Bring paul back!!!!!!! this travesty has lasted long eenough!!!!!!!
What makes you think he was ever gone....LOL?
Don't tell me there will be a poll....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Bring paul back!!!!!!! this travesty has lasted long eenough!!!!!!! Originally Posted by CLAMCHOWDER2000
rke324's Avatar
What makes you think he was ever gone....LOL? Originally Posted by Celso
Or anyone else who was "banned" or given a "vacation" for that matter ?
The only thing that gets shut down is the member user name. It's been pretty obvious if you've been on this board for any amount of time that 2nd, 3rd and sometimes more handles have been used. You'd have to be pretty naive to think they're not still on this board in some way, shape or form. Same goes for the presence of LE. Then again, maybe they're too busy creating their own board where they can be the Mods and make / break any rule they choose, that is if there's any to break. It could be called "DRAMA"
Frankly, I'd have no problem seeing any of those on "vacation" back on the board as long as they're not acting like spoiled children throwing temper tantrums and creating all kinds of BS drama if they don't get they're own way. Fun is fun and I'm all for it but sometimes some people cross the line and need to be told to act like an adult and grow the "F" up. I've had to be told this on occasion and hindsight shows when those occasions happened, I was acting like an A-Hole and deserved it.
Guest042416's Avatar
I agree bring them all back.
cravenmorehead's Avatar
Most of them are back one way or another.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
I had an email from Paul and I can't find the damn thing anywhere. If you can see this Paul please resend . It's been driving me crazy trying to find it. My new email/ plus the phone version of it has been Hell.

I need to take a gmail/ Google plus for dummies class.

Anyways, I miss Paul and a few others who barely post anymore. Would be so terrific to see them all back!
jokacz's Avatar
Frankie, check your email.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Most of them are back one way or another. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
not true,,, errr at this time

3 sides of story I know 2
local mods: I do not know at all
admins: I can not tell you the part I know
Paulie girls I will not tell you, you want his hobby email??? I can ask if ok

another member,
I lost contact with mmmmmmm yoh jon where the hell are ya. Hope doing well
admin: not sure at this time
local mods: I have no idea
But I do not think is on,
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Thanks Jokacz

Osd, Jon? You lost him?
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Where's Perryay( eh) lol
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Thanks Jokacz

Osd, Jon? You lost him? Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
seems so, I will try again. If nothing, will forget it unless he contacts me.
way it goes

Where's Perryay( eh) lol Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
did you look under your bed, mmmm check for jon also please eh
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 01-12-2014, 12:13 PM
I must be the only one who only has one name.

I believe even GP has Howdy Do Me, whole thing a sham !!

Anybody have program to check IP addresses ??