Let's Talk Conspiracy Theories - Rub Ratings

bodyworx's Avatar
I thought from the beginning that the Powers That Be useless must have decided to go under the board and hire hackers to put a dent in the se* trade by taking down one of the main sites we use.
I just found out that all of our ads from Rub Ratings have been moved over to Rub MD. All just sitting there waiting for us to use our same log in and go..
Now I think that RR decided to change to RMD and made it look like a hack job.

What say the masses?
TinMan's Avatar
I’d say that sounds like someone set up a mirror site to steal passwords. With DDOS attacks on several sites going on, I wouldn’t risk falling for a scam right now.
Brandofan's Avatar
But unfortunately >80% of people will.
bmarty's Avatar
What’s RMD? Have a link?
bodyworx's Avatar
CG2014's Avatar
So what is she saying here with a photo of a roasted chicken? She is fingers licking good?

ntxguy's Avatar
So what is she saying here with a photo of a roasted chicken? She is fingers licking good?

https://dallas.rubmd.com/d77f24cb-35...e-bf3f9e1149d8 Originally Posted by CG2014
She’s a good cook?
HSanchez's Avatar
dried up chicken or juicy?
leslie@nn's Avatar

This photo is circulating right now. I wouldn't log into either site. I haven't gotten the message above,but I have gotten many others about a DDOS attack.