Sacrifice - Toys vs. Pussy

albundy's Avatar
Well today I decided to take the kids to a Laser Tag arena and also play games and shit. Only about a week until school, so it was a nice end of Summer thing. They also got to rack up tickets for some worthless trinkets, so they had a good time. (For the record, I won the first match, but then my kids whipped my ass once they teamed up.)

Anyway, after that we went to a store where there was all kinds of stuff that "they been looking for and NEED." Yeah, OK. Normally, I would probably say "Not today" or "save your money." But I did have some money earmarked for pussy available. ARGHHHH!!! Decisions, decisions.

I ended up getting them the things they "need." Of course now it'll be that much longer before I get to buy a "lady of the night." Guess I better stock up on hand gel for a little while.

Sigh.....The sacrifices I endure for my kids, man.
You made the right decision AL...When you get old you may need your kids to get YOU worthless trinkets and shit....Good call Albundy...
holmes50's Avatar
Damn Al threw me a curve ball and I was good in baseball. Swing and miss, you did right Al..........
DallasRain's Avatar
well done my sweets.....I spend alot/alot/alot of my money on my 6 year old grandman!

I tell him to remember Nana when he grows up and buy her a Harley! lol

gotta spoil them!!
Al shows his softer side, how sweet! Sending you a snog, Al!
albundy's Avatar
Thanks, my fellow hobbyists and anonymous friends. My daughter, at least, seems to have appreciated the gift.

Oh well, at least there's still Skinemax later tonight..
mrredcat43's Avatar
Al, you did good. I don't have kids and I don't think I would have made the right choice. Then again, I'm pretty selfish, with the exception of the bedroom
Bikerjoe337's Avatar
secret pussy is expensive and free pussy will follow me to my doorstep and piss the wife off. damn stupid small head. Haha.
Right choice Al. The kids are most important. Oh the pussy I have missed cause of the kids...

For the record I thought this was going to be a thread about playing with sex toys and pussy. I like them both a lot.