Prostitution notwithstanding, is the word whore - in any way - a pejorative or is it not?

In other words, recognizing the existence of prostitutes and prostitution, do you feel the word whore is in any way offensive. And if not, do you find it an appropriate and inoffensive word to call your female – not your male – loved ones?

Ms. Daphne isn’t quite being true to you all. The discussion is far more encompassing than she is letting on. She’s hoping to influence the answers by phrasing the question in a way to obtain her desired outcome. But we were discussing whether whore is a pejorative along with the merits and social stigma that accompany the word.

Personally, I have a blog and a thread dedicated to the word and the World of Whores, but in my opinion, that in no way mitigates the impact of the word socially in the greater world outside the Demimonde.

Here are the links to the other threads for those that don’t know the context of this jaded attempt to make a fool out of the reader and responses:

The thread that started it all that is now closed. The controversy started with LD’s post which is # 11: ght=

The continuing thread:

The poll is anonymous.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yes, the word "Whore" is an ugly word any way you slice it.

. . . I remember seeing a cute young provider once telling me, "I know I'm a whore, but you'd better not call me one! I'm not sure I fully understand the rationale, but better not go there.

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... "Whore" is an ugly word ... Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Sure. But no worse than many others - "Bitch," to name one.
Sure. But no worse than many others - "Bitch," to name one. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
And when "Bitch" is used in the technical sense, I don't think it's offensive. At least not to anyone who understands the context and the actual definition (i.e., female dog).
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Most of us are technically "motherfuckers" albeit not our own mothers and I bet there's not a lack of bastards among us
So No voters I can assume that you do not call your female loved ones whore and you take offense when someone calls them a whore......Interesting........ ........So you are not whores' sons and daughters? I mean, I'm just assuming. You could be for all I know; you're just too ashamed to admit it. Maybe whore's not pejorative only en you are talking about women you don't know? Or is it when whore's used to describe women you don't like? In other words, whore is not a perfectly fine word, and it is indeed a pejorative at least when you have skin in the game.

Johnny, yes, bitch is a pejorative term as well. However it doesn't have the social stigma that whore or slut has.

Johnny, yes, bitch is a pejorative term as well. However it doesn't have the social stigma that whore or slut has.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Actually, since you said to ignore the prostitution context, I'd actually say in business, BITCH is a worse label to have than WHORE.

"She whored herself out to the big oil companies, but now she's living in River Oaks."

"She's not going anywhere in this company, she's just the boss' little bitch."

I'd prefer the first. I don't like being called a bitch for two reasons, I'm not mean and I'm not a dog.
Actually, since you said to ignore the prostitution context, I'd actually say in business, BITCH is a worse label to have than WHORE.

"She whored herself out to the big oil companies, but now she's living in River Oaks."

"She's not going anywhere in this company, she's just the boss' little bitch."

I'd prefer the first. I don't like being called a bitch for two reasons, I'm not mean and I'm not a dog. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Oh, I'd absolutely agree that bitch is applied way to liberally and way to tolerated in business. I find calling a woman a bitch for something that you'd never apply the term asshole to a man significant more professionally limiting than your example primarily because your example could be applied to a man as well. But of course, he's being compared to a woman to add insult to injury. That said, you are using whored in a totally different context. Some places I've worked that would be tolerated, and some places it wouldn't be tolerated.
Damn Olivia...why didn't you make this Poll public

btw, my vote was "NO".

As far as female loved ones go, I've called a couple of cousins and aunt's Sluts although technically I could have called them Whores because usually when they fuck someone, that dude is paying a bill, Mortgage, Car note etc etc...

As one of my aunt's would say, "This pussy is too good to just...GIVE IT AWAY"

cinderbella's Avatar
A few years ago, when I was brand new to all this and learning as I went along- I made the mistake of disclosing my incall to a jerk who had requested an appointment and fortunately never showed.

He contacted me again a few days later and I politely told him I changed my mind and was not interested in seeing him and to please not contact me.

He wouldn't leave me alone and I threatened him. That made him angry and he said, "SHUT UP YOU OLD WHORE!" To which I calmly replied, "Then that must mean you are pretty hard up since
YOU contacted ME!"

Yep, I learned a lot of important lessons from that day and one of them was to grow a thick skin and rise above it all. Second was how to screen better and not divulge my location too soon.
Unfortunately this is a "prostitution" board... None of our family members are here, except for those that at do doubles with their "mothers" (shout out to those hos), so in the context of ECCIE, what's that word they use???

oh yea, MOOT.

There is no other context, either you're here slinging pussy, or patronize pussy slingers. This is not

If you put a dollar amount on time, and does/ is willing to suck/fuck, that makes you a real whore, not just a subjective one. not all women=whores, transversely not all whores=women.

and I'm not just saying.
What's a pejorative?? Is that a certain kind of whore??
happybanana's Avatar
Yeah Ed, they are just above the HDH version....

Damn Olivia...why didn't you make this Poll public

btw, my vote was "NO".

As far as female loved ones go, I've called a couple of cousins and aunt's Sluts although technically I could have called them Whores because usually when they fuck someone, that dude is paying a bill, Mortgage, Car note etc etc...

As one of my aunt's would say, "This pussy is too good to just...GIVE IT AWAY"

Originally Posted by DickEmDown
So you're saying, given the openness of your family and their sexual behaviors, your uncles and male cousins are ok with you calling their daughters - of all ages, wives and mothers whores and sluts around the Christmas dinner table being you just jokin' around and all. Provided it's cool that you call some other man's daughter - of any age, mama or wife a whore or a slut, which we all know is bullshit, what's their reaction when you call their wife, mama or daughter - of any age a slut or a whore in a heated discussion? My guess is the reaction is anywhere to the treat of violence to violence depending on the lateness of the hour, whether you are in side or outside and how much alcohol everyone's had to drink.

And your mama? You call her a slut or a whore too? You know jokin' around and shit. How about your wife / SO / girlfriend which ever you have / had. Did you call her / them slut/s or whore/s, you know, just joking around and shit? And what was her / their reaction to your jest? Or, provided you called them either or both of those words, was it in a fight? And if so, did the fight escalate? I'm just askin'......................Ke epin' it real and shit................

..........Just so you know not answering is admitting the following: You don't call your mama a whore or a slut. You don't joke around with your romantic interests by calling them whores or sluts. You don't call other men's daughters - of all ages, wives or mamas whores or sluts. And if you ever called them - any of them - a whore or a slut, you did so in anger....................and I'll bet the fight spiraled to shit from there if you did.

Unfortunately this is a "prostitution" board... None of our family members are here, except for those that at do doubles with their "mothers" (shout out to those hos), so in the context of ECCIE, what's that word they use???

oh yea, MOOT.

There is no other context, either you're here slinging pussy, or patronize pussy slingers. This is not

If you put a dollar amount on time, and does/ is willing to suck/fuck, that makes you a real whore, not just a subjective one. not all women=whores, transversely not all whores=women.

and I'm not just saying. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
No LD you are completely off base and are struggling to justify your position and behavior. The discussion as you recall was not whether prostitutes are whores. Though with all the euphemism and the more than clear definition of prostitute, why whore? Because it is the most inflammatory that's why. The discussion is whether whore is a pejorative. Why can't you focus on that? You've said a million things under the sun, yet the one thing you can't focus on is the thesis. You know why? Because you know you're just playing your part as the court jester for your handlers. It's just easier for the weak to join 'em if you can't beat 'em. We all know what's happening.

You are part of the problem. The reason there is so much downward social pressure on women is because other women are all too happy to be the enforcer for men. This horrible phenomenon applies to ALL demographics in American, or whatever the prevailing cultural physical characteristic of other nations or regions, that aren't white, males that are not of a demographic that is a recent immigrant and have sufficient income to attract females in their social circles. Stop playing the fool. It's getting you nothing anyway.

I'd like to see your answers to the questions I posed to DeD. But you won't answer them.