Dave Chappelle -- please help us all!!

Dave Chappelle May Help Tame Wokeness

There are other signs, too, that our revolution may be moving past its Terror and toward its Thermidor.

Dave Chappelle’s latest Netflix special debuted Oct. 5. In it he was, as is his way, avowedly antiwoke, especially on gender issues including the LGBTQ movement, which he has called “the Alphabet people.” He knew he’d get in trouble. He has in the past. “They dragged me on Twitter. I don’t give a [blank] because Twitter’s not a real place.” The special is a hit, and he seemed comfortable because he knows he is talking to regular people, not ideologues. The past week he has been castigated by LGBTQ activists inside and outside the company, and by social-media mobs.
The past few years I’ve held two different and opposing thoughts in my head. One is that the woke regime cannot continue forever, it is unsustainable, it will fall of attrition and exhaustion. The suppression of thought and speech, the insistence on ideology when minds and souls aren’t ideological—all this is against human nature. So it will end. The other is that I cannot think out how it ends: I can’t explain to myself what that looks like, can’t translate what I believe to be inevitable into a story I can believe.

But the past week left me wondering if we aren’t inching toward Thermidor.
The whole woke project changes artistic decisions and misshapes art.
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A few Unlikely heros recently discovered.
Dave Chapelle
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Who Gets ‘Canceled’?
Students discuss who is being canceled and why.

Make no mistake: Cancel culture is censorship disguised as justice. It is the brainchild of radical groups that supposedly champion tolerance yet vilify anyone who resists their increasingly farcical demands. At best, cancel culture is a kind of chronic petulance. At worst, it is the antithesis of free speech.

The very essence of comedy is pushing the limits.... Don't expect a woker to understand that.....