last thought the information first....please...

Most of the greats had a couple of good centuries and the became less important and/or ceased.

Why did this great civilization fall? The history of humankind has been marked by patterns of growth and decline. Some declines have been gradual, occurring over centuries. Others have been rapid, occurring over the course of a few years. War, drought, natural disaster, disease, overpopulation, economic disruption: any of these or a combination of these events can bring about the collapse of a civilization. Internal causes (such as political struggles or overfarming) can combine with external causes (such as war or natural disaster) to bring about a collapse. What does this mean for modern civilizations? What can we learn from the past?

We have looked at a number of knotty issues in this country recently in the sandbox. So my question. Can this country do more than just survive? Just exist? Can it deal with a myriad of issues and become strong again? Lumber along as it is? Or continue to decline, loosing power and prestige?

This is not a thread to blame the "other party" for the failures!


Can we make it back or is doom and gloom a selfevident conclusion?
kcbigpapa's Avatar
We'll be back. No doubt. But we are no longer the world's lone superpower as we were when the Soviet Union collapsed. China is breathing down our
We'll be back - hopefully after 2012. Unless the Mayan calendar is right.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
We'll be back - hopefully after 2012. Unless the Mayan calendar is right. Originally Posted by fritz3552
So, for political reasons, you want the US to fail for the next 3 years? I did not think George W. Bush did a very good job, but not once did I hope we failed as a country for political purposes. That costs too many Americans their jobs, homes, health, etc. I didn't wish for us to lose in either Iraq or Afghanistan in order for President Bush to look bad and for the Dems to be elected in 2008. That costs too many young Americans their lives. I guess we are just different.
Gryphon's Avatar
We've weathered times that were just as bad if not worse. Those who remember the '70's will recall the near-collapse of our system of government over Watergate, the hangover of the Vietnam war, an aggressive and seemingly unstoppable Soviet Union, the Arab oil embargo, high unemployment combined with double digit inflation, and the Iran hostage crisis. It may take a decade to work through our current problems, but to paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of our death as a nation have been greatly exaggerated.
  • dtguy
  • 02-02-2010, 09:46 PM
One thing that makes the USA different from past great 'civilizations' is that we encourage immigration -> citizenship. Because we are always accepting 'fresh blood/ideas/cultures' into the USA we change. Those co-workers of mine who are from outside the USA, I encourage them to become USA citizens because we always need risk taking pioneers.

Someone who is willing to move 1/2 around the world (leaving family, friends, and the familiar) is someone we need to keep ourselves vital.
Every one cares.....

It is a tough time, we will be lucky to just survive 2 10.00%
It is a tough time, we will never be as good as we were 3 15.00%
a tough time, we will probably never be the same.... 2 10.00%

7 of 20 - 35%

It is a tough time, and I'm not sure.... 2 10.00%

2 of 20 - 10%

It is a tough time, but we will be back soon.... 7 35.00%
IT is a little rough but we have seen worse and come back quick! 1 5.00%
It is just a bump in the road....we will be back strong shortly... 1 5.00%
We are still strong, no way the US is crashing out! 2 10.00%

11 of 20 - 55%

Voters: 20.

Wonder how is would go in other regions?