DATY a Unique Individual Art Form

HoneyAngel's Avatar
Ladies, and Gentlman, DATY a unique topic. Here is a wish.
Ahhh, yes, it is a Full Moon! Sexual emotions running high for every one. Feeling very sexual, due to friend of six years, who invited me over for an appointment. My mind started having these thoughts, of what it would be like, to make love to him. During our time together, as he is usually, not able to "Rise to the Occasion". As this is understandable, with me. Besides, giving me pleasure, was not the reason for his visit, of course. When we started with DATY, thoughts of him, slowly, starting with lightly, oh so gently, DATY, slowly draging his tongue on over my delicate nipples. As my nipples and kitty are so delicate, the skin on those parts of a woman body are so sensitive being touched. If a lover is too rough, it is not enjoyable and become uncomfortable. It is always a pleasure to play with some one who wants feed back on their technique during DATY. If a lady ever gives feed back on DATY or touching her body is to help you, to make it comfortable, and enjoyable for her. Which is what you want right? Should you care. It will make an incredible difference in the intimacy with you. A light gentle touch, is always a good start. A lover can always add additional intensity, to enhance her, specific needs. IF, he wants her to experience mutual pleasure. Lightly touching her with the tongue, to building the pleasure of an intense, heated orgasm. Should a lover desire to experience her flames of burning pleasure. Leading to a volcanic eruption. With mooning pleasure during the quake. As she is burning with desire, to unleash the hot flames of passion within her. Just lay next to her. Relax and enjoy her after glow. Happily ever after. Till we meet again. Your Honey Angel.
i can take a hint.
sounds like fun
HoneyAngel's Avatar
Thankyou Darling, you are a sweetie!
I LOVE DATY! I just hope my technique is good enough that the ladies enjoy it too. No complaints so far.
HoneyAngel's Avatar
Every lover has their own unique approach to the art form
TechOne's Avatar
A man who works with his hands is a laborer.
A man who works with his hands, and heart is a craftsman.
A man who works with his hands, his heart, and his tongue is an Artist.
HoneyAngel's Avatar
Amen! TechONe, this is very true. If the lady likes a different technique, do not take it personal. Some woman just have not felt comfortable telling you. For fear the man will be offended, or perhaps making him feel uncomfortable. So they just suffered through it and was uncomfortable. It should not have to be that way! Most females will and are able to share with you a position that is comfortable to her. If a man could only understand just how delicate and sensitive that part of the womans body is. Encourage your lover to let your know if it is uncomfortable for her. Sometimes it just takes the female positioning her self in a comfortable manner. It can be uncomfortable if facial hair around the mouth is present. Sometimes, it have not been an issue. Experience is also the key understanding the female body. It is just work of art in progress. Be patient, and have an open mind.
... Some woman just have not felt comfortable telling you. For fear the man will be offended, or perhaps making him feel uncomfortable. So they just suffered through it and was uncomfortable... Originally Posted by HoneyAngel
Wow! This is interesting, to say the least.

I truly enjoy the hobby, DATY especially, and just sex in general...

If a provider's true perspective on the hobby is that she is "suffering through it," she would probably be more comfortable finding something else to do. Or at the very least, avoid complaining about it publicly... Since it kind of kills the illusion of passion.
everything is possible in the world of egos. butts can be hurt pretty easily.
but i do like to know if something can be better about the experience for the lady too.
other than 'is that as big as it gets?' or five minutes in 'sorry but you have to leave now, but lets do it again'
HoneyAngel's Avatar
everything is possible in the world of egos. butts can be hurt pretty easily.
but i do like to know if something can be better about the experience for the lady too.
other than 'is that as big as it gets?' or five minutes in 'sorry but you have to leave now, but lets do it again' Originally Posted by notequiteatroll
Exactly my point, is that verbal communication is key. Some lovers have encouraged fed back on their technique. A client who met with me a few days ago, who has also reviewed me, had the Honey DATY experience. He was fucking amazing to say the least! It just gets better every time.
I will never forget a story that a client told me about his experience with another provider. Right in the middle of the session, as things started to get heated, the provider said, "I'm just going to lay here and pretend like you're a girl." Needless to say, her comment completely blew it for him and he was unable to recuperate.

I'm sure a little bit of direction is appreciated, and while communication is important, never underestimate the illusion of passion. There is such a thing as way too much honesty. LOL
HoneyAngel's Avatar
I will never forget a story that a client told me about his experience with another provider. Right in the middle of the session, as things started to get heated, the provider said, "I'm just going to lay here and pretend like you're a girl." Needless to say, her comment completely blew it for him and he was unable to recuperate.

I'm sure a little bit of direction is appreciated, and while communication is important, never underestimate the illusion of passion. There is such a thing as way too much honesty. LOL Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Yes, Babe, I agree! There is such a thing as way to much honesty.Yes, we ladies should never under estimate the illusion of passion! As it plays a very important role. Amen!
Oh wow Ginger Doll , that is too funny !!!! Thanks for sharing . I love this topic Honey Angel is talking about Daty is so important in the hobby or a relationship . It's a way that a women gets stimulated at least in my experience . Men are visual so it turns them on to see you turned on . There is no right or wrong way of DATY , every lady is different in what they want . I was with SO the other night and he loves this activity !!!! The first couple of times we did Daty , he had amazing skills , I just had to give him a little feed back on how I liled it , and he totally loved that when I was talking sexual to him and telling him what I liked
shortblkguy's Avatar
Nice Thread and feedback/information
HoneyAngel's Avatar
Hey Lauren, thankyou for jioning the conversation! You have always been a great friend. Thankyou for your input on the subject. It takes creative direction to give a lover, male or female, to avoid hurting feelings. As well as maintaning the illusion of passion. Some of my girl friends told she likes it rough! Some other girl friend have told me she likes it slow and gentle. I LOVE D A T Y, when, my lover is considerate of how it feels to me. Then we both can enjoy our time together. If a guy wants to give me directions while giving him a blow jobs, that is fine with me. It will not hurt my ego. Being a lover has lots of opportunitys for growth. As it is welcomed!