Serious Christmas wishes

Without getting too weepy (because after all this IS a board about sweaty, hip-grinding orgasms!) what one serious Christmas wish might you have for others this year?

I wish there was a universal trust fund set up that automatically gave single-parent households below poverty level $500 grants for Christmas. I hate seeing poor, working single parents struggle at Christmas. Hate it.

burkalini's Avatar
Without getting too weepy (because after all this IS a board about sweaty, hip-grinding orgasms!) what one serious Christmas wish might you have for others this year?

I wish there was a universal trust fund set up that automatically gave single-parent households below poverty level $500 grants for Christmas. I hate seeing poor, working single parents struggle at Christmas. Hate it.

You? Originally Posted by JustCause
I agree as long as they are working and trying and not living on the government
atlcomedy's Avatar
I wish there was a way we could make the holidays less materialistic and "keeping up with the Joneses" gift-wise

On the lower income end it is horrible to see parents overcompensate for other paternal shortcomings by overdoing Christmas gifts for their kids with money they don't have (credit)

On the middle class plus end the billions spent on crap the recipient doesn't want or need is mindboggling. My extended family a decade or so ago did away with adult (as in grownups not XXX, not that we give each other those either) gifts. So much less hassle and angst not to mention somewhat wasted money.
pyramider's Avatar
Is a hobby prayer needed?
Cpalmson's Avatar
My serious Christmas wish would be for this country to collectively get its head out of its ass.

1) Let's stop making everything a political battle of brinksmanship

2) Let's stop wasting our time on silly social issues like gay marriage, legalization/illegalization of certain activities, etc. Let's adopt a more libertarian thought process. If nobody is harmed, why bother making it a crime.

3a) Liberals stop pandering to the poor with bribes
3b) Conservatives stop looking out for EVERY business interest
3c) both parties find a away to make the tax system truly fair for those who earn under $100K

4) Get over what the CIA did or did not do. Who really cares if we tortured some rag-head piece of shit? If we saved one innocent American life via torture, it was well worth it. Besides, deep down inside, you wanted our government to do this b/c it was necessary. Yes, the ends ALWAYS justify the means.

5) Gut Obamacare to the core and start from scratch.
Dear Santa, In all seriousness, I have been a very good girl this year. Really, I have been. And I agree with everything the posters that posted in this thread stated before me. BUT , I have one more wish to add.... and that is.... if you are going to bring me a rabbit vibrator like you did last xmas,could you please scale it down so the clit thingy is in the right place. You see the one brought me last year does not fit petite people . And its not like I am ungrateful, or anything like that. But when the little thingy that is meant to stimulate our clits reaches our belly buttons.... well its frustrating. And playing with oneself should never be frustrating.
Thank you ,Santa. And if you have the time when you are in Littleton xmas night I have something for you that is way better then milk and cookies. JEZ
VictoriaBertelli's Avatar
My Christmas wish every year is the same, win the lottery