If Democrat Elections Aren't Rigged, Then Why Can Dem Superdelegates Vote However They Want?

HoHound's Avatar
After Doing Some Research, Democrat Superdelegates can and do override their voters. This is just to "make sure the most electable candidate gets nominated." The DNC does not trust it's voters to make the right decision, hence the existence of autonomous superdelegates. RFK junior has been complaining lately that he would have to win 80% of all the states to win against all the Biden voting superdelegates.

By contrast, the GOP superdelegates DO NOT have the freedom to vote however they please. In 2012 the RNC mandated that GOP superdelegates MUST reflect the will of the people in their states.



There is no doubt which party respects, honors, and reflects the will of their voters.
So what.
ICU 812's Avatar
The Democrat's primaries and conventions ARe rigged or at least riggable. The special delegate thing has been a feature sdince the 1972 election cycle I think

If you don't think so, just ask JFK Jr. about what the Democrat's national power managers ar doing to ensure that he can't get a counted vote from Iowa or New Hampshire.

If they will openly do that to get by one of their own, they will do anything to get by a Republican.
DNinja69's Avatar
Its 2023 and information travels faster and further than most of us with some grey in our beard imagined would be possible. Its time we stopped letting anyone vote for us and began using popular vote with an electoral or superdelegate system in place for an OH SHIT moment whether that be natural disaster or military conflict situation.
texassapper's Avatar
The primaries and the elections are rigged. But if the approved propagandist outets don't report it, then the libtards and commies can keep their heads in the sand.
ICU 812's Avatar
If he Democrsts do not want to rig the elections, then why do they resist positive voter ID, clean/current voter registration records and in-person voting, then push to let minors, convicted felons and non-citizens vote?

Every thing they endorse or push for tells me that Democrats at every level are OK with rigging elections to go their way.

I am staggered by the number of "friends" I know who have bought into the Liberal left's progressive agenda and go along with all the skewed voting schemes they push for . . .yet these are seriously accomplished and intellectually strong people with advanced degrees and a lifetime track record of real world accomplishment.
Maybe those friends are right and you’re the one that’s wrong. Voting is what’s made us a great country and we should desire more Americans voting not less and it should be easier to do so. Regardless of what Fox, OAN, Newsmax and republicans keep saying, there’s no significant voter fraud. Never has been and never will be. Illegals aren’t running to the polls to vote. Honestly, on what basis do we stop felons from voting. I can’t find anything in the constitution that says that.

Same day voting made sense 250 years ago. We’re a country of nearly 350 million people covering 3.5 million square miles, with people of vastly differing means and freedom to travel and move like no time in history. Same day voting is something that’s a remnant of the past that’s unneeded. Personally I’d allow voting for the 3-4 weeks prior to an election. If you wanna avoid days later tabulation, count the votes as they are made and recieved, rather than awaiting Election Day to count them, then you’d have 99% of the vote tabulated before midnight.

We don’t have any real election problems in the US. What we have is a faction of people that have been lied to and they believe those lies. It’s easier to believe that there are people that are illegally voting than to believe that your side is shrinking.
ICU 812's Avatar
Sure, voting is what made us great, but the central principle has always been "One man, one vote." as it was traditionally put.

This means that a voter only gets to cast one vote, and they must be the person who they are voting as, so posative ID along with a roll of registred voters that does not still contain the names of voters who have died or moved from that jurisdiction.

Primary voting is still four or more months away. The general election is still over a year away.

Anyone who is not yet registered or who still does not have proper ID can get that taken care of in time. If you are confused about the process or unable to get out snd about for sone reason, call the county party headquarters of your choice. I am sure that someone there will help you with all of that.
ICU 812's Avatar
Anyway, the topic of this thread involves the intentions of the Democrat's power structure to rig elections in the way they want them to go. This is why they have so-called super delegates for their primary and conventions.

Ask Berni Saunders and Hillery Clinton how that works.

Now the liberal progressive power elite are trying to freeze out JFK Jr from the Iowa and New Hampshire voting . . .so that President Biden doesn't have to face a functioning liberal adult in any meaningful way.

Ask him if the Democrats are trying to rig the election!
Presidential primaries arent even required. Nowhere in the constitution does it exist. It’s up to the party to define every part of that process. Theoretically, the party could just say X will run for president without any primary vote. Nothing at all to with rigging. The only real purpose for the primary is to see whether a candidate can survive an election season and to further vet a candidate. It’s got zero to do with seeing what the people really want or think. That goes for both parties.

JFK Jr. lol. You Republicans and your silly wet dreams. These fantasies live only in nut wing righty media. You’ve been sillily claiming Biden will hand the presidency to Hillary for years. Or that he’ll never finish his term. Wherever you get your news rumors political thinking etc is just foolish and nonsensical. The time and effort you waste on thinking through these nutty unrealistic scenarios would be better served knitting or scrapbooking, it’s about as productive and sensible. Just stop man.
  • Tiny
  • 09-19-2023, 10:05 AM
It's ironic that many Democratic politicians want to do away with the electoral college, to make voting for president more democratic, but the Party has superdelegates. The party did make it where the superdelegates now don't vote on the first ballot, which is an improvement IMO.

If the Republican Party had superdelegates, I wonder if Trump would have been the nominee in 2016?
If we really wanted better elections we’d drop primary systems altogether or at least go to single elections and runoffs. We’d rarely end up with an idiot for president whatever position and almost never end up with hardcore partisans on either side.
DNinja69's Avatar
If we want a better election process we need more than 2 parties. Mostly what we have today is a mutual pissing contest while both sides give one finger salutes to those of us funding their existence

As for RFK Jr he has zero chance as a Dem even if Biden was not running as an incumbent. Not sure why he hasn't divorced the party yet what they did to Bernie was clear indication that nobody more moderate than an Obama is getting in...
ICU 812's Avatar
Presidential primaries arent even required. Nowhere in the constitution does it exist. It’s up to the party to define every part of that process. Theoretically, the party could just say X will run for president without any primary vote. Nothing at all to with rigging. The only real purpose for the primary is to see whether a candidate can survive an election season and to further vet a candidate. It’s got zero to do with seeing what the people really want or think. That goes for both parties.
Originally Posted by 1blackman1

All that is pretty much true, but the way the Democrats have selected their nominee in the past few decades actually shows them to be who they are.

As I see it, if they will jigger and rig their system to cheat one of their own, why wouldn't they do the same and worse to their political opposition and the American Public.

In fact, it is my own perception and belief that they have.
Of course it’s your belief, as is a lot of other ridiculous and silly things. I have plenty of beliefs about republicans as well. Most however tend to be based in reality rather than coocoo conspiracy theories from aluminum foil hat wearers.