SO FUNNY... When I began I had a friend of a friend build my profile.. I had NO EFFING IDEA anything about any of this in 2010.. so she was building my profile & her drunk boyfriend?Husband /Pimpguy??? Asked how old I was.. I asked him how old did he think I was. Hence I was a 28 yr old 40 yr old. I haven't told many that story. She controlled my posting for awhile until my computer illiterate ass finally figured out posting ect and I corrected everything. And Really I love my age and who I am and How I look. I don't have ANY DESIRE to be EVERY CLIENTS CUP O TEA. The clients I appeal to are actually MY CUP O TEA!!! If you know some isn't updating & it BOTHERS YOU .. don't effing see them. BTW I am NOT a MODEL .. IF I WAS I certainly WOULDN'T BE HERE... I would be Up under a sexy BILLIONIARE IN CALIFORNIA.. JS LOL
And FYI 5ft1&3/4 IS EFFFFFINNNG SHORT.. So Just thought I would throw myself in your sand box while you are slinging SAND.