U.S. Officials Warn What Communist China Is Preparing To Do, Ramifications For U.S.: We’re ‘Too Late’

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U.S. Officials Warn What Communist China Is Preparing To Do, Ramifications For U.S.: We’re ‘Too Late’

By Ryan Saavedra • Jul 11, 2021 DailyWire.com •

Top U.S. officials have continued to sound the alarm in recent days about what communist China is preparing to do globally and what the ramifications from the U.S. will be, warning that war is essentially inevitable.

Rear Adm. Mike Studeman, the top intelligence officer, or J-2, for the East Asian command, said this last week that they are warning that “it’s danger on all fronts” in regards to Chinese military aggression and that it’s not just Taiwan that U.S. officials are concerned about.

“This idea that it’s only a Taiwan scenario vs. many other areas where the Chinese are being highly assertive, coercive, is a failure in understanding complexity, because it’s not that simple,” he said, adding that the scenario may not even be the most likely as China is currently pressuring “lots of its neighbors.”

In regards to China launching a military invasion of Taiwan, Studeman said, “To us, it’s only a matter of time, not a matter of ‘if,’ because if you understand the problem set, you understand that Taiwan will unlikely fold based on economic, and informational and diplomatic influence alone.”

Studeman said that U.S. officials are describing the current warpath with China the same way that Gen. Douglas McArthur described the lead up to World War II.

“’Too late,’” Studeman said. “Too late in comprehending the deadly purpose of a potential enemy. Too late in realizing the mortal danger. Too late in preparedness. Too late in uniting all possible forces for resistance.”

Studeman said that China plans to surpass the U.S. to become the world’s top super power, adding that “Machiavellian” Chinese dictator Xi Jinping has led China’s rise “through lying, cheating and stealing.”

He added that China wants to have “effective control” over entire populations and that what China is doing in Hong Kong right now is a foreshadowing of what Chinese effective control will look like in other places.”

The remarks come as Xi said in a recent speech commemorating the Chinese Communist Party, one of the most murderous political parties in human history, that China is working to “accelerate their modernization programs to develop capabilities to seize Taiwan.”

Ambassador Robert Wood, the U.S. envoy to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, said this last week that China is looking at developing advanced nuclear weapons systems that the U.S. does not have. Examples of the “exotic nukes” that China is looking at include “nuclear-powered underwater drones and nuclear-powered cruise missiles.”

“This is something they are looking at,” Wood said. “If they were to develop … these kinds of weapons and aerial systems, this has the potential to change the strategic stability environment in a dynamic way.”

Recent satellite images have also shown that China is building hundreds of what experts believe are nuclear missile silos designed to fire intercontinental ballistic missiles from hard-to-reach areas deep inside China.

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HedonistForever's Avatar
But by God, we will be more "diverse" than the Chinese!!!!!!
Wasn't America developing "pulse weapons" from space satellites, that would be able to neutralize bunkerized, hard-to-reach places?
  • oeb11
  • 07-12-2021, 07:03 PM
the fascist DPST's in office would rather recite the pledge of allegiance than respond with force to Chinese aggression

They do love their chairman Xi and his Xinn.
China ain't gonna do a fucking thing, they rely on Americans to buy the products they make.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
China ain't gonna do a fucking thing, they rely on Americans to buy the products they make. Originally Posted by royamcr
oh really? why are they salami slicing other countries land along their border?

China had a nerve to build a town inside Bhutan's territory.

this prompted India to send 50,000 soldiers to the Doktun region where the borders of china, india and Bhutan intersect.

India/China had a weird stone age battle with bats and shield at the doktun border.
China ain't gonna do a fucking thing, they rely on Americans to buy the products they make. Originally Posted by royamcr
They are now allowing the renminbi to rise in value proportionate to the US Dollar (it was kept low, so the USD could buy more goods from China versus other countries, and US Companies would relocate their manufacturing to China). That is also being accelerated by the US printing money at record rates (devaluing the currency further in relation to the renminbi). The CCP master plan has always been to build a Chinese "middle class" in their own image, to buy their own domestic goods, with a currency that is worth something. It may take a while, but the influence the US has on China, based off of trade, is waning.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Doesn't the USA is fund everything China does so wtf would we go to war for?
It's OK. LeBronBron got his money. For now.
rexdutchman's Avatar
China already controls us , just think what isn't made in china today
HedonistForever's Avatar
China ain't gonna do a fucking thing, they rely on Americans to buy the products they make. Originally Posted by royamcr

I've got to hand it to you, consistently wrong on every single topic. Congrats.


US Needs China More Than China Needs the US

Yes, China is still an export-led economy, and the American consumer is its largest customer. But China’s export share of its gross domestic product has fallen from 37 percent in 2007 to slightly less than 20 percent today, an important outgrowth of a decade-long rebalancing. By drawing increased support from domestic demand, China is better able to withstand the pressure of tariffs and other actions that are aimed at its exporters.

Not so with the United States. The U.S. depends heavily on China for providing the low-cost goods that enable income-constrained American consumers to make ends meet. The U.S. also depends on China to support its own exports; next to Mexico and Canada, China is America’s third largest and by far its most rapidly growing major export market.
And, of course, the U.S. depends on China to provide funding for its budget deficits. It is the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury securities – some $1.3 trillion in direct ownership and at least another $250 billion of quasi-government paper. A lack of Chinese buying could turn the next Treasury auction into a rout.

America depends on China because of a fundamental weakness in the structure of the U.S. economy -- a profound and worrisome lack of domestic saving. In the fourth quarter of 2017, the net domestic saving rate (depreciation-adjusted saving of households, businesses and the government sector, combined) was just 1.3% of national income.
Lacking in savings at home, and wanting to consume and grow, the U.S. must import surplus foreign saving from abroad – and run massive balance-of-payments and trade deficits to import this capital. In 2017, the United States had merchandise trade deficits with 102 nations!


Why Is The U.S. So Ridiculously Dependent On China?

For anyone paying close attention, the pandemic didn’t teach a lesson in basic hygiene. It taught governors like Andrew Cuomo from New York, to small business manufacturers of coffee mugs, that everything you need now comes from China.

Take pharmaceuticals for example. Over 70% of active pharmaceutical ingredients used in the U.S. market are produced overseas. Almost all of the ibuprofen sold here comes from China.
It’s not just chemical compounds people don’t see, or read about every day in the business press. It’s major industries like telecom equipment that is made in China. They’ve become the biggest players.

The leading supplier of 5G equipment — and largest owner of patents — is Huawei, not Cisco Systems CSCO +0.2%. Huawei is the poster child of a China that has graduated from Happy Meal toy makers to Polo stitch-and-sew factory worker to the guys who created the TikTok app.

“Across multiple industries, the U.S. has lost its industrial commons, the collective R&D, engineering, and manufacturing capabilities that sustain innovation in physical products,” they wrote. “Outsourcing production over multiple decades has left the country without the means or ability to innovate, let alone produce, the next generation of high-technology products. The country has lost suppliers, skilled trades, and the product and process design and engineering knowledge that can only be built and renewed through hands-on production.”

A recent study found that the United States is now dependent on foreign suppliers and producers for not only cheap components and consumer goods like sneakers and plug-in headphones, but also high-end electronics, major pharmaceutical inputs and medical equipment, and also defense supplies and technology. The latter does not single out China.

U.S. defense contractors like Raytheon RTN 0.0% and Lockheed Martin LMT -0.2% have manufacturing in strong ally states like India, which makes the wings for the C-100 Hercules, and numerous weaponry electronics are made in Mexico. Those factories are now closed, so the U.S., if it needed C-100s, would have to rely on the Tata Group to get its factory workers back to work in the middle of a pandemic.

Dan DiMicco, former chairman of steelmaker Nucor NUE -1.9%, and author of the book “American Made: Why Making Things Will Return The U.S. To Greatness”, says China has taken a cue from 1980s Japan. Back then, Japan was the bad guy. Their currency was artificially cheap. The U.S. couldn’t compete. A currency deal with the U.S. — the Plaza Accord — changed that. Then came China, full bore.

China’s plans for future technological development in its Greater Bay Area — their version of Silicon Valley — will one day attract American tech talent and venture capital. They will move out of Palo Alto, and go there if the pastures are greener. The Chinese, Indian and Russian tech talent that comes to the U.S. may very well find the tropical south of China just as appealing, just as global, if China decided it was strategic to let them in.

China’s Made in China 2025 plan, which includes plans to expand in areas such as blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, semiconductor and chip making technology, along with biotech, should have the same effect on the U.S. government as Russia sending a man into space, Kota and Mahoney write.

“A similar national effort, encompassing both the public and private sectors, is needed,” the University of Indiana report authors wrote.
The alternative is a continued erosion of innovative capacity, gaping inequality, and the very real chance that a dependence on China turns into a dependence on government to make ends meet.

Following yesterday’s new unemployment numbers, at least 30 million Americans today are totally dependent on a government check to keep the lights on.
Like Dalio has warned here below in his LinkedIn post dated April 5, that’s bad for capitalism, and even worse for society.

A military leader said yesterday that we have only this decade to stop China and if we can't, we are done as the world power economically and militarily.

I don't see us turning this around, I just don't.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just heard about this report titled "Report on Fighting Culture of the U.S. Navy Surface Fleet". Most of you won't bother to read it but I did having spent 4 years of my life on a Warship in the U.S. Navy. Since most of you won't read it, here is a brief synopsis of what it is about.


The results of this project are unambiguous. There was a broad consensus across interviewees on numerous cultural and structural issues that impact the morale and readiness of the Navy’s surface force. These include: an insufficient focus on warfighting skills, the perception of a zerodefect mentality accompanied by a culture of micromanagement, and over-sensitivity and responsiveness to modern media culture. Structural issues identified include lack of resources and consistency in surface warfare training programs, and the Navy’s underwhelming commitment to surface ship maintenance—a problem that spans decades.

Insufficient leadership focus on warfighting. Perhaps the most concerning comment and consistent observation amongst interviewees was that the service does not promote or advance surface ship warfighting in a meaningful way. Finding and sinking enemy fleets should be the principal purpose of a Navy. But many sailors found their leadership distracted, captive to bureaucratic excess, and rewarded for the successful execution of administrative functions rather than their skills as a warfighter. There was considerable apprehension that the surface warfare community in particular lost its fighting edge in the years following the end of the Cold War. With China building and operating a competitive fleet, the lack of proper attention on warfighting was of deep concern to many interviewees.

Corrosive over-responsiveness to media culture. Sailors believe that Navy leaders are excessively reactive to an unyielding U.S. news cycle, and are unable to distinguish between stories that demand a response and stories that do not. A pervasive sentiment is that Navy leaders have subverted the responsibilities of the chain of command to the pages of Military.com or the Military Times, and make punitive decisions based on negative news reports rather than the service’s own standards of discipline.

This is a summary from Tom Cotton who convened this report.


“The findings of this report are very concerning. Our sailors are too often deprived of the training and leadership they need to fight and win at sea. A Navy that puts lethality, warfighting, and operational excellence at the heart of its culture is absolutely essential to our national security.America counts on the Navy to keep us safe and keep our seas open. I appreciate the hard work of the distinguished veterans who wrote this report. I intend to work with them, Navy leaders, and my colleagues in Congress to implement the report’s recommendations,” said Cotton.

“This report doesn’t mince words. At a time when the Navy’s readiness is more critical than ever before, this report depicts a Navy leadership that’s distracted from the number one threat to American national security: The Chinese Communist Party. As China’s Navy exceeds ours in size, the U.S. Navy must be ready to face any threat. I look forward to implementing the recommendations of the report and refocusing our Navy on threats from China,” said Banks.

As you can see, the focus is on China because China is becoming more of a threat year to year. We are already at a point where our military leaders doubt that we could win a war with China and that doubt will increase if we don't do something about showing our willingness to deter China.
This report is not about laying the blame on the Biden administration. All this started long before Biden or Trump for that matter but it is being accelerated under Biden for sure.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
cotton report is interesting.

so, navy has a leadership problem with regards to zero tolerance for errors and mistakes.

a number of decorated WWII admirals would have not made it thru today's navy because of its intolerance for errors/mistakes.

It looks like the Admirals, in the name of administrative efficiency, chased out risk takers out of the Navy.

30% of WWII Pacific submarine commanders were relived for cause. They wouldn't take risks.

A large number of officers and sailors interviewed expressed the sentiment that the Navy does not place value in appropriate risk-taking, does not train leaders in appropriate levels of risk, and does not reward leaders who take appropriate risk. The preponderance of focus is placed on meeting administrative requirements.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
officers gave sailers 23 CD manuals to train themselves with in between breaks????

are they fucking serious? this is so stupid. the brass really went over board on this efficiency track.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
thats a very good report. sad to say that Navy has institutional problems. will they be corrected in time????