Missouri Proposal Would Cut Funds if Football Games are Blacked Out

Now this is what I call stupid (no offense meant towards the stupid):


The ignorance of how business works is the only thing I can think of that would cause someone (a Democrat - it figures) to attempt to enact legislation such as this. If the teams put a competitive product on the field or if the NFL schedules competitive or Sunday/Monday home games late in the season, blackouts would not be an issue.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Now this is what I call stupid (no offense meant towards the stupid):


The ignorance of how business works is the only thing I can think of that would cause someone (a Democrat - it figures) to attempt to enact legislation such as this. If the teams put a competitive product on the field or if the NFL schedules competitive or Sunday/Monday home games late in the season, blackouts would not be an issue. Originally Posted by fritz3552
I'm in favor of anything that blocks government funding for football teams. And remove the antitrust exemption for the NFL draft while you're at it.
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  • JT
  • 02-06-2010, 06:39 PM
It's our tax dollars that build, maintain and then remodel these stadiums every couple of years, and they don't pay shit for rent. Now because they're a bunch of losers we can't see what we paid for???

I could see the point of black outs years ago, when teams depended on ticket sales for revenue. The revenue these teams take in from ticket sales are nothing compared to corporate sponsors, TV contracts, merchandise they sell and so on. These teams still make money when the stadium is half full. Truth be know they would probably make money if it was empty.

I'm as far right as they come but I do agree with this bill. The thing that scares me is how much other bull shit will be written in there with it.

It's public money that built it, and TV stations should be able to broadcast it on public air ways.
It's our tax dollars that build, maintain and then remodel these stadiums every couple of years, and they don't pay shit for rent. Now because they're a bunch of losers we can't see what we paid for???

It's public money that built it, and TV stations should be able to broadcast it on public air ways. Originally Posted by JT
You can see what you paid for - if you buy a ticket to the game.

I would rather see the blackout rules modified so that a team has until 24 hours before the game to sell out (as opposed to the current rule of 72 hours). I would also like to see the rule amended to only stations in the team's home city (rather than the 75 mile radius currently in place).
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  • JT
  • 02-07-2010, 03:55 AM
Buy a ticket fot the game??? I think I did when my tax dollars are being spent on that place.

I would agree 100% if the Hunt family took the money out of their pockets to build and pay for it. If it's being broadcast on pubic airways the part of the public that paid for it should be able to see it.

I'm not for government funding on anyones business.... PERIOD!

Fritz we do agree on one thing.... One Big A$$ Mistake, America!!
Chiefs cap room last year:


The Hunt family could afford to buy alot of tickets, if they wanted to avoid the blackout. I think its embarassing....and I'm surprised they didn't.

I don't disagree with the philosophy of this bill. However, this should have been hashed out BEFORE the latest stadium renovation. The bill in its current form probably breeches a contract between the network and the NFL, which is wrong.