
I'm new to this site and trying to navigate my way around. Can someone inform me as to where one may find the ladies on this site.
I'm new to this site and trying to navigate my way around. Can someone inform me as to where one may find the ladies on this site. Originally Posted by Yourprivatedr
Mr. Private if you want info about the ladies on here. Your best bet is get on You can find out how to reach them there. Twitter is a handy tool also. This is basically a gossip forum now. Find someone you like and write an encounter report will give you 6 weeks of premium. Hopefully this will help you out and good luck.
Jack Scheidt's Avatar
Mr. Private if you want info about the ladies on here. Your best bet is get on You can find out how to reach them there. Twitter is a handy tool also. This is basically a gossip forum now. Find someone you like and write an encounter report will give you 6 weeks of premium. Hopefully this will help you out and good luck. Originally Posted by Baconman
Yeah I need to get premium access also. I’m just not big on writing reviews. And I don’t really want to pay for it but nothing in life is free.
austin88998833's Avatar
Mr. Private if you want info about the ladies on here. Your best bet is get on You can find out how to reach them there. Twitter is a handy tool also. This is basically a gossip forum now. Find someone you like and write an encounter report will give you 6 weeks of premium. Hopefully this will help you out and good luck. Originally Posted by Baconman
Um, ahem Baconman. I believe his name is Dr. Private. Maybe you should address him as such?
Exchequer's Avatar
Um, ahem Baconman. I believe his name is Dr. Private. Maybe you should address him as such? Originally Posted by austin88998833
Now Now, keep it civil!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Well I am one of the lovely ladies !
You kinda just gotta look on the coed discussion!
Exchequer's Avatar
Now Now, keep it civil!
Originally Posted by Exchequer

Epic Fail! Not an Assman but a....