i needed a laugh........

DallasRain's Avatar
LA Man's Avatar
Thanks for a good morning laugh..... We taste like chicken too!
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
A Muslim, a terrorist and an illegal alien walk into a bar. The bartender says "how are you doing mr. President"
DallasRain's Avatar
Lowboy77's Avatar
A pirate walks in a bar with a steering wheel sticking out of the front of his pants. Bartender takes his order and says hey do you know that you have a steering wheel sticking out of the front of your pants?? Pirate replies "AAARRRRRR it drives me nuts!!"

When You Are Ready's Avatar
and the jokes keep coming:

DallasRain's Avatar
ilovedatass's Avatar
A panda walks into a bar. He asks the bartender how he can get a little action for the night. The bartender motions to a young woman. She talks to the panda, and they go back to her place. After having sex, the panda abruptly leaves.The next night, the woman goes to the panda's house. "You owe me money," she says."For what?"The woman rolls her eyes and explains, "I'm a prostitute."The panda pulls out a dictionary and looks it up: "Prostitute: Has sex for money."The panda says, "I don't have to pay you. I'm a panda -- look it up." She is about to protest when the bear hands her the dictionary.The woman looks up "panda" in the dictionary. It says, "Panda: Eats bush and leaves."