Tour Adjustment and Football teasing!

  • Blaze
  • 10-13-2010, 11:59 AM
I had to make an adjustment to my tour and I skipped Omaha and am now in Lincoln.

Who is ready for Saturdays game?

Hook Em' HORNS!!!

burkalini's Avatar
Uh oh!!! Damn if we didn't have that moniker the best fans in football. GO BIG RED!!!!
  • Blaze
  • 10-13-2010, 02:44 PM
I wish biz was so great here that I could stay through Sat and see if I could find some tickets on CL.... I'm sure after last year it is gonna be a great game no matter who wins. Watching the news last night I got the distinct feeling its gonna be balls to the wall.

My Horns arent doing so well this year, but they are an inexperienced team.
burkalini's Avatar
Blaze no matter who wins your still hot. let me know next time your in town