as irrefutable evidence.

Interesting it has been 3 years but only after multiple indictments are we going to see some 'proof' made public.

My confidence level on seeing anything that does more than cast doubt or make accusations is pretty low given the lack of real information showing widespread election tampering from 2020 but Monday is coming soon! Originally Posted by DNinja69
Well he won’t be able to do that after all, because of his lawyers’ advice. It’s like releasing his his tax returns. He can’t do that while he’s under audit. And he’ll be under audit for the rest of his life. It’s increasingly looking like he’ll be dealing with legal problems from his post 2020 election foolishness for the rest of his life too. So don’t hold your breathe for that irrefutable evidence.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...You said "37 States changed voting laws in 2020 under emergency provisions"
Then you said "seem normal?" I don't know. Are "emergency provisions" normal?
Of course not. An emergency isn't normal. Covid type events aren't normal.... Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Hate to break it to you, but the covid emergency is the new normal. You should try to keep up with the headlines. Tyranny, it's what's for dinner.

Biden Regime to Reinstate COVID-19 Restrictions Beginning with Mask Mandate as “COVID Cases Rise”, Say TSA and Border Patrol Whistleblowers

COVID Mandates Return to Hollywood: Lionsgate Requires Employees to Mask Up, Submit to Daily Testing

Knock, knock
Who's there?
Eris who?
Eris Tyranny! That's who.

Gone too soon. Wish Chris Farley was still around to update this short clip from football to LOCKDOWNS!?!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Why don't we hear about "tucker, tucker, tucker"? Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Ear wax build up perhaps. Fingers in your ears maybe. But apparently there were about 245 Million views of Tucker talking with Trump just yesterday, during the GOP debate which garnered about 13 Million views. So maybe the better question is: Why don't we hear about "Don Lemon, Don Lemon, Don Lemon"? Well... I am not a shrink either, but I think it's because nobody cares.
Precious_b's Avatar

We have a few days until the former President brings forth what he describes as irrefutable evidence.

Interesting it has been 3 years but only after multiple indictments are we going to see some 'proof' made public.

My confidence level on seeing anything that does more than cast doubt or make accusations is pretty low given the lack of real information showing widespread election tampering from 2020 but Monday is coming soon! Originally Posted by DNinja69

Guess he's saving if for court.
Ain't that suppose to be part of Discovery before the trial starts?

Shitcan another election fraud win for the party of law-n-order.
... It's already been given to Fani.

Evidence that CLEARS a number of "defendants" in her RICO case.

How will she TRY to bend the law this time?

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
We'll see in court.
Be patient (sp).
But we know y'all like to rachet things up so go ahead.
I'll wait for the dust to settle.
Wanna lay any cash down that they aren't going to bring up fraud?
... The FRAUD was in counting ballots that should NOT have been counted.
People who voted in the wrong area - or with the wrong ballots.

Trump wanted them to take those ballots to a Judge - to either
have the ballots tossed or a election do-over.

Don't you follow what's going on?

... So WHO ... er .. . WHOM won't mention voter fraud?
Fani or the defendants??

... See? ... When ths is all explained - there's NO chance
of a RICO conviction.

#### Salty
... The FRAUD was in counting ballots that should NOT have been counted.
People who voted in the wrong area - or with the wrong ballots.

Trump wanted them to take those ballots to a Judge - to either
have the ballots tossed or a election do-over.

Don't you follow what's going on?

... So WHO ... er .. . WHOM won't mention voter fraud?
Fani or the defendants??

... See? ... When ths is all explained - there's NO chance
of a RICO conviction.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

And THAT is why Fanni is itching to select a jury and present her "flawed" indictment while the orange ass is stalling...because he has the "evidence". Makes perfect sense...

Her and Jack Smith both have is ass cold. Anyone that's not drinking the orange piss Kool-Aid can see that. I mean, why wouldn't two successful prosecutors want to ruin their careers by losing as quickly as possible. Oh Yeah!

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Her and Jack Smith both have is ass cold. Anyone that's not drinking the orange piss Kool-Aid can see that. I mean, why wouldn't two successful prosecutors want to ruin their careers by losing as quickly as possible. Oh Yeah! Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Yep. And that's what the bullshitting Trump loving experts in this forum fail to understand.

I'm not sure what Jack Smith's plan is but I'm pretty sure I can guess what Fani's plan is. Trump is not helping his codefendants in Georgia with their legal fees. She is going to just start with flipping Rudy and will work her way down until she gets a few to turn on the orange repulsive pig and then game, set, match (sorry, I've been watching some of the U.S. Open).

That greedy dumb piece of shit should take some of his scam money from idiots and help with their legal fees to keep them quiet in Georgia. At the very least, pay Giuliani's legal fees because he can hurt him the most because he knows the most.
ManSlut's Avatar
Fani’s Ace-In-The-Hole for RICO conviction is the multiple states Electoral Voter scams. She subtly eluded to this the night when she unveiled the indictments and warned the other states involved.

I don’t think she needs or wants ‘America’s Stupidest Mayor’ to flip, starting with Trump as target #1, Giuliani is big target #2.
How does any of this compare to the trumpy claim the election was stolen from him in 2020?

Who keeps bringing up "russia, russia, russia, except trumpys? Why don't we hear about "tucker, tucker, tucker"?
You people believed everything he said even after debunkings too numerous to list and his own sent emails were released. There was an investigation that didn't find enough evidence to file any charges for "collusion". Multiple indictments were issued to Russian nationals for fraud and election interference related crimes. "Russia, Russia, Russia" is a trumpy statement that is used to pretend there was no Russian involvement in the 2016 election. But then trumpys are the undereducated people who see no difference between the lack of proof for one charge and an abundance of evidence proving numerous charges against numerous people and organizations. They don't seem to understand an investigation is used to find facts, evidence of a crime, and other info needed for due process.
Every lawsuit filed by the trumpys to contest the election, except one, lost. No evidence of large scale fraud has been presented. If I'm not mistaken, the lawsuits didn't include fraud as one of claims.
Plus the number of republicans, elected or otherwise, that continue to believe and spread the "big lie", make the "12 minutes" look like a sorry joke. Adam Schiff doesn't push his statement anymore. You continue to push anti-vax/sudden death misinformation. Many, if not most, trumpys continue to believe the "big lie" despite an almost total lack of evidence. They also believe some folks have evidence that's only days from being released.

You said "37 States changed voting laws in 2020 under emergency provisions"
Then you said "seem normal?" I don't know. Are "emergency provisions" normal?
Of course not. An emergency isn't normal. Covid type events aren't normal.

And what laws were changed? Most of the changes were including an application for absentee ballots, extending voter registration dates (like Florida), adding Covid to the list of reasons you could give to vote absentee, and so forth. Things more major than those were challenged in court. Tell us which states had a major law change illegally made.,_2020

The vote count examples you have included have been explained many, many, many, times. You not understanding the way votes are counted in different states is just that.
You not understanding.

The popular vote in a state determines who gets that state's electoral votes. So it's important at a state level and as one of the indicators of the national "feeling". Instead of acknowledging that a significant amount of people not only registered to vote against trump and his "hate state", they'll do it again. Except the number will be higher.

We keep trying to lock them up and trump keeps letting them out. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
We should start treating Covid like The Flu, since its ability to mutate seems to bring out a different strain each season. The Covid Jab should no longer be called a vaccine. It should be called a “Shot”, since it really does not keep some one from getting Covid, or transmitting it. What it does, or it seems, is keeping one from getting as sick. Much like the Flu “shot”.

The Government does not mandate