Hello all my great friends I've met and Happy Halloween!

Callie Valleywood's Avatar
I hope everyone gals n guys have a great weekend of Halloween fun! Had to be first! Beat you BCG! HEHE Everyone have a safe and naughty night! Thanks, Callie.
DallasRain's Avatar
Happy Halloween ladies! And gents too (I guess)lol. Everyone be safe tonight!
Swinglife's Avatar
Thank you all, and Happy Halloween to you as well!
DallasRain's Avatar
Ladies---costume pics plzz...Callie??

iheartstilettos's Avatar
Happy Halloween! Thanks for the post, hope everyone has fun and stays safe.
Callie Valleywood's Avatar
I have a few costume's but guess its just slow... So I'm sad to share... I might be dressing up for myself :-( hehe Dallas, iheart n all! Stay safe and no nun outfits BC I'm definitely no Angel..but. My halo is just held up with my naughty devil horns! Lol I have been in Vegas a couple days and glad to hear from you guys! Glad to know everyone is in the holiday spirit:-)
DallasRain's Avatar
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Beat you BCG! Originally Posted by Callie Valleywood
Beat me? You think you're going to entice me to visit with you if you intend to physically assault me when I get there?

Oh, you meant you got a holiday post up before I did.

Sorry, but I don't generally put up holiday posts. And I'm not in the mood to do so during this part of the year, until and unless we as a society start to recognize Halloween and Thanksgiving as their own holidays again, and stop this depressing trend of interpreting Halloween as "Christmas pregame" and Thanksgiving as "Christmas halftime". There's enough damn Christmas for one year if you celebrate it from Thanksgiving to New Year's.

Hell, for the original Christians it was enough to celebrate it for 12 days (from Christmas through the feast of the Epiphany (January 6)).*

Further this old geezer sayeth not.



*By the way, here's a historical tidbit from bcg: those "Twelve Days of Christmas" we sing about every year? They're the 12 days from December 25 to January 6. Also Shakespeare's play, "Twelfth Night"? Another reference to classical Christmastide (12/25-1/6). You're welcome.