Mike Pompeo tells Fox News he will publicly release Hillary Clinton’s 'emails' before the election

matchingmole's Avatar
Uh oh...She may not win the popular vote this year
winn dixie's Avatar
Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
Who cares....Will this be before Trump tries to indict Biden and Obama thru fat guy Barr ‘
Or after. ?
Will somebody tell that Koch Whore Pompeo that I don’t think Hillary is running again.
But nice Try.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Who cares....Will this be before Trump tries to indict Biden and Obama thru fat guy Barr ‘
Or after. ?
Will somebody tell that Koch Whore Pompeo that I don’t think Hillary is running again.
But nice Try. Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
We don't give a shit. More desperation drop kicks from these fools. They keep hammering about Democrats wanting to ''stack the Court'', how they won't answer whether they will. Besides that it is too soon to decide something like that, the Public fucking yawns. That is inside baseball shit. Trump brags about appointing 300 judges.. So what. The Senate wouldn't confirm Obama's picks. Who cares how many Judges you put in?
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Oh my! A chanting supermarket chain. I'm sure she's terrified!
Pompeo is a retard.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The Clinton emails are fucking weird. A lot of them are already declassified. I want to see more.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
We don't give a shit. More desperation drop kicks from these fools. They keep hammering about Democrats wanting to ''stack the Court'', how they won't answer whether they will. Besides that it is too soon to decide something like that, the Public fucking yawns. That is inside baseball shit. Trump brags about appointing 300 judges.. So what. The Senate wouldn't confirm Obama's picks. Who cares how many Judges you put in? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Posterity cares. You're not too smart are you. What did you do with the real tran?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Pompeo is a retard. Originally Posted by royamcr
Pompeo was a naval officer. More than anyone would say for you.
matchingmole's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
We don't give a shit. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Of course you don't. That just mean you're too ignorant to understand that the only thing holding this wonderful little society you have there together is the rule of law. If we publicly go down the road of not investigating and prosecuting political crimes then we will cease to have rule of law. It's one thing to have your average criminal not obey laws. They're mostly stupid and that's why they mostly get caught.

Imagine if you decided you were no longer bound by our social contract and laws... now imagine everyone you know unbound by following the law. How long do you think you're going to get to enjoy this comfy civilization here when nobody thinks the laws matter.

This shit will go downhill faster than any of you comprehend. I was in Lebanon in the early 90s after the civil war. trust me you don't want that hell to come here.

In reality it probably won't get like that for 5-10 years. Before that happens, you'll just get to enjoy liberal tyranny where the laws mean what they want them to mean at any given time. You may get charged an someone else may not. If you think the current system is unfair...wait til you get the Maoists in charge. Enjoy cancel culture with the cancelers having Govt. stamp of approval.

Ain't Mobs great?

More desperation drop kicks from these fools. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No. This should have been done three years and eleven months ago... but no. Hillarys plan worked. She planted the whole Russia collusion thing and we've spent MILLIONS investigating - and you you were fooled too weren't you? I mean doesn't that bother you that the democrats and the press (OITS) lied to you and you bought it? Do you feel as foolish as you look?

They keep hammering about Democrats wanting to ''stack the Court'', how they won't answer whether they will. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Uh Republicans have never talked about court stacking. Only Democrats have threatened it. That's because the liberals are the party of toddlers. Don't get your way? Stack the court. Republicans understand that if that happens, its again the end of this Republican experiment. I know, you're too ignorant to comprehend why... but it's because its the one limit our Founders didn't think of. But they never conceived the Court would have judicial review.

By the way so you understand since you are using the term wrong that court stacking/packing mean expanding the size of the court. It has NOTHING to do with putting judges in vacant seats. That's called doing your job. Some other oval office occupant said it best "elections have consequences."

Besides that it is too soon to decide something like that, the Public fucking yawns. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No. The press tells you the public yawns. maybe you don't care, but others do. But I guess since you don't care it doesn't matter, right? We've seated judges with less time than hers.

That is inside baseball shit. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No. This is civics 101. You should have had to take it to graduate high school. If you don't understand the significance, blame a liberal and the teachers unions who want an ignorant electorate so they can pull stunts like this... call it "court packing" and you're too ignorant to understand that you're being lied to again. Are you starting to see a pattern, Chung?

Trump brags about appointing 300 judges.. So what. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'm beginning to think you don't understand how government works. But again, you can thank the teachers union for your ignorance.

The Senate wouldn't confirm Obama's picks. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Say it with me... Elections have CONSEQUENCES. Democrats are odd folks. The ONLY time they want you to pay attention to the govt. is when they want you to vote fore them. The rest of the time they don't want you to understand or even notice it. Right now, the govt. is prosecuting an innocent civilian, like yourself, for a crime that the govt. has now admitted was a frame up. The govt. and prosecutors have dropped the charges. Yet the man remains on trial.. why? Because of a political hack judge. Yes I'm talking about Gen. Flynn. And if it can happen to him it can happen to all of us. The Senate wouldn't confirm Obamas judges because that's the caliber of judge Obama nominated. Political hacks that don't understand the law and they blew away the filibuster to get those judges on the DC circuit. Probably specifically to delay any future investigations into their criminal conduct.

Who cares how many Judges you put in? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Don't worry your little head about it, Tran. Just understand that what Obama and the leftists democrats who are his followers want is no less than full power of the govt and in turn you. you understand what happens in revolutions...lots and lots of people die. And the whole point of this revolution isn't to free anyone or throw off the being sent to the coal mines... this is so they can control you better. that's the whole simple goal. Control over your life.... every aspect. Name one thing. ANYTHING...and I will PROVE to you that the Conservative stance is the classically liberal one, the one that advocates personal freedom and liberty.
Pompeo was a naval officer. More than anyone would say for you. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Trump still turned him into a piece of shit, maybe he always was and trump brought it out of him.
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump still turned him into a piece of shit, maybe he always was and trump brought it out of him. Originally Posted by royamcr
You probably call Trump a "retard"!
adav8s28's Avatar
It does not matter. None of the emails were marked Classified in the Subject heading of the email. No laws were broken, at best you get a slap on the wrist for not recognizing the email contained "classified information" but WAS NOT marked classified by the sender.
texassapper's Avatar
It does not matter. None of the emails were marked Classified in the Subject heading of the email. No laws were broken, at best you get a slap on the wrist for not recognizing the email contained "classified information" but WAS NOT marked classified by the sender. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Well you're wrong a number of different ways.

#1 How the F*ck would you know what was on them? They haven't been published yet.

#2 Government email systems - especially those that carry Above Top Secret content are air gapped from the regular world. In other words Hillarys phone and laptop did not have network connectivity like normal machines... their network is ONLY to the govt. network.

#3 Copying, CCing, forwarding, re-typing any email from those devices is a crime. Period there isn't any grey area. It's 1s and 0s. It can't get to a private gmail account UNLESS copied off and transmitted in an ILLEGAL manner.

#4 It's not the contents (although I Bet there is some criminal activity detailed therein) its the fact that she had this shit on a server outside of the govt. security apparatus. That in and of itself is a crime

#5 Ignorance is NOT an excuse of the law. And she wasn't ignorant she's been sucking off the government tit long enough to know what she was doing was a crime

#6 Obama was aware of her criminal activity and emailed her @ her private gmail account

#7 The ONLY reason to have a private sever is to avoid Government oversight. So she was obviously committing criminal activity and using her personal server to avoid government backup of her stuff... which would be turned over to any type of criminal investigation.

#8 She intentionally had the server hard drive wiped to hide the evidence of her crimes

#9 There is good evidence that the Cicoms, Ruskies, and Norks were all reading her email.... I mean JFC.. one reason not to elect her President is that she was a PRIME blackmail target.

#10. The NYPD saw the shit in her emails. The reason Comey re-opened the email investigation is that Weasel Anthony Weiner turned over the laptop to the NYPD... thinking he could use it as leverage as a get out of jail card (The lawyer gave it up). The NYPD reviewed the shit and basically told Comey re-open or we will go public with this shit...

#11 And thats why we have the Russia-gate hoax. It was all to try and avoid too much investigation into the contents of those emails.... And you have to figure they are pretty f*cking explosive if you are going to try and unseat a president to cover up your crimes. Who knows maybe that pallet of cash to Iran was a little light... maybe some of that went to bank accounts in Switzerland that are now being used to buy property on Marthas Vineyard.

#12 Its all about the money. The Obama administration was probably the most corrupt since the teapot dome scandal... but with the press covering up for him... he almost skated.

#13 That's why this election is important... because if Trump gets stopped... they all get away with it.

Is that what you want? Hillary, Bill, Obama, Jarret.. all of them to get away scot-free?