hot blonde bp

pickupkid's Avatar
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-01-2015, 10:25 PM
Not an ISO topic.

Moved to the proper forum.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
If you look closely you can tell this pictures were taken over in Europe. Unless your planning a trip over there,she won't be the blonde in these pictures.JS
RandB fan's Avatar
there are local ads with 110vt outlets
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
No doubt there are such ads,but that doesn't mean they are local ladies.

Was over there recently, those plugs are the type used in Europe and other parts of the world,to say nothing of the window covers and wallpaper.
flinde's Avatar
those ruskies make great wallpaper but can they keep their planes in the air?