It had to happen, why Hitler?

john_galt's Avatar
In so many discussions there comes a time when someone is compared to a villian. I'm talking about Adolf Hitler. So why Hitler? Why do so many complain or are offended by the comparison?

Usually the discussion is centered on politics where we have predominantly the right, the left, and the center. The left would like to have you believe that Hitler was a right winger. He was not. Hitler was a socialist and a nationalist. Hitler was sent to investigate the National Socialists and found them more to his philosophy. Hitler believed, as did Lenin, in redistribution and government control but he parted ways when it came to being an internationalist. Hitler was German (he was actually born in Austria but believed that the two were the same) and didn't give a hang about the rest of the world.

I think the most important thing to remember is that Hitler was elected to office and up to a certain point he did it all legally with the acquiesence of the German people. Mussolini also did it legally but was appointed and not elected. All the rest; Stalin, Franco, Tojo, Vichy, Castro, Quisling, Pol Pot, etc. took office by force. So when we mention Hitler is more about tactics than objectives. Hitler was all about Germany but his tactics were universal to all tyrannies.

Read Shirer and you can recognize the students at Columbia University rushing the stage to shut down discussion of the Jim Gilchrist (of the Minuteman Project) were nearly identitical to the Brownshirts attacking the communists of Berlin in the 1920s.
Read some of words of Hitler and you would almost swear that they came from the mouths of well liked Americans like Kennedy, Clinton (both), and Obama. Saul Alinsky (whom the aforementioned learned their craft) put down what Hitler perfected on paper for American students in the 60s. Pin your enemy down with lies if necessary and ruin their reputations. Encourage the masses to ridicule your enemy. Win by any means necessary and rewrite the history to make you to be the hero. If your friends become an impediment dispatch them quickly and rehabilitate them later if need be.

I have to cut this short. I'm going to Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly at the AMC 30.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Are you honestly trying to make a case for Hitler?

Hitler was the archetypical evil genius who left his country in smoking ruins.

The atrocities he committed are beyond belief, but even today there are disenfranchised groups, like the skin heads, who worship him which baffles me to no end.

Hitler was one of the worst criminals in history and I cannot understand how anyone in his right mind could or would defend him.

john_galt's Avatar
I knew this would happen, (disgust) Some idiot would think that I am defending Hitler. Read a book! Historians don't get anywhere hurling invectives and insults. They talk about their subject a even reasoned way no matter how hateful.

YOU Fast Gunn, owe me an apology.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
In so many discussions there comes a time when someone is compared to a villian. I'm talking about Adolf Hitler. So why Hitler? Originally Posted by john_galt
Lots of sarcasm following. Figured I better spell that out.

Because...little known fact...Hitler was known to be a very, very bad person. He tried to conquer the world. Surprised you didn't hear about that. Remember something about him and 6 million Jews, but maybe that was how many Jewish friends he had on Facebook. Who should be used? I know Stalin killed a lot so would that be ok? How about all killed in the name of God? Should we say God then or the popes?

I have to cut this short. I'm going to Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly at the AMC 30. Originally Posted by john_galt
If they by chance offer refreshments there, do us a huge favor and don't drink the Kool-Aid.

Fast Gunn, I don't think that John Galt is sticking up for Hitler. This came about because of the abortion thread going on in the Sandbox. He's pro-life and said we may be aborting the person that cures cancer. I'm pro-choice and said by that logic we may be aborting the next Hitler. I didn't refer to anyone as Hitler by the way, but JG is insinuating that the likes of Kennedy, the Clintons, and Obama have more in common with Hitler than the GOP.

He mentions the shouting down of the Minutemen Leader at Brown as Hitleresque, but he must have forgotten about the orchestrated outbursts at town hall meetings about health care where the same thing happened. But, it's fine when the Tea Party does it because they are doing God's work. You know, how God is pro-life, but once the child is born and doesn't have health care or isn't an American, then "to hell with 'em." Conservatism in America. You gotta love it.
I am not sure how many people know this about Hitler, but he was a serious drug addict. He had drug induced delusions and hallucinations giving way to most, if not all, of his psychotic thinking/views. Not to mention his mental health condition I believe to be due to untreated syphilis. The devastation he caused to so many undeserving people still finds its way into many people's lives even today. Amazes me how a man like that was ever able to become so powerful considering he was nothing more than a lunatic junkie! Some interesting reading below if you like...
john_galt's Avatar
I'm kind of sorry that I brought it up but on the other hand the response illustrate my point exactly.
Look at the original post. See anything there that supports what Hitler did? Nope! That defensive reaction is fear and misunderstanding. You have been trained to repel from the name. That why it is such a strong weapon for the left in this country. No real understanding but a short cut way to make a strong insult. Try that same insult in Europe and it won't work. Ever wonder why?
There is no excuse for what Hitler did or attempted to do (world domination and extermination of the Jewish people if I have to point it out). It is quaint (though inaccurate) to claim that Hitler suffered from syphilis or drug abuse. Hitler could not have become the Chancellor of Germany if he had all these problems in 1932. Hitler, like Elvis Presley (yes, try to say that Hitler is like Elvis) was prescribed drugs by a quack for lack of a better term. When it comes right down to it, Hitler thought he had the answers and was willing to do whatever it would take to make it happen. Along the way he mentally broke down (good thing for the Allies) and became paranoid, obsessive, and a manic depressive. That along with drugs destroyed his ability to make sane decisions. As far as his decisions he thought he was quite sane when he talked about a master race, lebenstraum in the east, and the killing of millions (Jews, communists, gypsies, the chronically ill, the handicapped, and the mentally ill). Hitler was not alone with this idea. The progressive movement supported the use eugenics in the United States. We never got to the point of killing people but 80,000 Americans were sterilized by court order from California to Virginia. One of the architects of these purity laws was tried at Nuremburg for helping Hitler and Goebbels craft their "Final Solution" to the Jewish problem. There were others in the United States who planned a 15 year program to sterilize 15 million Americans based on the IQ scores from the soldiers of World War I. This eugenic movement was supported by such famous liberals as Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, George Bernard Shaw, and Joseph P. Kennedy. To clarify; Hitler's view on race were not that radical in the 1920s and were shared by many influencial people.
Look up the following terms; Cold Harbor, eugenics, Virginia's racial purity law 1921, Margaret Sangers "Negro" project 1906 and then get back to me.
I have been to a tea party (three actually) and I haven't see what you describe. You do sound like a misinformed person from my political communications class. I'll bring up your concerns at my Jewish culture class on Tuesday. Surprised arselochen!
You can also take you concerns with a god and put them somewhere else. At most you can say I'm a Diest and at worst an Agnostic. I don't bring up religion except philosophically. So don't YOU bring up religion again. Did you catch the part where I mentioned Jewish culture class? How wrong can you guys be?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Do I see any support for Hitler in the article?

Well, yes, john_galt, it just so happens I saw something in the article that supports Hitler, but you've concealed it so well, that most people miss it.

The illusion works by a slow osmosis process.

The support for Hitler is hidden there in daring to speak Hitler's name together with President John F. Kennedy, is an underhanded ploy to get some of the glory that John has and pass it to Hitler and Woila! you've legitimized the bastard!
john_galt's Avatar
The word is Voila and I was talking about Ted and Joseph Kennedy. I never mentioned John F. you did. Ooops! I guess you've revealed your secret. Still I am certain that you have never read William Shirer and another good one is called "The Hitler Myth" by Ian Kershaw. Kershaw is considered by many to be the foremost experts on Hitler and the Nazi party of the 1930s. Maybe you should try reading. Oh, don't worry neither of them (or I) praise Hitler but we do look him objectively. You should try it sometime.

FYI it is John Galt. There is no underscore... Oops again.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I'm kind of sorry that I brought it up but on the other hand the response illustrate my point exactly.
Look at the original post. See anything there that supports what Hitler did? Nope! That defensive reaction is fear and misunderstanding. You have been trained to repel from the name. That why it is such a strong weapon for the left in this country. No real understanding but a short cut way to make a strong insult. Try that same insult in Europe and it won't work. Ever wonder why? Originally Posted by john_galt
I believe I said you were NOT sticking up for Hitler. How do you know the insult won't work in Europe? No offense, but you originally judged European health care by how it looked from a US Naval vessel. You may not be the most reliable source. How do I know the comparison doesn't carry the same weight there as here?

There were others in the United States who planned a 15 year program to sterilize 15 million Americans based on the IQ scores from the soldiers of World War I. This eugenic movement was supported by such famous liberals as Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, George Bernard Shaw, and Joseph P. Kennedy. To clarify; Hitler's view on race were not that radical in the 1920s and were shared by many influencial people. Originally Posted by john_galt
Was it just liberals that supported this or is it just out of convenience that you just mention liberals?

I have been to a tea party (three actually) and I haven't see what you describe. Originally Posted by john_galt
How odd that you wouldn't notice that.

You do sound like a misinformed person from my political communications class. Originally Posted by john_galt
Thanks. Next time you meet, tell them your theory of how you can determine the effectiveness of a society's health care system from hanging out off the coast.

You can also take you concerns with a god and put them somewhere else. At most you can say I'm a Diest and at worst an Agnostic. I don't bring up religion except philosophically. So don't YOU bring up religion again. Did you catch the part where I mentioned Jewish culture class? Originally Posted by john_galt
Thanks again. This time for telling me what topics I can bring up. Also, why is the Jewish culture class relevant? Do you think I think you're anti-Semitic because of your original question? It never crossed my mind. If I did think this way, well then the fact that you have a Jewish culture class would definitely disprove that fact. You know, kind of how some people that don't realize they are racists say they have a lot of black friends as a way to prove they aren't racist.

Also, please try to refrain to referring to posters, Fast Gunn in this situation, as an idiot, and then try to demand an apology from him.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
The word is Voila and I was talking about Ted and Joseph Kennedy. I never mentioned John F. you did. Ooops! I guess you've revealed your secret. Originally Posted by john_galt
I thought you were referring to JFK as well since you mentioned. There was never any distinction made. It does read as if you are referring to JFK since the name is included with other names that have occupied the White House.

Read some of words of Hitler and you would almost swear that they came from the mouths of well liked Americans like Kennedy, Clinton (both), and Obama. Originally Posted by john_galt
john_galt's Avatar
This is starting to become boring. For the record I spent a year on the ground in Europe while in the navy not hanging off the coast.
I do not, nor have I ever approved of Hitler but in my studies of European history you have to appreciate what any of the great dictators accomplished whether you think they were evil or not. Think of this as a conservative I think Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were all evil. Many liberals think only Hitler was evil. Dispute that and I will show you pictures of Mao handbags being worn by celebutards.
I have been trained and continue to train as a writer and researcher when means I write what I mean not what you infer. If it is not there then I failed to mention it or did not intend to mention it. If you add things to my writing then that is on you.
As for my race or ethnic qualities; I never heard a harsh word against anyone in my parents house based on race, gender, or creed. My mother raised us on The Four Tops and Hank Williams. She voted for Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. I myself have dated black women, asian women, hispanic women, and there was even one half arab woman that I was quite infatuated with for a few months. I have studied Russian, German, Korean and Portuguese when I was younger and wish that I had retained more than I do. I have hours of video from the tea parties and once again, I didn't see the same stuff that you describe. However, I can see Cleaver lying outright to us and acting condescending to his constituents.
JFK was a conservative and was never a progressive. I respect what he and Bobby stood for even if they had flaws. I vote for the best man or woman and did vote for Lieberman and Hillary. I also voted for Anderson (80) and Reagan. I voted for Danner (d) and Graves. I campaigned for Pouche (Platte City) and signed petitions for Fowler (Jacksonville FL).

I think I have explained myself thoroughly at this point. Gunn still owes me an apology for reading something that I didn't write.

You know I went through this same stuff in High School. Frightening how little some people progress past your high school mentality. Grow up...
Longermonger's Avatar

Bow down to your Tea Party leader.

(BTW, good job KCBP!)
kcbigpapa's Avatar

"From up here I can tell that the US health care system is great and nobody else likes theirs." Wisdom from John "Mr. A couple of things; universal healthcare works in other countries... Not the ones that I visited (most of Europe, Canada, the Middle East, and the Carribbean). Okay I did not directly experience European healthcare." Galt. Sometimes it is hard to hold back when others post such obvious BS. To put it in hobbying terms. If I posted a review of a provider I never actually visited and my fellow hobbyists found out, they would be rightfully pissed, and my credibility would be gone. Now I'm done.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
(BTW, good job KCBP!) Originally Posted by Longermonger
LM, I appreciate your words, but my main point, and my frustration with JG is that we've had great debates in the Sandbox without name calling until he called someone an idiot. Instead of clarifying his post, he calls someone an idiot and demands an apology, but I'm the one that never progressed past high school mentality and needs to grow up.
Longermonger's Avatar
Everybody needs to take a breath and calm down before I get blamed for something and banned.