
Anyone have the info on that? As with all her posts, I couldn't logically follow Sara's post on the sign in page.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Well, Pretty Lady, I have no idea how to answer your question, since I'm completely baffled by it...LOL! But I might not be the person who can answer it. If you think I might be able to answer, please clarify your question for me.


firegod's Avatar
Are you ever going to visit us in the magic city (Birmingham)?...I just started posting...have wanted to see you for a long time...
DallasRain's Avatar
not sure whats going on there...i liked that site!
Sweet Dixie (aka i-hobbyist) that used to be run by Vicki of BF. Used to be the AL board.

Gone. Parked at godaddy and for sale.
Definitely some interesting people on there, for sure.
Sweet Dixie (aka i-hobbyist) that used to be run by Vicki of BF. Used to be the AL board.
. Originally Posted by babee
I can tell, I got some very odd e-mails from some guy very close to Vicki.
Seems like a bunch of stuff came down by the FEDs over some white color crime acusations and some trusted person has taking stuff during their incarseration. Just odd ball weird e-mails to watch out. I'm not sure why I even got them. I never ventured that far North.
Its way more than I every wanted to know. Enough to keep from evcer venturing up that way for a date.
shagnthor's Avatar
I can tell, I got some very odd e-mails from some guy very close to Vicki. Originally Posted by Bigfatrat
Same here. A series of emails. One claiming that the previous emails were actually hijacked. All in—a big red flag.