
Sgt Hartman's Avatar
A well reviewed provider recently made an alert post about a p411 verified client who cancelled his appointment less than five minutes into the session. She said he wanted to cancel because he couldn’t get “it” to work and he didn’t think the session would be enjoyable for either of them.

In my opinion, the client should’ve paid a cancellation fee equivalent to 25% of the donation fee. However, the provider didn’t have a stated policy on cancellations, much less a stated cancellation fee at the time.

The provider reacted to him cancelling by posting his full phone number and p411 information. The alert basically “outed” the client and ruined his hobby career over a minor infraction.

The purpose of this thread isn’t to talk about the previously mentioned provider/client. But rather, to answer several questions that have arisen out of this previous alert. So don’t bring up the previously mentioned provider/client in your response.

1. Should a client be “outed” for legitimately cancelling an appointment the last minute if there was no stated cancellation policy?

2. A provider unexpectedly having her time of the month is a legitimate excuse for cancelling appointments the last minute. Is it a legitimate excuse to cancel an appointment without being “outed” if a client unexpectedly can’t get “it” to work?

3. If a client cancels the last minute and has to pay a cancellation fee because he unexpectedly can’t get “it” to work, shouldn’t a provider have to offer booked clients a future discount if she has to unexpectedly cancel the last minute due to her time of the month?

4. What level of misbehavior constitutes being “outed”?

5. Should a provider be able to “out” a client because he cancels his appointment the last minute?

6. What should be the unofficial “ECCIE” policy on cancellations?
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-08-2012, 04:00 PM
Me smells an agenda... *sniff sniff*

I don't agree with your use of the words "outed" or "outting".

Much better to use "compromised/destroyed his hobby reputation" or some derivative of.

Especially since the provider didn't out.

This isn't a last minute cancellation issue. This started because she questioned his motives and noted that his actions are the behavior of what some individuals(stalkers, deranged etc) do to gain information for nefarious reasons.

While I do not agree with that situation and how it was handled, there are valid points in her alert.

I do not think she should have posted his FULL ID on boards. An impostor could have used that for his own personal gains and agendas. She NEVER posted his full phone number.

OUTTING - as per most of our society here, over the last few years - is defined as -

The publishing of personally identifiable information in the real world. Meaning, REAL names, phone numbers, addresses, face pics, license plates... etc.

NOT handles, or IDs.

The posting of a full ID, while it does have MANY negatives is not outting. 1. Impostors 2. Gina will delete it and give the guy a new one if found innocent or she deems it compromised. 3. making alerts with just the ID useless since the number is no longer active.

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Most responsible ladies on the board will let you know when they are about to enter the "danger zone" of monthly cycles. It does not sneak up on women. We are taught in school to track it with a calendar, and with all the apps available lately, it is easier than ya think. (those are only usually off by a day or two)

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A guy not being able to get "it" up - well... there are a ton of ways to spend an hour. Sex is usually the easiest route. If a guy wants to spend his time trying, so be it, if he wants to leave, that is fine too. But IMO, if ANY services are rendered(or you stay a while) - pay up. If nothing is rendered (meaning you leave 5 minutes into your hour)... the customary $50 tip will usually quell any issues I have. Mature providers know when it is just a bad day.

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A last minute cancellation - are we talking an hour? a day? - or any point up until that door opens?<- see above.

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ECCIE has an official policy - and if you weren't so busy stirring - you might have time to go read it.

#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I also feel like this is an agenda like post but he/she/it asked some valid questions and im in bed with a pulled muscle so ill bite

If the provider unexpectedly has her time of the month and has to cancel maybe offering a discount for a future visit is a good idea. Im curious to see what the other responses are to that question.

I am pretty regular and I usually know when mine is arriving but when I was on a different birth control it changed my cycle and symptoms and I got surprised a couple of times with an unexpected cycle or just some spotting. It can and does happen. I would either offer a nice fbsm and bbbj or reschedule for another time. When we start our periods at unexpected times we aren't doing it maliciously or on purpose and trust me those 3 to 5 days mean no fun for us either!!

As far as the not getting it up thing goes I have to say again what I said in the first thread. If the reason the person can not preform is due to misrepresentation of the provider i. e old, photoshopped, or bait switch pics the client should not have to pay.

If the client was just not feeling it due to non attraction or nerves I think a tip or half of the donation is in order especially if the provider has accurate pics and is prepared to give a good session (clean and safe incall) and the provider is dolled up and ready for play. Also I missed the part about him saying him getting it up was the problem. In my opinion 5 mins is not enough time to give up on getting it up.

I know it has been said many times how much effort we put into getting ready... some more than others. Some pay for child care. Other spend lots of time on makeup and hair. Also some ladies like myself are low volume and only schedule one client per day and make their schedule ahead of time so they can properly screen ect.

It all boils down to the individual and the situation.

I do not feel an alert was in order in that particular situation, he didnt show himself to be a threat to safety. Maybe he wasted her time or maybe he felt she wasted his who knows apparently this guy is not an eccie member and maybe does not know this is even going on.

Hell I have been canceled on 10 or 20mins before a session and I have heard all kinds of excuses but I dont personally feel that is alert worthy unless it has happened more than once from the same client. I still would probably just post that he is a possible time waster in provider sections and keep it moving.

Also you just joined today could you be the man in question? just asking...
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
...Also you just joined today could you be the man in question? just asking... Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Interestingly, there were two people who joined within minutes of each other to make comments in that thread.

Sgt Hartman's Avatar
This started because she questioned his motives and noted that his actions are the behavior of what some individuals(stalkers, deranged etc) do to gain information for nefarious reasons.
I gave a simple order not to bring up the previously mentioned provider/client when answering my questions, but you did it anyway. Is it too much to ask for an OP to be able to be in charge of his own questions princess???

But you will learn how to respect other ECCIE members. I will teach you.
notdeadyet's Avatar
I gave a simple order not to bring up the previously mentioned provider/client when answering my questions, but you did it anyway. Is it too much to ask for an OP to be able to be in charge of his own questions princess???

But you will learn how to follow simple orders and respect other ECCIE members. I will teach you you. Originally Posted by Sgt Hartman
Yep, it's too much to ask. As you know, once a post is made or a thread began, you have no control over what happens.

Eccie members (male or female) following simple orders from a non-ordained-on-high mod? Well, you'd have better luck herding cats.
pyramider's Avatar
He was there, she was there. Its not the providers fault his equipment is non working. He owes the money, full amount. That is not a cancellation . . . that is abandoning ship . . . women and childeren be damned. Most of the ladies get ready for appointments. This entails getting to their incall, getting cleaned up, dressing up, getting in the right frame of mind, etc. All the ladies' set up takes time.

If the fucktard has been hobbying and cannot figure out the simple rules of the game then he should stick with downloading porn and buying sandpaper.
Blubba's Avatar
Interestingly, there were two people who joined within minutes of each other to make comments in that thread.

Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
Pure coincidence, my good man. We do need someone like Sgt Hartman around here to beat some discipline and good behavior into some of you. And who is this ~Ze~ self appointed Goddess, dispensing her infinite wisdom (and apparently puffy nipples) to the masses? We should address her as 'She who must be obeyed'...
I wish I had another handle...
He was there, she was there. Its not the providers fault his equipment is non working. He owes the money, full amount. That is not a cancellation . . . that is abandoning ship . . . women and childeren be damned. Most of the ladies get ready for appointments. This entails getting to their incall, getting cleaned up, dressing up, getting in the right frame of mind, etc. All the ladies' set up takes time.

If the fucktard has been hobbying and cannot figure out the simple rules of the game then he should stick with downloading porn and buying sandpaper. Originally Posted by pyramider
Thank you for understanding what we do have to go thru. The fact is... I may not be everyone's type. I'm a happy size 14 and my pics ARE accurate. I have 3 new reviews all showing that I am current on my pics. This guy showed up and didn't even allow me an opportunity to TRY to get him hard at all. He left. So, regardless of the HATERS that start other threads perhaps because I am so popular and so well liked, and he/she may not be tolerable or desired, I have 67 YES reviews. ALL YES. I'm proud of providing quality in quantity in every single session. I have many repeat clients. I have great outstanding BCD. The fact was, this guy for some reason showed up nervous already. I don't care. Pics are pics. Reviews are reviews. They all speak for themselves. I don't care about the NEWBIES on here talking shit and not knowing what the hell happens so far. We will teach you how to obey fucktards.

As far as the question about "who is ZE?" She's a well known experienced, respected provider. Who the fuck are you to wonder who she is? I spell troll blood.
Blubba's Avatar
It's called 'sarcasm' Canker Pain.. And, dumbdumb, this is my only handle. I use p411 to meet ladies not a track record here. Which is why I found what this silly beatch did really annoying (and no I am not that guy either).
Keep making the DNS list buddy. I'm well respected and very well liked. So, YOU are not helping your case at all. Good luck.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 02-08-2012, 07:56 PM
I think this is very interesting.

I read the other thread... So we are all on the same page!

I was going to post my own thread on this, but I'll ask here:

"It isn't working" vs "It's that time of the month."

I have had a "It's that time of the month" with a provider on a number of occasions. I have had it days before. That I appreciate. I have gotten the message in the parking lot 5 minutes after our appointment was to begin, and I have gotten the message only after having inserted, and feeling what I knew was not quite right, and pulling out to find a condom covered in blood. (Which she admitted she knew it was that time, just didn't think it would be an issue, as it was toward the end... (Insert face palm here.)) Each time the provider has been apologetic, but I have yet to have received even a $1 off for my trouble! Perhaps I should name names, but I think that will just cloud the issue.

If it is ok for the lady to cancel when she has a period, why is it not ok for the gent to cancel if he is not "feeling it"? The problem is that most of the ladies run this as a one way street. She needs her time and expenses covered, but when the problem arises, we need to "suck it up" and realize that these things happen!

Amber, I notice a lack of a "cancellation policy" on your P411 and here on your showcase. Since you don't have a cancellation policy, why should we assume that we need to pay when something is "not working"?
Sgt Hartman's Avatar
I think this is very interesting.

I read the other thread... So we are all on the same page!

I was going to post my own thread on this, but I'll ask here:

"It isn't working" vs "It's that time of the month."

I have had a "It's that time of the month" with a provider on a number of occasions. I have had it days before. That I appreciate. I have gotten the message in the parking lot 5 minutes after our appointment was to begin, and I have gotten the message only after having inserted, and feeling what I knew was not quite right, and pulling out to find a condom covered in blood. (Which she admitted she knew it was that time, just didn't think it would be an issue, as it was toward the end... (Insert face palm here.)) Each time the provider has been apologetic, but I have yet to have received even a $1 off for my trouble! Perhaps I should name names, but I think that will just cloud the issue.

If it is ok for the lady to cancel when she has a period, why is it not ok for the gent to cancel if he is not "feeling it"? The problem is that most of the ladies run this as a one way street. She needs her time and expenses covered, but when the problem arises, we need to "suck it up" and realize that these things happen!

Amber, I notice a lack of a "cancellation policy" on your P411 and here on your showcase. Since you don't have a cancellation policy, why should we assume that we need to pay when something is "not working"?
A good question and a DAMN good response. I like the way you think Sir!!!
pyramider's Avatar
He did not cancel, he arrived and left. There is a subtle difference.