Please Help!!!

Fellow hobbiers and ladies, I'm in need of some advice. Okay, I'm well into a "session" and provider/girlfriend requests DATY; I want it do it to BUT, things just aren't as "fresh" below as they should be. Are there any mental tricks or methods to help me ignore this and continue with the task knowing that it *probably* won't kill me? A gal once told me to hold my breath, but I can hold my breath for only so long!!

Do not ignore the funk!
This is why God gave us noses!
Do you hold your breath and drink spoiled milk? Hell no!
If anything is spoiled don't eat it.
Just pass
I'd fire up the ol laptop and play this.
If the kitty isn't fresh sweet and tasty PASS.
Johnny4455's Avatar
Possibly one of the strangest questions I've heard. Say you are at Ruths Criss and they serve you a rotten steak and a shitty bottle of wine for $150, do you hold your nose and eat it then pay them? Tip them maybe?
Oh nevermind....but damm Johnny you got me in the mood for a Ruth Criss steak...and not a rotten one, lol
Red Rock's Avatar
I'd fire up the ol laptop and play this. Originally Posted by royamcr

As Redd says," it is a 2 wat street!!|

Helicopter206's Avatar
The only thing that tastes good with yeast is;

Nasty Pussy is not on the list.
Also that smell stays on you cock for two days.
You will have to wash it in vinegar.
To kill the smell and the live yeast cells.
Are you for nasty pass pass
Fellow hobbiers and ladies, I'm in need of some advice. Okay, I'm well into a "session" and provider/girlfriend requests DATY; I want it do it to BUT, things just aren't as "fresh" below as they should be. Are there any mental tricks or methods to help me ignore this and continue with the task knowing that it *probably* won't kill me? A gal once told me to hold my breath, but I can hold my breath for only so long!! Originally Posted by equation
Ask her if she has any lemons to go with that fish! LOL
Smoking Monkey's Avatar
Use the finger test. Finger first and if there's bread baking or things swimming down there, keep your mouth away!
very true
Use the finger test. Finger first and if there's bread baking or things swimming down there, keep your mouth away! Originally Posted by Smoking Monkey
Alternately if things seem to be clean (IE no reddness bumps swelling or colored discharge) ask her if she wants to play in the shower. This should give the ability to rinse and play at the same time. If the smell and taste persists you may want to have her get a pap or culture. She may have developed cancer or a infection in the area (non std related) or have some sort of std you can't see.

Another method you can add onto the shower play is to feed her fruit a hour or more before play. Many times our juices will edge with the tastes of whatever we have been eating that day. Male and female both.