
It is getting really boring around here. Had a couple encounters this week which I may write up tomorow. If it keeps this pace I guess I will have to find a new hobby.
Cassmann's Avatar
It is pretty damn slow that's for sure!
RIP SBC Stick a fork in it. The party over turn out the lights.
LOL Some people may wish the party was over but rest assured we are a phoenix and will rise again. Getting a few texts from some I have not heard from in a while asking how I am so that tells me if they are asking about an old has bend like me they are going to come out and get frisky.
I was kinda feeling down when I started this thread but after hearing from some cuties yesterday afternoon, my spirits are waking up again.
Using the ol Mellon to pull them out of the old shed. Play on player. But I wish it was like the old days in Shreveport had some of my best memories from that part of the world.