Would like feed back if you agree

With things being slow and drama filled in SBC I am wondering if anyone is experiencing what I am or maybe the providers just do this to me.
I normally always book at least 1 hour sessions to not be rushed.
Recently I saw a provider that I have seen before and got mine in about 20 minutes. It was good but she made the commit wow we have fucked almost the whole hour. I said your clock is wrong showed her my watch and it had been 20 minutes. She yes you are right.
She got up started getting her cloths and said I need to go outside and smoke.
We went out smoked and I got no vibes she wanted to go again so I said my farewells and left.
Another time I really wanted a blow job and 2 pops and got a short bj and she was in a hurry to fuck so we did.
Then she got up without asking about going again and she was ready to go.
This seems to becoming the norm here now and I am wondering why the change.
It is happening more and more.
Also it really gets me that after one pop they got to grab that phone and start texting.
Do not know if is me or because it is SBC but will not continue to support providers that are in that big of a rush.
I do not stay over my hour unless asked to do so and I expect it all to be about me for the 60 minutes I am paying for.
Commit if you want clients and providers but just sharing my experience.
Only started in the last couple of months.
I have seen several providers but have not reviewed due to happenings going on.
Cassmann's Avatar
I know the feeling brother. I've asked for 2 and she didn't even try, so maybe it's time to move on. Just start going with half hour and if your run over so be it, your getting short changed on the hour so why pay for it?
number6's Avatar
I too usually only book 1hr or longer. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve booked less than that in the past.

Maybe I’m just lucky but I’ve only had this happen once in the last five months, she was someone I hadn’t seen before, no I didn’t do a review and I haven’t been back. I won’t reward lackluster service with a repeat visit. I’ve always thought the best tip I can give any provider is a repeat visit.

Now that doesn’t mean it’s not happening, I do tend to repeat with a lady I like. That’s my experience here in SBC in last few months.
Thanks guys.
I usually book an hour for the very reason that I just might squeeze off a second round. Now I enter the arena looking to receive some undivided isolated interest in my personal wants and needs being satisfied. (Recon I’m the one ‘donating’ so I’m the one receiving ya know) round two happens about half the time. But, even when it just ain’t in me I enjoy the extra laying nekkid chatting and fondling. Just cause my dick ain’t still hard don’t mean I ain’t enjoying the scenery. Especially if there’s some BOTs to adore!
So with an hour I can get mine and don’t feel rushed. Seldom do I ever book a half. Only if really pressed for time. Or want to meet a new filly to see if we click. But that is really rare.
Now, the back page attitude that gets on the phone as soon as round one is called. Just won’t get a second jaunt round the pen with this old cowboy. Just ain’t coming back. When you’re on my dime stay with me. Next old pecker can wait till we’re done and I’m gone.
You know, Ats jus me.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
I don't really agree so I guess my feedback is unwelcome. Point my sorry ass for it!!! LOL

I know this is old and tacked to another area but consider reading:

Check out item 9.

If you want to come in, pound some flesh, recharge, pound some more, get three nuts... join a freaking circus. And don't get all bent out of shape for the gals coming across as mercenary. Believe it or not there's a human being attached to the rental areas.

I know I'm freaking ancient. But unless all I do is come in, get a nut, recharge, get another nut, an hour just ain't long enough. A typical recharge takes about twenty minutes. So I'm not talking to all you super studs that are ready do go in five. There's also conversation. So I'm not talking to all you mental marvels that are clueless on how to talk.

The freaking pussy shit that's taken over the boards sickens me. If there's no drama going on some pussy shit starts bitching about how the gals don't worship him.

Of course I'm not talking about anyone in this thread.

Fuck me if I enjoy the entire experience of a woman. A typical session for us old farts follows along these lines:

15-20 minutes catching up/getting to know one another
15-30 minutes playing
15-20 minutes shooting the breeze

I'm no math wizard. But unless you're dumping any form of human communication or you cum in sixty seconds, there ain't no room for multiple nuts. And if you're just there to nut, nut, nut, quit crying like a little bitch, get over it! You're not going to get a courtesan experience.

So go ahead and bash me. I'm just old school. I'm also tired of the fucking whining. You want to be treated nicely? Then at least pretend the gal is a human being.

You want the gals to drop the back page attitude? Stop seeing the BP rejects AND drop your bp john persona.

Step up YOUR game and know YOUR timing.

Just my six bits.

HID (the OLD school marm)

PS You want good service? Be a good customer. Take some fucking responsibility for the session.

PSS I fully expect someone to jump my sorry ass. Guess what, I don't give a damn. I'll stick with my UTRs and ATFs
  • RK2
  • 04-09-2019, 07:44 PM
I guess I am cursed and blessed at the same time. I really really want a msog session, but so far have ever done singles and some times leave not done. So I have learned to always start at 90 minutes for a session and then if it hasn't happened pay for the two hours. Recently had an overnight and had zero pops till we both passed out to sleep it off, in the morning after resting for a while I finally pulled the first out. I don't know why, but sometimes this is aggravating. Have a two hour scheduled for later tonight, will see how it goes. I feel ya though if you paid for time, you are not paying for a nut, providers should provide for the entire time paid for. Good luck gentlemen, I think the times are a changing.
  • RK2
  • 04-09-2019, 10:27 PM
Well, 2 solid hours, only one pop, but, she got it earlier than most times. The good news is she really tried for #2, but it just wasn't happening. So, I guess the moral of the story is there are still some out there that will take you to the time paid for and not to the first finish line. Yes, review will be following in a couple days, I just need time to decompress a bit. Safe hobby gentlemen.
HID I thought we were over it but you continue to amaze me but of course you have all the experience and some of us are just learning.
HID just for clairficat are you talking about an so or a provider? 'cause if a provider I've been doing wrong all these years.
Yea I guess I am wrong also. However I think it fair to say the rules written cannot be taken at heart when written by one person. I believe rules are between provider and client.
I also believe if a client pays for 60 minutes or one hour then he or she shall receive the services of the provider to go the 60 minutes if the client such as I can continue without passing out or a heart attack takes over.
I make no real rules, I just enjoy doing what we decide to do for the time we are paying to play.
I will also state as before if a client pays for one hour and the provider agrees to play for one hour the client should be able to enjoy for the full hour. Never seen a rule saying that after you pop Mr client I am out of here or loose interest in playing with you.
I have seen providers state that one pop is all you get and have no problem with that, just do not book with them.
I am sure this clears up nothing but since I started this thread for those that AGREE and I am bored, I decided to state my position again.
For now until the laws change it is free speech here in the old USA.
Please take nothing I say as fact or that I know more than anyone else I am just a small fish in the pond and I do pay for play.
Cassmann's Avatar
I do agree 100% with you Harley! If you pay then you Should have the interest of that provider for that whole hour. Now with me I rarely get more than 1 pop, but again it seems some don't even try to go again mustless Try to get ya hard again, even if that pop was in 5mins. So I'm not sure what the Fix would be except know who those providers are and choose not to see them. What Happened to the I'm Not a Clock watcher girls? If someone thinks I'm wrong Ol well don't really care, just stating my opinion!!
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Honestly Ive only experienced multiple pops with one provider and it was at her request. It took lots of effort on her part. That being said in most situations its hard to get 2 pops in an hour or it is for me. However if you pay for an hour she should honor that in some way? Maybe hold your hand? Rub your back? Suck your dick? Hell maybe if your older and more experienced ,you can use that time to give the providers advice to help fuck up the game, stir some shit or at least cock block your competition. I think with most providers its considered "understood" its a one time ride unless she advertises no clock. Thats why I put some effort into my experiences and prepare before I meet a lady. Shave my nuts and rub one out, It helps to get my moneys worth from the experience. I love it when they began to push it back to me thinking they are getting the best of me and Ive prepared thinking baby girl your going to have to work for this one. Its my insurance policy. Who knew we had policy and procedure for fuckin around....
Y’all sum entertaining sumbitches. I ain’t got nothin to add to this conversation that’s anywhere near close to the wisdom level of this group o fellers. I’m jus a has been enjoying a good time when I can with who I can. Works out pretty good most the time. So, in the words of one much wiser than I, ‘carry on’ fellers.
You get yours and I’ll get mine. We will all jus die happy happy happy one day.
Thank everyone for the reply and yes HID I always throw out your replies as they do not count as I can read what is not written.
I know I am still a rookie and learning the hobby and hope I can last long enough to graduate.
The Harley finally got out of the garage today as spring is here.
I love the hobby and appreciate the friends made in this journey.