Letia James is giving Trump etal, a high hard-one

eyecu2's Avatar

All the Trumpkins are in deep shit. It seems that the truth of financials of the syndicate have finally surfaced and Trump- "the self-proclaimed guy who knows more about taxes than anyone", has been exposed as....wait for it......Yet AGAIN, a Fraud.

The AG in NY has determined that DJT and his kids have grossly miss-represented the values of properties in order to defraud, banks and the government.


Components of the suit include:

New York Attorney General Letitia James' office sued Trump, his children, and his business.

"Trump falsely inflated his net worth by billions of dollars to further enrich himself and cheat the system," James' office said.

James is seeking to permanently bar the Trumps from conducting business in New York and pursuing $250 million in penalties.

Well, I am sure all real-estate owners fudge the numbers to some extent, but Trumps been doing this since his pappy died and to such an extent that he paid no inheritance tax on the holdings- to my recollection. I don't really believe in taxing the dead so that doesn't typically bother me, but the ruse he's been running on the public ever since does. He's a phony as a 3 dollar bill and a deed to the Brooklynn Bridge.

But wait- theres' more:

James on Wednesday said her office believes the conduct outlined in the civil suit "also violates federal criminal law, including issuing false statements to financial institutions and bank fraud." She said state investigators would refer the matter to the US attorney's office for the Southern District of New York and the Internal Revenue Service.

The suit is the culmination of an aggressive, three-year probe by James, who in 2018 campaigned in part on the promise to investigate — and sue —Trump and his New York-incorporated real estate and golf resort empire.

Donald will have to find himself some additional attorneys to help dig him out of the shit storm he's in now.

Just to be clear the major cases now include:

Georgia vote tampering.

Jan 6 investigations.

Holding secret documents that (as yet have not been declassified) per any documentation that Trump has produced.

Pending federal indictments for Jan 6th, and the results.

Civil cases that do not allow him or his kids to be able to hold a foundation or trust for others in NY.

And now pending criminal cases for the same violations in NYC for the Trump org. I wonder if they will have any difficulty in NY finding people who would sit on a jury trial either civil or criminally to hear about the shenanigans of this crime-boss wannabe.

And cue the whataboutism's from the right....in 3, 2.......1.
berryberry's Avatar
LOL thanks for the laugh. And you have to be astonished at the coincidence that their investigation resulted in filing a lawsuit six weeks before the election!

Does she mention the fact that banks perform their own appraisals and does she list which banks she believes were harmed?

... Where is the whataboutism??

... Not here. .... This move by her WAS EXPECTED. ...

You seem to forget... The Trumps have lawyers too.

#### Salty
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-21-2022, 03:50 PM

No criminal indictments like she alleged?

Civil suits are shit, and, its not like Trump did his own books.

Further, the AG valued Mar a lago at 75 million as one of the charges was overinflating the value of properties, and Forbes said its worth 350 million.

LOL thanks for the laugh. And you have to be astonished at the coincidence that their investigation resulted in filing a lawsuit six weeks before the election!

Does she mention the fact that banks perform their own appraisals and does she list which banks she believes were harmed?

Originally Posted by berryberry
... Me-own "political insiders" are surely having
a royal 'oliday with this...

I've heard that the James woman was being removed
from the investigations - so she decided to fall
all arse-over-tit with things.

... The banks decide what they are willing to lend.
And people surely sign-off on this.

Plus the FACT that the government is NOT blameless
in whatever attempt to DE-VALUE Trump propertys.
Phony "Trump/Russia collusion" and what-not.

### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trafalgar has Henry up on her in the AG race. I’m sure that has nothing to do with it tho.

... She's losing - and she went and did this.
When it surely backfires on her - she'll be sued.

... Me "political insiders" are saying that the James woman
wanted a small settlement "just to get a win" as she's up
for re-election - but Trump wouldn't pay anything because
they did nothing wrong.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
... She's losing - and she went and did this.
When it surely backfires on her - she'll be sued.

... Me "political insiders" are saying that the James woman
wanted a small settlement "just to get a win" as she's up
for re-election - but Trump wouldn't pay anything because
they did nothing wrong.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty- you got some insiders do ya?

And just confirming that bloke DJT didn't do nothing wrong?
eyecu2's Avatar
Not about banks perse, but about valuations that are not the same as applications for loans. If the valuations we're lower than stated on a loan document, then that is fraud, and if he paid lower taxes on property by falsely claiming they were worth less than loans applied for, that is tax fraud. You can't have cake and eat it too. Just like the special master told Trump in Florida.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar

No criminal indictments like she alleged?

Civil suits are shit, and, its not like Trump did his own books.

Further, the AG valued Mar a lago at 75 million as one of the charges was overinflating the value of properties, and Forbes said its worth 350 million.

Hmmmmm. Originally Posted by Devo
Mazur did the books for the properties and they severed ties with Trump last year- stating the content of those values was no longer valid. They saw the writing on the wall, and while that may get them some lee-way, they are still complicit if they did valuations for stuff that isn't consistant with filing of taxes. That's the point. It's not what the value is or isnt'. It's the inconsistency of that value being lower when paying taxes, vs higher when getting loans. The fact that banks have appraisal depts, has been a question also, but they may NOT have the same level of visibility of values against rents and cash flow that is supplied by Trump / aka Mazur/ and thus offer higher values towards the property after reviewing them, than what Trump claims is the value at tax time. While I think it's a simple idea in context to find out if the fraud took place, there are many hands, and lots of attorneys to help obfuscate the process, or legitimize what is a ruse. If you all like transparency like you claim, where are you when it comes time for tax returns, or valuations, or applications or anything with regards to trumps claim of declassification. He's all lip-service to quell the tards on the right, but no-show in court, pleading the 5th. The guy is a con man and as he said, " why plead the fifth if you aren't guilty, - only guilty ppl do that".

LOL. grifters gonna grift.
snoopy75's Avatar
Vexatious Litigation. Nothing now, just like the last hundred times...but hey, keep trying sport!
berryberry's Avatar
Not about banks perse, but about valuations that are not the same as applications for loans. If the valuations we're lower than stated on a loan document, then that is fraud, and if he paid lower taxes on property by falsely claiming they were worth less than loans applied for, that is tax fraud. You can't have cake and eat it too. Just like the special master told Trump in Florida. Originally Posted by eyecu2
This is a classic case of telling me you know nothing about how bank loans and property valuations work without telling me you know nothing about how bank loans and property valuations.

Property valuations are subjective. That is why a bank does their own valuation when lending.

And if you really think the way property taxes work is that you tell the state what your property is worth and they assess taxes based on what you tell them, well that speaks volumes.
eyecu2's Avatar
lol. What it tells me is that you never had to value a business; for purposes of creating a income statement or value statement. How a business or the real-estate portion of it, is only valued at the drive by of a appraisal. Yeahh....But Mazar's is not a bank, hmmmm so how was it that they were involved on any of that?? Why would an accounting firm have any input in the value of a property as MAZURS has not declined being any way accurate from this point forward?

But go on BX2.

Spell out how you think only a bank can value a company or business. The depths of your knowledge on such subjects is a deep as the puddle I have in my driveway.
berryberry's Avatar
lol. What it tells me is that you never had to value a business; for purposes of creating a income statement or value statement. How a business or the real-estate portion of it, is only valued at the drive by of a appraisal. Yeahh....But Mazar's is not a bank, hmmmm so how was it that they were involved on any of that?? Why would an accounting firm have any input in the value of a property as MAZURS has not declined being any way accurate from this point forward?

But go on BX2.

Spell out how you think only a bank can value a company or business. The depths of your knowledge on such subjects is a deep as the puddle I have in my driveway. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Yeah right, LOL. I probably have forgotten more about being a CFO than whatever limited financial knowledge you ever had.

You are embarrassing yourself. Please stop

Take a basic accounting class
Take a basic finance class

It is clear you know neither of these fields. Hell you are confusing what impacts an income statement vs a balance sheet.

And you clearly do not understand the role of an independent accounting firm nor how a bank lends money

A person has to be a special kind of stupid to think a bank does not do their own due diligence and appraisal when making loans.

But go ahead, explain how it is a crime that:

1. Trump borrowed money from banks who did their own due diligence
2. Trump then paid back the money borrowed with interest
3. The banks profited on the deal based on the terms they set

Come on, this out to be good to see you try to explain how the banks who profited from the deals are victims