Hillary gets riled -- and it ain't at Slick Willie!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Last week, CBS anchor Scott Pelley regurgitated the administration's false spin that the attack on Ambassador Stevens in Libya was a spontaneous riot brought on by a blasphemous film.

Monday night, yesterday, Pelley reported -- without a word of explanation -- that the attack on Ambassador Stevens on 9/11 was a preplanned terrorist attack. Not a solitary word was offered to announce or explain that Odumbo and company were backpedaling from their original story line. Orwell would have been fearfully impressed to see his "Ministry of Truth" functioning so well.

BTW, Hillary, et al, would be right at home here in the Sandbox!!!

CNN Pushes Back In Fight With State Department; Clinton Spokesman Tells Reporter To 'F--k- Off'

CNN is getting some defenders in its battle with the State Department over its handling of the journal of the murdered ambassador to Libya, and the State Department is clearly getting agitated about increasing questions surrounding its handling of the situation, as a top spokesman for Hillary Clinton told a reporter to "f--k off." . . . .

. . . BuzzFeed's Michael Hastings did some further reporting on the back-and-forth. He wrote on Sunday that the State Department had not even known about the existence of the journal until CNN's Arwa Damon found it, and speculated that Hillary Clinton and her team were trying to counteract a story that made them look bad: namely, that there was such an ample feeling of threat in the air before the attacks that Stevens wrote about it in his journal. . . .

Hastings' reporting drew a scorching response from State Department spokesman Philippe Reines. BuzzFeed posted emails between the two which showed Reines getting angrier and angrier about Hastings' aggressive questioning. After Hastings asked him, "Why don't you give answers that aren't bullshit for a change?" Reines responded:
I now understand why the official investigation by the Department of the Defense as reported by The Army Times The Washington Post concluded beyond a doubt that you're an unmitigated asshole. How's that for a non-bullshit response? Now that we've gotten that out of our systems, have a good day. And by good day, I mean Fuck Off
LexusLover's Avatar
If she looked that good, Bill would probably stay at home.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Some dude on the radio would call it a random act of journalism.

So, why did Obama's administration call attention to and thus notify the Isamic world that there was a youtube video that protrayed muhammed in a bad light.

I do not know of anyone that knew anything of the youtube video until they started using that as an excuse.
I understand that there is all sorts of anit-Islam shit on the net. The question is, why did our State Department decide to bring attention to it an knowingly enflame the muslim world?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Some dude on the radio would call it a random act of journalism. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Ain't that the truth!

So, why did Obama's administration call attention to and thus notify the Isamic world that there was a youtube video that protrayed muhammed in a bad light.

I do not know of anyone that knew anything of the youtube video until they started using that as an excuse.
I understand that there is all sorts of anit-Islam shit on the net. The question is, why did our State Department decide to bring attention to it an knowingly enflame the muslim world? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Shifting the blame to an obscure, stupid film was meant to shift American public awareness away from Odumbo's feckless foreign policy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, you guys is right. The Obama Administration is hell bent of making the Islamic world rise up and kill Americans!

Then they're going to storm the Bastille, overthrow the Allende government and plunge us into depression.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah, you guys is right. The Obama Administration is hell bent of making the Islamic world rise up and kill Americans!

Then they're going to storm the Bastille, overthrow the Allende government and plunge us into depression.

CAN YOU FUCKERS BE STUPIDER? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just like your ignorant ass, Assup, Odumbo, et all, seek to obfuscate and ignore the fact that the Islamic world HAS risen up and is killing Americans. No doubt Odumbo finds it uncomfortably embarrassing during an election year; hence, his and Hillary's attempt to deflect blame onto an obscure Egyptian-American film maker. Connive as they might, they couldn't figure out how to blame Bush.

“What’s happening is the Obama administration’s Middle East policy is collapsing right in front of us,” Pat Buchanan said. “He had his famous Cairo speech, and then he got behind the Arab Spring and dumped over some dictators and autocrats and other people, some of whom were friendly to us, others who were not. Thereby, they’ve unleashed these new forces, and not all of them are benign. Some of them are noxious.”

As a result, Pat Buchanan said, many American personnel may have to permanently leave the Middle East and relocate to safer areas.

“There’s Islamic fundamentalism. There’s tribalism. There’s ethno-nationalism. All of these forces are on the move across the Middle East. And President Obama’s position is exposed as utterly naïve.”
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I see that he cannot answer the question.
I am not surprised.
Just like your ignorant ass, Assup, Odumbo, et all, seek to obfuscate and ignore the fact that the Islamic world HAS risen up and is killing Americans. No doubt Odumbo finds it uncomfortably embarrassing during an election year; hence, his and Hillary's attempt to deflect blame onto an obscure Egyptian-American film maker. Connive as they might, they couldn't figure out how to blame Bush.

“What’s happening is the Obama administration’s Middle East policy is collapsing right in front of us,” Pat Buchanan said. “He had his famous Cairo speech, and then he got behind the Arab Spring and dumped over some dictators and autocrats and other people, some of whom were friendly to us, others who were not. Thereby, they’ve unleashed these new forces, and not all of them are benign. Some of them are noxious.”

As a result, Pat Buchanan said, many American personnel may have to permanently leave the Middle East and relocate to safer areas.

“There’s Islamic fundamentalism. There’s tribalism. There’s ethno-nationalism. All of these forces are on the move across the Middle East. And President Obama’s position is exposed as utterly naïve.”
http://dailycaller.com/2012/09/15/bu...n-front-of-us/ Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Well you are right about one thing Bush really pissed the Muslims off by invading two muslin countries...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well you are right about one thing Bush really pissed the Muslims off by invading two muslin countries... Originally Posted by ekim008
Odumbo: Iraq (yeah, the U.S. is still there, moron), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia. Again, Ekim the Inbred, everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege!
Odumbo: Iraq (yeah, the U.S. is still there, moron), Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia. Again, Ekim the Inbred, everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

And what is you point Idiot Boy? Oh sorry you never have a point only slinging insults,to cover your stupidityTalk about inbred you must be so south of chi town your wife and sister are the same person.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And what is you point Idiot Boy? Oh sorry you never have a point only slinging insults,to cover your stupidityTalk about inbred you must be so south of chi town your wife and sister are the same person. Originally Posted by ekim008
The post was bait, Ekim the Inbred, and you fell for the trap. Now you've demonstrated for one and all that your math skills are as sub-par as your weak language skills.
  • Kloie
  • 09-25-2012, 10:04 PM
Well you are right about one thing Bush really pissed the Muslims off by invading two muslin countries... Originally Posted by ekim008
I must agree! We so much that needs to be done here with our tax dollars!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I must agree! We so much that needs to be done here with our tax dollars! Originally Posted by Kloie
Analyze who the fuck attacked whom on 9/11/2001!?! Now explain how the fuck you can rationalize Bush 43 ATTACKED any mutha fuckin' body on 9/11. God you ignorant mutha fuckers don't use any portion of the mind God gave you!
LexusLover's Avatar
Well you are right about one thing Bush really pissed the Muslims off by invading two muslin countries... Originally Posted by ekim008
I do not recall any ambassadors being killed during Bush's tenure in office. Also, there were some "Muslim" countries that were actually assisting the U.S. in the "invasion" of those two "Muslim" countries ... I suppose you mean Iraq and Afghanistan when you are referring to "Muslim" countries.

Has the "movie" actually been released? Or was that just a "trailer" for it?
The post was bait, Ekim the Inbred, and you fell for the trap. Now you've demonstrated for one and all that your math skills are as sub-par as your weak language skills. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Thanks for once again demonstrating you are the dumbest asshole here you couldn't set a trap if you wanted too.Ignorant dipshit ...poor IB