Downtown Dallas Dungeons for Rent?

Does anyone know if there is a dungeon in Downtown Dallas that does rentals or shares?


Annabel Lee
I want to know too!!! There is one place that advertises dungeon rental, but it looks like a roach-infested crack house with a spanking bench in the closet. UGHHHHHHH. I felt dirty leaving it... it had NO equipment (aside from a spanking bench that was pretty rickety), and the man who ran it wanted to charge like $50 to $100/hr for use. Uh... no.

I have been in contact with another Domme (not from this board) and we have been talking about setting up a dungeon to share. We probably won't move forward with the plan, though, for another month (because of school for her and work for me) and it probably won't be downtown, but in the N. Dallas or Midotwn area.

Actually, if some other ladies are into this, we should definitely discuss it further. For as big as Dallas is, I'm really shocked that the only dungeon rental I've been able to find is in a roach trap on harry hines.
LindseyLacey's Avatar
.........this may be what you are looking more
.........a meet and greet is held the fourth friday of each month.....
.........comfortable way to go and explore............
Have you used them before? I clicked on "rentals" and the page was blank. I know a lot of "lifestyle" places don't like to rent out to professionals, so I wanted to make sure this place does before I contact them for that purpose.
LindseyLacey's Avatar
before posting
i checked website
"special services"
indicates private onsite rentals
i have been there many times
for special events
i was told
private rentals were available
i have not used them
as i have a well equipped space
feel free to call me
with questions
toyrrific's Avatar
I am sure they will welcome you with open arms. We used to be regulars until management took the place to a different direction and it became more of a gay male leather group then BDSM. It is, however, exceptionally well equipped, very clean and conveniently located.

Also, there is another Dungeon that is for rent. I have never been so I can not vouch for anything about it. Contact is:
I went to look at the place Veronica Moore talked about - Advertised on BP. Was not the place to play, not a private space. Was a side room in a swing club / studio, No door, had a spanking bench and a X Cross on the wall, fake brick painting.

There was however, a wonderful little sub working there, Very cute and very open to spanking. Almost made me go back there just to see her. But just could not bring myself to.

Been to Sanctuary, on a 4th Friday. Was ok, but the no penetration rule for that event just didn't do it for me, even though th 2 ladies that attended with me (both newbies to submission) got off on the horizontal St Andrew's cross. They had a large selection of equipment, and some nice private rooms. I would be interested in the rental arrangements for it.

Guess this begs the question, is there interest in setting up a play dungeon in DFW? Smaller, and membership driven and available for sessions. I have been thinking about it and have discussed this with a few ladyfriends and am starting plans for this.
@PPE YESSSSSS That's the place. Above a lingerie store. UGH it was horrible! If you're talking about setting up a smaller dungeon which would be available for rental, do let me know. Even though I'm working on getting my own playspace together, it's good to have options (and I will probably end up taking forever doing my own space anyway).

I think I will call SLS tomorrow and see what their policy is for rental to professionals.
Veronica, Let us know!
Looks like Sanctuary has reciprocal memberships with Impact Memphis. Looks about the same. Sanctuary looks bigger. Weird that they don't have a recip with 1763 Atlanta. Whip's place is puh-lush! And clean! I've rented a 1763 room before. It was 200 for 24 hours. Well stocked.

Impact requires a member be present in a private scene (liability). Check that rule.

Ask Sanctuary if they only have the three, Veronica. Memphis has 4? or 5? Mphs, Nash, Baton Rouge and Atlanta. And Dallas (didn't know that).

Course, Chicago and SanFran would be huge.
toyrrific's Avatar
As large and well equipped as Sanctuary is, perhaps we should consider coming up with a mutual date and several of us could share the 24 hour expense once a month or so to rent it privately. I would certainly be interested in an arrangement like that.

As far as the no penetration rule, PPE, my recollection is that there were numerous issues with some form of the law, i.e., the real law, code enforcement, etc. (I don't remember exactly) and that us back when Stephen and his ex were having a power struggle for control of the facility. Stephen then opened it up one night a month for an extra fee to attend with penetration allowed. I don't know if he still does that.
Well different locations that allow professionals always interest me.(Even if I only go once.) So when yall(lol) find some cool place and the rate please place them here. I would love to try them on an occasion.

Oh and thanks for the previously posted info..
very interested
Sanctuary has been around for a while. The "other" place was Inquisition Dallas, and they finally had to close their doors before they even got open because they fought with Dallas over their label of "sexual-oriented business". They never could get a license and sold/gave away much of their equipment to Sanctuary.

Sanctuary has a no-penetration policy for public events. That's because of the law. If you want to do penetration, you have to go to a private party there that is being held by someone. That means you can't just walk in and fuck. You can, howerver, rent the dungeon out if you are a member. Most weekends are booked with regular groups, but sometimes a Friday rolls around that its not booked with a group, and many Sundays aren't booked either. If you contact them via email you can get more info on costs and such.

I know some domme's who have dungeons, so if you send me a message about what exactly you are looking for I can ask around.