Mueller's Prior Witchhunt of Senator Stevens

Turns out it wasn't true. FBI withheld key info. Whistleblower forced out while FBI agent withholding info remained.

The following is an excerpt from “Robert Mueller: Unmasked,” a report published by Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas, in which he makes several claims about a number of witch hunts conducted by the former FBI director.

Here’s the section of his report pertaining to Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens:

Ted Stevens had served in the U.S. Senate since 1968 and was indicted in 2008 by the U.S. Justice Department. One would think before the U.S. government would seek to destroy a sitting U.S. Senator, there would be no question whatsoever of his guilt. One would be completely wrong in thinking so when the FBI Director is Robert Mueller.

Roll Call provides us with General Colin Powell’s take on Ted Stevens:

“According to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who had worked closely with the senator since his days as President Ronald Reagan’s national security adviser, the senator was ‘a trusted individual …someone whose word you could rely on. I never heard in all of those years a single dissenting voice with respect to his integrity, with respect to his forthrightness, and with respect to the fact that when you shook hands with Ted Stevens, or made a deal with Ted Stevens, it was going to be a deal that benefited the nation in the long run, one that he would stick with.’”

Such a glowing reputation certainly did not inhibit Mueller’s FBI from putting Stevens in its cross-hairs, pushing to get an indictment that came 100 days before his election, and engaging in third world dictator-type tactics to help an innocent man lose his election, after which he lost his life.

As reported by NPR, after the conviction and all truth came rolling out of the framing and conviction of Senator Stevens, the new Attorney General Eric Holder, had no choice. He “abandoned the Stevens case in April 2009 after uncovering new and ‘disturbing’ details about the prosecution…”

Unfortunately for Ted Stevens, his conviction came only eight days before his election, which tipped the scales on a close election.

[Read: Prosecutors hid evidence in Stevens case]

Does this sound familiar yet?

The allegation was that Senator Stevens had not paid full price for improvements to his Alaska cabin. As Roll Call reported, he had actually overpaid for the improvements by over twenty percent. Roll Call went on to state:

“But relying on false records and fueled by testimony from a richly rewarded ‘cooperating’ witness… government prosecutors convinced jurors to find him guilty just eight days before the general election which he lost by less than 2 percent of the vote.”

After a report substantiated massive improprieties by the FBI and DOJ in the investigation and prosecution of Senator Stevens, the result was ultimately a complete dismissal of the conviction.

At the time there was no direct evidence that Director Mueller was aware of the tactics of concealing exculpatory evidence that would have exonerated Stevens, and the creation of evidence that convicted him in 2008. Nearly four years later, in 2012, the Alaska Dispatch News concluded:

“Bottom line: Kepner (the lead FBI investigator accused of wrongdoing by Agent Joy) is still working for the FBI and is still investigating cases, including criminal probes. Joy, the whistleblower (who was the FBI agent who disclosed the FBI’s vast wrongdoing, especially of Kepner), has left the agency.”

[Read: Why the FBI agent who botched the Stevens investigation is still employed]

Director Mueller either did control or could have controlled what happened to the lead FBI agent that destroyed a well-respected U.S. Senator. That U.S. Senator was not only completely innocent of the manufactured case against him, he was an honest and honorable man. Under Director Mueller’s overriding supervision, the wrongdoer who helped manufacture the case stayed on and the whistleblower was punished. Obviously, the FBI Director wanted his FBI agents to understand that honesty would be punished if it revealed wrongdoing within Mueller’s organization.
LexusLover's Avatar
This is the turd in the Mueller Team: Andrew Weissmann

He was the "architect" of the Enron debacle aka prosecutions here in Houston.
Dickey9090's Avatar
This is the turd in the Mueller Team: Andrew Weissmann

He was the "architect" of the Enron debacle aka prosecutions here in Houston. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think he’s the real devil pulling strings behind the scenes. You know who he works for ?
bamscram's Avatar
Republicans eating their own? Well except for LL.
Republicans eating their own? Well except for LL. Originally Posted by bamscram
Who's eating their own...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
What sounds familiar is the bullshit.

And if you're looking for a witch hunt, this is it.

You people realize the judge who threw this out is the sentencing judge for Flynn, right? You remember when ll claimed there was exculpatory evidence to get Flynn off the hook. We all know that not to be the case for Flynn as it was for Stevens.

The fact we know there was exculpatory evidence in Stevens' case means the FBI collected the evidence and the Bush DOJ chose to conceal it.

Where does it say the FBI withheld evidence? It says the Bush DOJ's prosecutors withheld evidence.

If you want a good laugh, here is a link to the Congressman's report. It's a trumpy delight.
Turns out it wasn't true. FBI withheld key info. Whistleblower forced out while FBI agent withholding info remained.

The following is an excerpt from “Robert Mueller: Unmasked,” a report published by Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas, in which he makes several claims about a number of witch hunts conducted by the former FBI director.

Here’s the section of his report pertaining to Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens:

Ted Stevens had served in the U.S. Senate since 1968 and was indicted in 2008 by the U.S. Justice Department. One would think before the U.S. government would seek to destroy a sitting U.S. Senator, there would be no question whatsoever of his guilt.No question of his guilt? That sums up the logic of the author. By law, everyone is assumed innocent until convicted. The author talks about assumed guilt is needed to investigate someone. One would be completely wrong in thinking so when the FBI Director is Robert Mueller.

Roll Call provides us with General Colin Powell’s take on Ted Stevens:

“According to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who had worked closely with the senator since his days as President Ronald Reagan’s national security adviser, the senator was ‘a trusted individual …someone whose word you could rely on. I never heard in all of those years a single dissenting voice with respect to his integrity, with respect to his forthrightness, and with respect to the fact that when you shook hands with Ted Stevens, or made a deal with Ted Stevens, it was going to be a deal that benefited the nation in the long run, one that he would stick with.’”

Such a glowing reputation certainly did not inhibit Mueller’s FBI from putting Stevens in its cross-hairs, pushing to get an indictment that came 100 days before his election, and engaging in third world dictator-type tactics to help an innocent man lose his election, after which he lost his life.

As reported by NPR, after the conviction and all truth came rolling out of the framing and conviction of Senator Stevens, the new Attorney General Eric Holder, had no choice. He “abandoned the Stevens case in April 2009 after uncovering new and ‘disturbing’ details about the prosecution…”

Unfortunately for Ted Stevens, his conviction came only eight days before his election, which tipped the scales on a close election.

[Read: Prosecutors hid evidence in Stevens case]

Does this sound familiar yet?

The allegation was that Senator Stevens had not paid full price for improvements to his Alaska cabin. As Roll Call reported, he had actually overpaid for the improvements by over twenty percent. Roll Call went on to state:

“But relying on false records and fueled by testimony from a richly rewarded ‘cooperating’ witness… government prosecutors convinced jurors to find him guilty just eight days before the general election which he lost by less than 2 percent of the vote.”

After a report substantiated massive improprieties by the FBI and DOJ in the investigation and prosecution of Senator Stevens, the result was ultimately a complete dismissal of the conviction.

At the time there was no direct evidence that Director Mueller was aware of the tactics of concealing exculpatory evidence that would have exonerated Stevens, and the creation of evidence that convicted him in 2008. Nearly four years later, in 2012, the Alaska Dispatch News concluded:

“Bottom line: Kepner (the lead FBI investigator accused of wrongdoing by Agent Joy) is still working for the FBI and is still investigating cases, including criminal probes. Joy, the whistleblower (who was the FBI agent who disclosed the FBI’s vast wrongdoing, especially of Kepner), has left the agency.”

[Read: Why the FBI agent who botched the Stevens investigation is still employed]

Director Mueller either did control or could have controlled what happened to the lead FBI agent that destroyed a well-respected U.S. Senator. That U.S. Senator was not only completely innocent of the manufactured case against him, he was an honest and honorable man. Under Director Mueller’s overriding supervision, the wrongdoer who helped manufacture the case stayed on and the whistleblower was punished. Obviously, the FBI Director wanted his FBI agents to understand that honesty would be punished if it revealed wrongdoing within Mueller’s organization. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What sounds familiar is the bullshit.

And if you're looking for a witch hunt, this is it.

You people realize the judge who threw this out is the sentencing judge for Flynn, right? You remember when ll claimed there was exculpatory evidence to get Flynn off the hook. We all know that not to be the case for Flynn as it was for Stevens.

The fact we know there was exculpatory evidence in Stevens' case means the FBI collected the evidence and the Bush DOJ chose to conceal it.

Where does it say the FBI withheld evidence? It says the Bush DOJ's prosecutors withheld evidence.

If you want a good laugh, here is a link to the Congressman's report. It's a trumpy delight.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

so you agree Mueller was an accessory to criminal conduct by the DOJ (his boss) by allowing them to ignore his agent's evidence. thanks for clearing that up!
Call it a witchhunt, but Mueller is picking off all the trump crooks 1 by 1. Trump is dirty. His family is dirty. Trump associates are dirty. Both Dems and Republicans are dirty and greedy. Trump just happens to be more blatant about doing dirt. Bet your ass Mueller’s witchhunt will get Jr and/or Jared. Mueller was appointed by a Rod Rosenstein, a republican. Comey is a republican. Oh yeah, Mueller is a republican. This witchhunt is a republican vs republican fight. Dems got some power in the last few weeks, so can’t blame the Dems.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you're ignoring the fact that meuller is dirty. comey was dirty too...

both claim to be republicans.... so..... who dirty then?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-10-2019, 07:25 AM
you're ignoring the fact that meuller is dirty. comey was dirty too...

both claim to be republicans.... so..... who dirty then? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Nobody is as dirty as Trump , except for maybe Bill Clinton.
we know what hellary did

and we know the scoundrel that is bill

and we know what obama did, except where he was the night of Benghazi

but what did trump do exactly?
LexusLover's Avatar
Nobody is as dirty as Trump , except for maybe Bill Clinton. Originally Posted by WTF
Well ... .you were kinda close .... on a Clinton.

Miles off on Trump. If he were "dirty" they would keep him in.

But they know he's not, so they want him out.

Crooks don't like cops, unless they're dirty cops! That's what's going on. He's done "business" with them all .. directly or indirectly ... and/or crossed paths with them while doing business. He knows their "fetishes" and "weaknesses" .... he knows their "soft underbelly" ...

BTW: So did Nixon! That's another thread and another time.

Here's one of their DIRTY PROSECUTORS ....

themystic's Avatar
we know what hellary did

and we know the scoundrel that is bill

and we know what obama did, except where he was the night of Benghazi

but what did trump do exactly? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
you don't know your stuff. go to a sports forum or something. you have a great big bag of nothing. fuck the republicans and evangelicals. you got nothing

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
you don't know your stuff. Originally Posted by themystic
Translation of the above: "I don't know what to say in response!"
themystic's Avatar
Well ... .you were kinda close .... on a Clinton.

Miles off on Trump. If he were "dirty" they would keep him in.

But they know he's not, so they want him out.

Crooks don't like cops, unless they're dirty cops! That's what's going on. He's done "business" with them all .. directly or indirectly ... and/or crossed paths with them while doing business. He knows their "fetishes" and "weaknesses" .... he knows their "soft underbelly" ...

BTW: So did Nixon! That's another thread and another time.

Here's one of their DIRTY PROSECUTORS ....

Originally Posted by LexusLover
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another crooked Jew. So the fuck what LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!