AAG Whitaker Testimony

I laughed out loud when along with the audience when AAG Whitaker told Chairman Jerry Nadler his five minutes where up.

I see after the break the Dem reps are coming back asking questions they are reading from papers. They sound totally prepared, probably by Lawfare.

This is a joke.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-08-2019, 11:22 AM
They need me there to write them retorts....I'd had that congressman snapping back..."As are your 15 minutes of fame sir"

That said, the Dems were idiots for bringing this guy there. He has nothing to lose ...

That said, the Dems are idiots ... Originally Posted by WTF
I completely agree...
themystic's Avatar
waste of fucking time

That said, the Dems were idiots for bringing this guy there. He has nothing to lose ... Originally Posted by WTF
The Dems are being directed by Lawfare through Pelosi. Lawfare knows most Democratic members of the House are not very bright. The quality of the nonwritten questions demonstrates it.

What the Dems are trying to do to Whitaker is serve him notice to stay in check. They are asking him the same question over and over again hoping that later down the road they find some inconsistency to bring up a "lying to Congress" charge. The Dims asked him ..."if he ever spoke to ..." and Whitaker asked if they had some evidence of him speaking to some person and the Dems wouldn't answer it. Sounds like the Dems had some inside info they wouldn't divulge. Or they were of course fishing.
bambino's Avatar
Just shows how angry the Democrats are. Wait until Muellers report doesn’t show collusion. That will be fun to watch.
Just shows how angry the Democrats are. Wait until Muellers report doesn’t show collusion. That will be fun to watch. Originally Posted by bambino
Strzok already said no collusion.


A few minutes later Strzok texted his own handicap of the Russia evidence: “You and I both know the odds are nothing. If I thought it was likely, I’d be there no question. I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern there’s no big there there.”
gfejunkie's Avatar
Another dimbulbocrat shit show.
This guy Whitaker is smart. His IQ has to be hovering around 150.

Of course, he is being interrogated by a bunch of Congress Persons who are vying for the "moron of the month" award.

This is great comedy.
themystic's Avatar
This guy Whitaker is smart. His IQ has to be hovering around 150.

Of course, he is being interrogated by a bunch of Congress Persons who are vying for the "moron of the month" award.

This is great comedy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Youre worse than IB. you just make shit up Jackie.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Youre worse than IB. you just make shit up Jackie. Originally Posted by themystic
You'd be the one making shit up. Sheila Jackson Lee is the moron looking for an American flag planted on Mars, and you're right there beside her looking for it.
Youre worse than IB. you just make shit up Jackie. Originally Posted by themystic
Coming from the king of it!!
themystic's Avatar
You'd be the one making shit up. Sheila Jackson Lee is the moron looking for an American flag planted on Mars, and you're right there beside her looking for it. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
at least every now and then you have something IB, ( granted it is rare). Jackie is just a parrot of whatever Trump says.
And you're a parrot for whatever NANCY says...please decipher this mess from your queen...NOOOOOOOOOO you can't
