Have any Providers been caught by their husband?

I want to find out if there are any providers that have been providing while you were married and been caught and if so how did you make it through it? If you stayed in the marriage were you able to return to providing and if so how did you manage that? Did you feel as if you were putting your clients in jeopardy?

Guys if this happened to you how would you feel and what would you do to make sure she did not return behind your back again?

Trying to collect helpful information for a friend that this has happened to.

469 777-6090
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
The yellow text is hard on the eyes. I can't even see what your post says. As for the title, my answer would be yes. I do know providers who have been busted (not in the act) by their SO.
cumalot's Avatar
+ 1 on the TEXT
Cant read it either.. or maybe chose not to because it is indeed harsh on eyes. But according to the title... No.. ive never been caught. Mostly because I am single and if i were even dating.. i would not be doing this. If I found someone Id date.. he would be putting out 2-3 times per day to satisfy my need for boink.. LOL
Alright fixed the text. Still very interested in responses.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
To add to my post .... all the ladies I know (except 1) whose SO found out, all of them retired because of their SO.

1 of them is still providing, but her SO does not know. He thinks she went back to work in the heathcare feild, however she is still providing. IMO what she is doing is wrong. He was kind enough to forgive her and she stabs him in the back once again.

I could not do this job and lie about it to a man I love. Hopefully everything works out for your friend and her hubby.
I have a friend who married a retired provider. When some personal problems came up for her, she went back to providing occasionally for old regulars. Her husband found out. She said that she would continue doing so but would not conceal it. She threatened to leave him if he objected. Their marriage is still together but at great risk.
markeymark's Avatar
Top 5 nightmare: dating or married to a gal who is secretly escorting...bleh. Strike one and your out. Almost as bad as when SO allows it knowingly.
LeftySmith's Avatar
I've been trying to figure out how to tactfully approach the subject with my wife to convince her to start providing! Otherwise I may never be able to retire .
mistereld's Avatar
I've been trying to figure out how to tactfully approach the subject with my wife to convince her to start providing! Otherwise I may never be able to retire . Originally Posted by LeftySmith
Ha Ha! +1 on that!
It really all comes down to how you think the other person will react to finding this out.

If you have an open and loving relationship where the person is your best friend then she should talk this over with him before she does anything.

If they are in a difficult financial situation and it is approached correctly he may allow her to pursue this, but she should put a time limit on doing this 6 months or something like that.

He must be totally understanding of what she is going to be doing before it happens.

Most men cannot live with this fact and allow their ego to get involved and she will end up leaving him or getting a divorce.

If she tries to hide it from him then she knows that she is doing something wrong no matter what the outcome she is hoping for. She will lose her best friend if he finds out.

A good friend is difficult to find and harder to keep.

I am not married to a provider so this may be bad information.

Just my two cents.
She should introduce the hubby to some of her provider friends. Who knows he may ask for some phone numbers.
I have seen some married providers that have wonderful marriages, but usually it is based on honesty and open communication. I can only imagine how stressful it must be to hide something so big from your spouse.

I would not want to put my clients in an uncomfortable postition (although I am not sure if most guys care or not if you are married). Sex and Money are two things that drive people crazy, mix it together with a hate-filled betrayed husband and you might just end up in the freezer with bite size pieces.

But that's only my opinion on married women hobbying in secret.
Jumbo_mumbo's Avatar
I know one for sure and happened to be my ATF, and she's definitely out from the business aka retired for good when the SO found out.
Married a provider. Said I was her first date. Was fireworks. She stopped for me. She opened up medical clinic. Pain management clinic (prescribed only hydrocodone, soma, xanax combo and some syrup). Doing 100 patients/day, charging $125/day cash. Medical Board and DEA shut that down. She kept that running periodically without a doctor. Just forged scripts. Even asked me to pretend I was doctor when pharmascist came around. Shes damn lucky shes not doing 30 Federal. She moves out Christmas Eve to divorce me and marry the father of the youngest 2 of her 4 children. (Oldest 2 with 2 different fathers so 4 kids with 2 different men; thank you Jesus for the miscarriage) That dude was in prison for aggravated sexual assault female age 13 and failure to register and notify as a sex offender. He was illegal. He spent another 18 months in ICE custody having his case heard. He got deported. Duh; like that no good sob would ever be allowed to stay in the USA. Thank you President Bush. During that time, we reconciled from time to time. Also during that time she pissed away over $2M in the casinos in Lake Charles. Couldnt meet her employee payroll and stopped paying her bills. I covered some of the payroll for her; couldn't stand to see the office girls suffer for her fuck ups. She stopped paying her bills too. So I chipped in and was paying for all her bills (rent, utilities, car, insurance, groceries, kids activities, etc.). So she recovers after a while then starts providing. I find out 5 months later and all hell breaks loose. For example, she's seeing this guy who is paying her through the subcontractor that he supervises when they go on trips. A federal government contractor who was doing work for the milatary. So, she was travelling with this dude for $10k per week, every other week, which was being paid by the subcontractor that this dude was approving the invoices for then billing the air force for his pussy on that companies cost plus contract. I find all this out and contact the inspector general; dude gets fired, she gets fired; company loses air force contract. Sorry. Oh, meanwhile she sent the kids to live with their dad (her husband still) in Mexico and is paying all of their bills (ie, sending that $20K per month in cash to Mexico). IRS knocks on my door looking for her. She hasn't filed for 5 years? They say she owes $3M in FIT, penalties, interest. You see, if you are going to lose $2M in the casino in one year, that's after tax. She also has to file and pay state taxes and the employment taxes on her businesses (clinics). Well, I assist in bring the IRS up to date. Call it my civic duty. Oh, and since her husband was deported, the kids qualify for full medicaid benefits (health insurance, social security, food stamps) and her too even though they were not living in the US. They would come across the border to go to the doctor. I got that fixed. You mean they really didn't live with grandma? So this is where I must end, but there is a whole lot more to the story (as if it couldn't get better??????????) that is ongoing and cannot be discussed in public. If you want me to call you, I will.

I took her to lunch recently. While we were eating, she got up to go to the bathroom. She had massive blood staining on the back of her dress and left a puddle of blood in her chair. I cleaned up the mess, got her back to her car, went to the store to get her some tampons and took them to her hotel room. All she could focus on was getting ready for her two appointments and making sure that she earned money to send to her husband (the deported pedophile) so he could pay the bills as he hasn't work the last two years. I left; it was just too sad. That's what she was worried about even though her uterus was falling out.

She hit 41 yesterday, even though she advertises as in her 30's. But she's and OLD 41. This is the worst I have ever seen her. I told her I can't see her any more; it breaks my heart. She's getting her just reward not and I have stopped throwing stones even though her white knights attack me with telephone calls, texts, emails, etc. You see, I forced her to open an narcotics operation without a doctor; I forced the DEA to come in; I forced her not to file her taxes; I forced her to go to the casino and gamble; I forced her not to pay her bills; I forced her to marry a two time aggravated felon; I forced the US to deport him; I forced her into prostitution......it's all my fault.

Thanks for listening, I feel better now!