Had to dodge a bullet, over a freaking coupon game!

puppy8209's Avatar
A couple of weeks ago, the SO gets told of a coupon available via text.
You text a word in and they sent a link to a free money couplon, big box hardware store.
Most coupons are $5 but can go up to $400 if real lucky.
She tries and gets the $5. Asks me to do it and I get sane, no big deal.
Then her friend tells her to setup something called Google voice to get a second number on her phone to game the system a little.
Warning bells going off for me at that point.
When asked, say never heard of it of course, she asks cause I do some IT work.
She hits for $10 on GV number.

Then a friend of hers hits for a few hundred ...

So she tells me to setup GV on my phone to try. Even wants to help me
My GV is my hobby number. And I have texts from my last few visits on there as I have the app buried in my phone.

I was saved as she was driving, so I faked setting it up as I was deleting shit as fast as I could!!!

Came up for air, did the text and only got $10 but she was happy I tried.

Damn coupon shit, almost got me hung for $10!!

Be warned.
Chung Tran's Avatar
freaking hilarious!

Google is worse than ISIS and the Taliban put together.
rcinokc's Avatar
justjackie's Avatar
I had everyone texting that number for me! Lmaoooo most I got was $10
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-23-2019, 01:40 PM
Sounds like the Lowe's up to $500 coupon, one should have a few GV numbers for different things, your hobby e-mail or GV number should never be linked to your RW number as yours is. Let this be your lesson to step up your hobby game
amazing how much energy women waste on this free shit. it always kills me to see them chatter excitedly in that high pitched voice about saving some inconsequential amount of money but wont even learn the basics of investment. not all obviously but have seen enough to generalize...
rexdutchman's Avatar
Wow funny But Burner phone ,,,
CowboyDave's Avatar
Google is evil. They collect and save everything. Use Burner or CoverMe or anything else.
pmdelites's Avatar
another reason to DELETE HOBBY RELATED APPS FROM YOUR PHONE after you use them.

techies, if one had previously deleted GV from a phone, then installed GV, will it pick up the last GV number used on that phone??
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-25-2019, 06:45 PM
another reason to DELETE HOBBY RELATED APPS FROM YOUR PHONE after you use them.

techies, if one had previously deleted GV from a phone, then installed GV, will it pick up the last GV number used on that phone?? Originally Posted by pmdelites
Yes! It will pick up your assigned number to your e-mail account attached to your phone.

Here's another reason why its a no no to attach anything to your RW phone, SO decides to log into your e-mail for whatever reason, once you're logged into Google or Apple, all she would have to do is enter any app and she's in!

All hobby dealings should be used in private browser with a hobby e-mail, that let me delete the app and install it later does NOT work as the OP almost got caught.
'TUNACAN''s Avatar
Google is evil, they collect every bit tid bit of info and one of these days it's going to pop up while people are around you and expose your other lifestyle. Hate it but it's a must have in my RW life. I am getting away from Gmail and going to protonmail.com like several other providers.
Guys, why deal with all the nonsense with wives and SO’s? Not worth the hassle and heartache in my opinion. Just jump into the hobby full time and you’ll love the clean conscience and not having to worry about someone reading texts from the dozen chicks on the side.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I have a clear conscience , I think 50/50 SO wouldn't care ( only money issue so she could by more shoes or something stupid like that) or messy break up ,
muffin101's Avatar
Close call OP. I still get paranoid when I get those notifications of ppl adding me as contacts. 😱