Where's Governor Gregg Abbott?

  • Tiny
  • 03-22-2020, 09:55 AM
Governor Abbott should get off his ass, figuratively speaking, and do more. Closing the bars, restaurants and gyms was a good move, certainly in places where community transmission is occurring. But why are there still 48 flights per day between Dallas and New York City? NYC is about to become the next Wuhan. The virus is getting so out of control there that you probably can't trace contacts of people with Coronavirus and isolate them. But you can in Texas. I don't think the Texas Department of Health and Human Services is doing that. We need more testing, and undoubtedly the state of Texas has the resources to make that happen. We should be scrounging for ventilators like New York.

Some Texas Tech student with coronavirus was supposed to self isolate at a special residence but instead went home and out on the town. Jokers like that should be prosecuted. One person with Coronavirus in Italy probably spread the disease to over 100 people. He was in and out of the hospital twice and a number were health care workers. He had an excuse, this was back in February when this was getting started. There's no excuse now.

The majority of states in recent times have preferred Republicans at the state level, IMHO because they run things better. You see people like Cuomo and Newsom being proactive and people like Abbott not in response to this crisis and that may change.
bambino's Avatar
Libtard states have been affected the most. Wonder why?
LexusLover's Avatar
Governor Abbott should get off his ass, .... Originally Posted by Tiny
I'm sure he wishes he could more also. But putting the careless remark aside, just exactly what is happening in the Texas that would require HIM to "do more"? And exactly what would you wish HIM to do to address those allegedly dire circumstances?
LexusLover's Avatar
Libtard states have been affected the most. Wonder why? Originally Posted by bambino
An arrogant, perception of imperviousness with copious amounts of self-laudatory superiority complex combined with social interaction with infected homeless people piling up their bi-products on their streets and outside their homes.
  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2020, 10:58 AM
LL- Thank you - Perhaps the best description of the Libtard psyche ever written!!
And - one far too erudite for them to ever comprehend.

The art of the insult - taken to a very high level in Shakespearian times - seems to have been lost .

Perhaps the best insult is One not comprehended by the target. LOL
LexusLover's Avatar
Perhaps the best insult is One not comprehended by the target. LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
That's usually because they don't listen to themselves speak! The worst thing that happened to me yesterday while mingling among all those "infected shoppers" was all of the UNSALTED BUTTER was GONE and I had to take home SALTED BUTTER with an apology!

It didn't occur to me to check with the Governor about UNSALTED BUTTER!
  • Tiny
  • 03-22-2020, 11:19 AM
I'm sure he wishes he could more also. But putting the careless remark aside, just exactly what is happening in the Texas that would require me to "do more"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just as I thought, you're Greg Abbott in the real world. You get ahead of the curve like South Korea and Japan did and you'll see a lot fewer cases and much less disruption to the economy. You don't and things develop like they are in Europe.

And exactly what would you wish him to do to address those allegedly dire circumstances? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I outlined it above. And admittedly some of it would be unenforceable and be challenged in court, but it would cut severity of what's coming.

1. Restrict travel to places where coronavirus is out of control. For example, air travel to New York City should be for essential purposes.

2. Reach out to Texas private laboratories, hospitals, medical schools and the like to increase testing capacity. Scrounge for the reagents for the tests. Subsidize coronavirus testing if the Feds aren't doing that already.

3. Scrounge for ventilators and masks, like New York is doing now. We can find some in Texas, like ventilators that are out of service and masks that are used by non-medical industries. Buy them outside the state too.

4. Have the Texas Department of Health and Human Services track and trace contacts of people with Coronavirus. Isolate them. If you've got the virus and you evade quarantine you should be prosecuted and, if feasible, forced to stay home.

5. Give more press conferences to keep the public up to date. Democratic governors are giving people the perception they're out in front of this, whether they are or not. Republican governors, not as much. Admittedly a big part of this is because as Bambino says blue states have been effected more to date.
I'm sure he wishes he could more also. But putting the careless remark aside, just exactly what is happening in the Texas that would require HIM to "do more"? And exactly what would you wish HIM to do to address those allegedly dire circumstances? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Exactly - and our fine Governor was fighting homeless encampments and unsanitary conditions in Austin and leading our great state better than any other Governor.

We are lucky to have Greg Abbott.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just as I thought, you're Greg Abbott in the real world. You get ahead of the curve like South Korea and Japan did and you'll see a lot fewer cases and much less disruption to the economy. You don't and things develop like they are in Europe.
Originally Posted by Tiny
One thing that has been and is being debunked is the notion that all the countries outside of the U.S. are better suited to take care of catastrophic events and their consequences ... so people like you look to 2nd and even 4th rate countries as role models for addressing the human results of those tragedies.

That farce has driven the narrative in healthcare for the U.S. population ... if it works in Denmark it will work here, bullshit ... and then point to Canada as the gold standard in the Western Hemisphere!

The good of this fiasco will be when the U.S. CITIZENS wake up and realize this country cannot afford to farm out essential life-saving manufacturing and ingredients for life saving medicine to foreign countries who tomorrow can be our enemy, which means we can't do it at all. And don't blame Trump for that! He's been screaming since before he took office about how this country is being fucked and we need to turn that around! The outsourcing of our health care began 15-20 years ago.

You and yours just weren't listening, because you were shocked that he could beat the shit out of a political family with lots of experience running for the White House in his first ride out of the chute.

You have a question about the reliability of the Chinese reports? Some of you novices apparently expected the President of the United States to start punching out virus proof "masks" beginning in early January 2020 so the hospitals (and "first responders") would be fully stocked in anticipation of an outbreak of a bad case of the flu that might happen.

How dumb! How racist! How ignorant! Can any of you be?
  • Tiny
  • 03-22-2020, 01:30 PM
One thing that has been and is being debunked is the notion that all the countries outside of the U.S. are better suited to take care of catastrophic events and their consequences ... so people like you look to 2nd and even 4th rate countries as role models for addressing the human results of those tragedies.

That farce has driven the narrative in healthcare for the U.S. population ... if it works in Denmark it will work here, bullshit ... and then point to Canada as the gold standard in the Western Hemisphere!

The good of this fiasco will be when the U.S. CITIZENS wake up and realize this country cannot afford to farm out essential life-saving manufacturing and ingredients for life saving medicine to foreign countries who tomorrow can be our enemy, which means we can't do it at all. And don't blame Trump for that! He's been screaming since before he took office about how this country is being fucked and we need to turn that around! The outsourcing of our health care began 15-20 years ago.

You and yours just weren't listening, because you were shocked that he could beat the shit out of a political family with lots of experience running for the White House in his first ride out of the chute.

You have a question about the reliability of the Chinese reports? Some of you novices apparently expected the President of the United States to start punching out virus proof "masks" beginning in early January 2020 so the hospitals (and "first responders") would be fully stocked in anticipation of an outbreak of a bad case of the flu that might happen.

How dumb! How racist! How ignorant! Can any of you be? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump may have started slow but he's light years ahead of you on this now. You're questioning whether people are dying in the USA from this in another thread.

This is arrogance in the extreme. Ignore what South Korea, Singapore, Japan and China have done, even though they've had a head start on us. They're shit hole countries. No need to compare them to Italy and Iran. No need to learn from other peoples successes and mistakes, for a problem that's about to hit us. Because we know everything.

Do you have to interpret everything through the lens of politics? I must have voted for Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton because I say something you disagree with, that doesn't make a lot of sense. (And I didn't vote for either.)

Likewise Canada, Denmark, and drug manufacturing in China have nothing to do with this. Certainly in hindsight we should have stockpiles of masks and the like and/or manufacturing capability here. This was not unforeseen. There was Ebola and SARS. There are wet markets all over the world where viruses can jump from animals to humans. Look at this paper from the Congressional Budget Office prepared in 2006:


One of their two cases assumed 2 million deaths in the USA.

Is this Trump's fault? No, not any more than it's Obama's or Bush's or whoever's. As I said in another post, I lay most of our shortcomings on the federal government, the deep state if you want to call it that.

As Trump now realizes, burying your head in the sand on this is not a good idea.
In a wheelchair.
  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2020, 01:57 PM
Tiny - it is one thing to criticize on this forum.

If you can write about gov. Abott's shortcomings - in your POV - why not write the governor's office and give your recommendations to Gov Abbott. ????
I see no hint you chose to do so.
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Ibelieve not the press releases from Russia and China about their coronavirus incidences. Their reports are absurd.
LexusLover's Avatar
Tiny -

....the press releases from Russia and China about their coronavirus incidences. Their reports are absurd. Originally Posted by oeb11
That's why he's called "Tiny"! Six months ago the AntiTrumpers were ridiculing Trump for "listening" to "foreigners" .... like the Russians ... for his decision making information ....

  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2020, 02:16 PM
fascist DPST's have nothing without their hypocrisy.

Please - see posts by j666, hh,ftw,and their ilk for laughable examples.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Libtard states have been affected the most. Wonder why? Originally Posted by bambino

north east and west coast are immigration hot spots.