calling all redheads

So i just visited the whole foods store again. As i was standing in line, a gentleman approached me and said and I quote, Excuse me Red, but are these your keys that were left at the salad bar." I was a little offended. Has this ever happened to anyone else and did it bother you, or is it a Memphis thing?

Curious what you told the guy GFE Juliette?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
So i just visited the whole foods store again. As i was standing in line, a gentleman approached me and said and I quote, Excuse me Red, but are these your keys that were left at the salad bar." I was a little offended. Has this ever happened to anyone else and did it bother you, or is it a Memphis thing?

Juliette Originally Posted by Gfe Juliette
I suspect it's a "Hey, maybe I can bang this sexy chick if I use a not-so-obvious pickup line" thing, myself. But honestly, the only redheaded woman who I've ever seen referred to as "Red" is the chick from the Wendy's TV commercials.


Jami-Lynn's Avatar
That was my nickname in high school! lol Doesnt really bother me though (however, ive not been called that in a long time) w bcg.....cheesy attempt of making convo w a hot lady!! You could have said "call me that again and youll see my hair get a lil redder" Us red heads can be a lil feisty!! ha!
Honestly I was so shocked that I didn't know how to respond. I simply smiled at him and asked why he called me that and he replied " cause you have red hair of course". Now, if he was a friend or an acquaintance that was calling me that, I may not have gotten so offended. However; he was a perfect stranger. Maybe he was trying to pick me up. Who knows about you men sometimes.
He is a guy after all. Who wouldn't try to pick up (you)a beautiful redhead? They are AWESOME!!!
plainjoe's Avatar
Was it your set of keys that he returned?
If it was an older gentlemen, he was probably trying to be "friendly." Gig is right, who would not be trying to pick up a HOT redhead...
You guys are great. Thanks for the compliment. To answer your question Joe, the keys were not mine.

BangOver's Avatar
Of course they weren't.
They were his!

plainjoe's Avatar
Bang, Juliette,
Of course the keys were his...what better way to start a conversation (or make a lady think that I'm a chivarous guy)...Okay, I got it, its not a good technique to use to pick up (or at least initiate conversation) with a sexy red headed woman at the grocery store...I guess I'm going to have to come up with another line (or two).
KaylaRyder's Avatar
I have called red many times.. I think it sounds so unattractive : (..
being a red head is not fun sometimes, but most of the time its great!!!!
Ps... I so wanna go to Nashville this summer.. I have never been and its so this country girls dream!!!