Super Bowl Commercials - Are Any Funny?

After the 1st half, the commericals being shown have been kinda weak on humor. IMHO - so far - the best ones (in order):

FloTV - "removed his spine"
Snickers - w/ Betty White and Abe Vigoda
Late Show - w/ Letterman, Oprah and Leno

even the "so-called" controversial commercial with Tim Tebow wasn't that controversial, and was even humorous, with Tebow's mom "tackled" during the commercial.

Any others?
Sensei's Avatar
I kinda laughed at the KISS commercial.
swarmyone's Avatar
I like the first two Doritos commercials. The dog with the shock collar and the little kid with the MILF mommy.
Adrielle's Avatar
I missed the first half of the game, but I liked the doritos commercial with the guys in the gym that was on in the 4th quarter I think.

All of the Denny's chicken commericals sort of creep me out though. They're so odd looking!
Omahan's Avatar
This was probably the worst year ever.
After the 2nd half, I would add the VW commercial with Stevie Wonder and Tracy Morgan and the Brett Favre retirement as MVP for the 2020 season (can't remember the advertiser). I did forget about the first Doritos commercial with the electric dog collar as part of the ads in the first half. Nothing else was even close. All the Bud Light ads were awful; the Denny's ads, while advertising a good promotion, were annoying. Running two ads consecutively where clothes/pants are off very unattractive people ( and Dockers) was bad timing. The Bud ad with the Clydesdale and the calf/bull was a rehash of the Bud ad from a couple years ago with the Clydesdale and the dalmatian.

The only official NFL sponsors that advertised during the game were Doritios and Papa John's. Pepsi (official soft drink), Coors Light (official beer), Samsung (official TV) and GMC (official truck) were nowhere to be found, leaving the door open for Coca-Cola (former official soft drink), Anheuser-Busch (former official beer), Visio and Hyundai, Honda and VW. I think the NFL needs to rethink their official sponsorships if they don't advertise during the biggest game of the year.

Freebies - for those who don't remember - were for Dockers giving away pairs of pants ( and Denny's giving away a Grand Slam breakfast from 6 AM to 2 PM on Tuesday, Feb. 9.

Overall, I agree with Omahan, it was the worst year ever.
The only commercial that stands out for me was the Doritio's with the little boy. That was cute and funny.
pun77's Avatar
  • pun77
  • 02-09-2010, 08:52 AM
Agreed, the little boy telling Mom's date to keep his hands off his mom and his Doritos was funny, cute, and the best of the Bowl. Very weak year, indeed.

Funniest commercial I have seen in a long time was, once each, during the AFC and NFC Championship games. The Wal Mart ad with the father dressed up as a clown at his little girls birthday party. He jumps from a landing a couple of steps high, and lands on a little metal unicorn (horn pointed up) with his foot. Thus impaling his foot. He stands there screaming in pain, and scares the hell out of the kids. I still LMAO everytime I think about it or watch it (I dvr'd it.) Haven't seen it since, either.