AOC...introduces the NEW raw deal!!

Thank god this shit isn't going to see the light of day.
The HUFF PUFF is giddy about this SJW on STEROIDS
These left wingnuts live in this non-existent utopia.
This BITCH has SHIT for about total devastation of the world economy...costing millions of jobs and and completely bankrupting this nation and sending it into oblivion...THE RISING STAR OF THE LEFT...nuff said!!
This has to be in the communist doctrine somewhere...
P.S. Please read this "piece" if you can stomach it!!
She's going to be the best weapon Trump ever had. Let's just say - she's a gift to the R's that just keeps on giving!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-07-2019, 01:52 PM
She's going to be the best weapon Trump ever had. Let's just say - she's a gift to the R's that just keeps on giving!!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
She is not running for President in 2020....focus on her at your own peril.
At the peril of the country...
This bitch is comedy gold!!
Pullaousy quote "green dream or what ever they call it" HAHAHAHAHA
8 members were picked to serve on a "special" committee and AOC IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
AOC is 1 of 435 House members. She is in her first few days as a House member. Her views are much different than the views of most other Democrats. She will be like the mosquito that drives you crazy, which she seems to be doing to some individuals on this forum, that you want to make go away.

Shrug your shoulders and laugh at her. Republicans can only hope and pray that she becomes a major player in the Democratic party.
From your lips to Gods ears...
Just pointing out the insanity of the radical left and how detrimental it is to the world economy and more specifically the livelihood of every human being on this earth!!
This "plan" is COMPLETELY unsustainable and cost prohibitive...the scary part is so many believe this CRAP and endorse this complete NONSENSE!!
Just read this mind numb nuts piece...that's the scary part!!
themystic's Avatar
She's going to be the best weapon Trump ever had. Let's just say - she's a gift to the R's that just keeps on giving!!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
thats what you said about Nancy. And we ALL KNOW that Melania Cunt Faces husband has been getting Punked by Nancy

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

bamscram's Avatar
Thank god this shit isn't going to see the light of day.
The HUFF PUFF is giddy about this SJW on STEROIDS
These left wingnuts live in this non-existent utopia.
This BITCH has SHIT for about total devastation of the world economy...costing millions of jobs and and completely bankrupting this nation and sending it into oblivion...THE RISING STAR OF THE LEFT...nuff said!!
This has to be in the communist doctrine somewhere...
P.S. Please read this "piece" if you can stomach it!! Originally Posted by bb1961
She's going to be the best weapon Trump ever had. Let's just say - she's a gift to the R's that just keeps on giving!!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

She lives in your heads rent free.
Solemate62's Avatar
Whoa! Time out! We need the First Hooker to get involved here being she’s the expert on anti-bullying!
She lives in your heads rent free. Originally Posted by bamscram
You're right EVERYTHING is FREE to that BITCH!!
bambino's Avatar
So how is she going to get cows from farting?
Electric trains to replace automobiles, doing away with the need for fossil fuels.

Do you think this stupid bitch has a clue how electricity is generated.

This cunt is a lot like former President Obama. She does not have a clue how most Americans live.
themystic's Avatar
Electric trains to replace automobiles, doing away with the need for fossil fuels.

Do you think this stupid bitch has a clue how electricity is generated.

This cunt is a lot like former President Obama. She does not have a clue how most Americans live. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie you better not let IB find out you said this about Melania Cunt Face. Of course she doesn't have a clue about how Americans live. Cunt Face is from Slovenia or some God forsaken Russian speaking country.
Phil McCrotch's Avatar
Electric trains to replace automobiles, doing away with the need for fossil fuels.

Do you think this stupid bitch has a clue how electricity is generated.

This cunt is a lot like former President Obama. She does not have a clue how most Americans live. Originally Posted by Jackie S
This girl is on the right track and will garner much popularity, went from a bartender to a congresswoman - she has the ear of the millennials, a powerful force to be reckoned with now and even more in the coming years. College educated youngsters have historically been the future of our country,,if she don’t fuk up (and I think she will) but if she can stay intelligent and hold this populist vote, there may be a new third party coming soon - and FYI, I would not fuck her.
Dickey9090's Avatar
Fake ass suffragist..... bitch didn’t pay for her own education. What suffering did she endure? Who’s paying for her D.C pad ????