The Romney's and Those People

BigLouie's Avatar

"THOSE PEOPLE" — It's becoming increasingly apparent that the Romneys have a major problem relating to us and communicating with us and talking about us. They believe we are America's lesser half. The have nots. The lazy. The moochers. Well, allow us to set the facts straight for Mr. Arrogant and Mrs. Attitude. We The People are "those people" who founded this nation to protect all of us from people like you. "We The People" are the ones our Constitution addresses in promoting the general welfare. Not the welfare of the richest, or the welfare of the corporations. But of "We The People." You obviously are writing off one half of America and keeping everything for the richest Americans, the privileged, the entitled. People like you people. Let us also inform you that we do not depend upon the government for permanent help. Many of us are so old we don't pay taxes anymore; some of use are so young we don't qualify to work, let alone pay taxes. And some of us are working two or more jobs just to keep food on our table. We are proud. We do not demand anything of our government. You people, on the other hand demand to have it your way or no way. You people demand and receive billions of dollars in tax breaks, tax credits, subsidies, etc. So don't tell us that We The People are dragging the system down and can't be helped. It is you people who are close to destroying the precious freedom we fought for. You didn't fight. You got deferments or left America so you wouldn't have to serve. Just like you keep your money overseas instead of re-investing in America. Don't tell us you people "Believe in America." You believe in yourselves and your destiny to rule and be cruel. But we're wise to you and aren't taking your BS anymore. We The People are going to reclaim this nation from you people this November 6th. So don't try to suppress the vote or buy our government. We The People will not stand for it. We stand together

Tracy Knauss
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well who could argue with that?

Good post. Thought provoking.

Like chumming the waters, though. This won't take long!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
"Those (you) people" are the ones that if the 1% needs something done are hired to do it (even their accountants and financial advisors). Of course, it's nice to hire them at as low of a rate as possible.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Come to think of it, how can Romney supporters actually agree with the OP? it flies in the face of their frothy anger...

and it also belittles them because they, too, are THOSE people.

anaximander's Avatar
What revisionist crapola.
The WE who signed the DoI and Constitution
were all landowners, merchants, and tradesmen.
The 1/3rd of colonists at the time who were
indifferent were perfectly happy being subjects
of the British Empire.

Rich people open hospitals.
Poor people force the hospitals to close.

Our middleclass exists because of the rich.
Attacking the rich is a covert attack on the
root of middleclass economics.
You can have rich without a middleclass,
a lot of countrys do.
You can have no middleclass without
the rich- economic fact of life.
I B Hankering's Avatar
". . . they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them . . ." Odumbo

"77% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2009" tes

"Forty-seven percent of American adults currently report that they have a gun in their home or elsewhere on their property."

So fuck you, you hypocritical, mutha fuckers!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What revisionist crapola.
The WE who signed the DoI and Constitution
were all landowners, merchants, and tradesmen.
The 1/3rd of colonists at the time who were
indifferent were perfectly happy being subjects
of the British Empire.
Allrighty then. That has a lot of relevance today. According to your statement ... following the simple logic you've laid out here, 1/3 of the people weren't interested in signing the DoI and Constitution (BTW -- they weren't the same people). That they weren't part of WE the People?

Rich people open hospitals.
Poor people force the hospitals to close.

Our middleclass exists because of the rich.
Attacking the rich is a covert attack on the
root of middleclass economics.
You can have rich without a middleclass,
a lot of countrys do.
You can have no middleclass without
the rich- economic fact of life.
AND YOU CAN'T HAVE "1%" RICH WITHOUT A SHITLOAD OF POOR PEOPLE. Originally Posted by anaximander

So this means you advocate keeping the poor down and boosting the rich in order to reestablish the middle class?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
". . . they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them . . ." Odumbo

"77% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2009" tes

O'er the land of the free...

"Forty-seven percent of American adults currently report that they have a gun in their home or elsewhere on their property."

And the home of the brave.

So fuck you, you hypocritical, mutha fuckers!

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are a piece of work, Wichita Whineman.

I am not a Christian. I am not a gun owner. I am not 47% American. I am 100% American. And I pay my taxes and VOTE!

(And oh yeah, I love my neighbor as I love myself.)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why are you jumping on me, Assup? I haven't even posted in this thread. Am I living rent free in your head, too?

Pay attention. You are sounding stupider than ever.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are a piece of work, Wichita Whineman.

I am not a Christian. I am not a gun owner. I am not 47% American. I am 100% American. And I pay my taxes and VOTE!

(And oh yeah, I love my neighbor as I love myself.)
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Notice, you dumbass mutha fucker, that you no-where refuted Odumbo's remark or the fact that your Obamanible leader denigrated a large percentage of the American population as "them" and distinctly "other", so fuck you, you Dim-witted, illiterate dip-shit.

Why are you jumping on me, Assup? I haven't even posted in this thread. Am I living rent free in your head, too?

Pay attention. You are sounding stupider than ever. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Assup's just a dumb SOB, COG. But don't worry about the space in his head. It's largely unoccupied. Assup's mind is as vacuous and unused as a NASA warehouse during the Odumbo administration.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sorry about that Whineman. These threads are so many and so murky that even I get confused.

I was, of course talking to the Dipshit of the Year, who obviously got his little feelings hurt that I mistook him for you.

Frankly, if I were you, Whineman, I'd get my feelings hurt if anybody mistook me for Dipshit of the Year. (And now Provider of the Day).

At least he's called me a mutha fucker, illiterate, dumb and an SOB.

But he saved COCKSUCKER for himself!

You're making more and more sense, DOTY! And yes, I honestly DO believe that the Romney's have a big problem looking down on people. And moreso than anything else, that's what's going to cook his goose. And I'm sure Obama was talking about the bitter fuckwads like you when he referred to a group of people as "They". Last time I looked, that was the word to use. At least he didn't say THOSE PEOPLE. Or YOU PEOPLE. That would be an insult to PEOPLE like us who aren't bitter like you.

anaximander's Avatar
The WE was always intended for the landowners,,
merchants and tradesmen. Unemployed non-propertied
unskilled citizens were never even intended to vote.
How daft in our history are you pultroons?

There is a difference between being poor
and being broke. Poverty is a state of mind.
Broke is just a temporary economic assessment.

This country was not built by or for poor people.
Poor people couldn't afford to come here.
People sold their entire belongings for nothing
but a one way ticket to the States.
They were broke when they got here.
But poverty was not their destination.

Fack the poor.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The WE was always intended for the landowners,,
merchants and tradesmen. Unemployed non-propertied
unskilled citizens were never even intended to vote.
How daft in our history are you pultroons?

There is a difference between being poor
and being broke. Poverty is a state of mind.
Broke is just a temporary economic assessment.

This country was not built by or for poor people.
Poor people couldn't afford to come here.
People sold their entire belongings for nothing
but a one way ticket to the States.
They were broke when they got here.
But poverty was not their destination.

Fack the poor. Originally Posted by anaximander
So is your dick broke or poor?

And do you advocate taking the vote away from citizens who are unemployed, non-propertied or unskilled? CHIT, you'd be disenfranchising the entire Tea Party faction of the GOP.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sorry (Agreed, you are sorry SOB, Assup) about that Whineman. These threads are so many and so murky that even I get confused. (Don't blame it on the threads, Assup, you PUI because of all of that Odumbo Kool Aid you've been sucking down. It's known to cause mental impairment, and lord knows, you didn't have much to start with, Assup)

I was, of course talking to the Dipshit of the Year, who obviously got his little feelings hurt that I mistook him for you. (All it took was to kick you in the ass again to get your attention, Assup. Those Kool Aid stupors you go into leave you cognitively unaware of your surroundings.)

Frankly, if I were you, Whineman, I'd get my feelings hurt if anybody mistook me for Dipshit of the Year. (And now Provider of the Day).

At least he's called me a mutha fucker, illiterate, dumb and an SOB. (They are all applicable to you, Assup. Enjoy!)

But he saved COCKSUCKER for himself! (You Dim-witted Austin folk like sucking cock, don't you Assup. All you want to talk about is sucking cock, it's obviously an acquired taste you Austin folk indulge in.)

You're making more and more sense, DOTY! And yes, I honestly DO believe that the Romney's have a big problem looking down on people. And moreso than anything else, that's what's going to cook his goose. And I'm sure Obama was talking about the bitter fuckwads like you when he referred to a group of people as "They". Last time I looked, that was the word to use. At least he didn't say THOSE PEOPLE. Or YOU PEOPLE. That would be an insult to PEOPLE like us who aren't bitter like you.
(One more time for the slow learners in the class [that's you, Assup]:

". . . they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't likethem . . ." Odumbo

"77% of polled Americans identifying themselves as Christian in 2009" tes

"Forty-seven percent of American adults currently report that they have a gun in their home or elsewhere on their property." )

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What revisionist crapola.
The WE who signed the DoI and Constitution
were all landowners, merchants, and tradesmen.
The 1/3rd of colonists at the time who were
indifferent were perfectly happy being subjects
of the British Empire.

Rich people open hospitals.
Poor people force the hospitals to close.

Our middleclass exists because of the rich.
Attacking the rich is a covert attack on the
root of middleclass economics.
You can have rich without a middleclass,
a lot of countrys do.
You can have no middleclass without
the rich- economic fact of life. Originally Posted by anaximander

congratulations this drivel is got to be dumb ass post of the day.Your award is in the mail...