A Stealth Coup d'État in the United States

  • MrGiz
  • 07-06-2012, 09:29 PM
Excerpted from a piece by Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. :

The U.S. government has been infiltrated by ambitious and greedy men and women whose allegiance is not to their country, but to themselves and their political party.

The aims and conduct of the Democrat and Republican establishments have become antithetical to the principles upon which the nation was founded. Their aims are driven by political expediency and winning elections for the sole purpose of attaining and maintaining personal power and profit. Their conduct is based on remaining unconstrained by the Constitution and the rule of law and unaccountable to the American people.

Elections are in no way about representative government, but instead are contests to determine who will possess the power to allocate favors and redistribute wealth from ordinary Americans to a small group of political supporters.

Corrupt politicians, the front men and operational arm of networked financiers, siphon off the wealth created by hard-working Americans while preserving the illusion of democracy for the now disenfranchised voters. Faux journalists, who falsely proclaim themselves as tireless defenders of liberty, then distort the news in an effort to manipulate public opinion to further the goals of selected politicians and their wealthy benefactors.

The real issue of the 2012 campaign is not Obama's record or Romney's business acumen. It is the endemic corruption in the federal government perpetrated by a permanent political class, financed by crony capitalism and facilitated by a fawning media.

The United States is on the verge of collapse because without adherence to the Constitution and respect for the rule of law no economic or any other policy can succeed. As long as the corrupt status quo continues, it matters little who wins in November because, ultimately, the ordinary American loses.

Many of those presently in the federal government have violated their oaths of office to support and defend the Constitution, they have obstructed justice and they have scorned and rejected citizens' attempts to petition for the redress of grievances.

Democrat and Republican elected officials continue to block any objective investigation of Barack Obama's personal history because it would reveal dereliction of duty by most and criminal conspiracy by many.

The politicians recognize that if the truth was told about the depth of the corruption and the extent of the criminality in the government, the American people would rise up in open rebellion against those who have undermined the Constitution and flouted the rule of law.

As Abraham Lincoln said, the American people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. The loyalty of the American people is to our country and our Constitution, not to shady officeholders or petty bureaucrats.

Between now and Election Day on November 6, 2012, there is a window of opportunity to stop the coup d'état, restore the Constitution, uphold the rule of law and pave the way for the election and appointment of honest members of government.

Thomas Jefferson wrote:
"And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?"

The battle line of the Second American Revolution has been drawn: expose Obama and the entire corrupt system protecting him will also be exposed.

The time for education and persuasion is over. The time for resistance has come.

Interesting... but "stealth" is a silly term when you consider at least 53% of the voting public consists of brainless idiots who continue to re-elect the same obviously corrupt criminals into office!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Just take a look a Shelia Jackson Lee and you will see a person that truly is a representative of the people that vote her into office.
That's why I can't understand how people can support either party. When I see all those people attend the Romney and Obama rallies, my thoughts are what the hell are they doing there instead of working? To me going to work is more important than attending one of these clowns rallies.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This guy is spot on right. I haven't heard it articulated quite as well before. Excellent insight.
Ok, what's the next step now that we all agree?
Who should the Independents vote for?
  • MrGiz
  • 07-07-2012, 06:39 AM
Start Over. . . send a message. . . vote out all incumbents from both houses of Congress!

Then demand the following:
- demand term limits
- end lifetime Congressional pensions
- move all funds from Congressional Retirement Fund into Social Security
- Congress participates in Social Security , or set-up their own private retirement programs
- Congress participates in same health care programs as rest of population
- Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose upon citizens
- end Congressional self-pay raises

End Political Careers !
Who/what do you put in their place?

When does this revolution take place?

Won't you get the same problems....the issue isn't that we are governed by incumbents is it ? I thought it was their idea regarding big govenment solutions.

What ideas/princples are you standing for ?

The Occupy Wall Street crowd and the Tea Party share the same complaints; but differing solutions....

What is your platform ?
  • MrGiz
  • 07-07-2012, 07:16 AM
. . .
What is your platform ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
A National Return to Self Reliance and Personal Responsibility!

I don't pretend to know how to fix what has become this Klusterphuck we have created. . . . it's probably too late anyway!

All of the super-compassionate jackagons out there can piss up a rope, for all I care... they are ones who have voted for the idiots who have created the systems we now have! They are responsible for who they have voted for!

I've done a pretty decent job of taking care of myself, with very little help from others.... I really don't give a dying rat's ass, if anyone disagrees with me!

I'll probably vote Libertarian again. . . some would call it a wasted vote... but I cannot possibly see how it's more of a waste than what we have now!
BigLouie's Avatar
Independents Originally Posted by ekim008
Will not matter, look what happened to the staunch Tea Party reps. As soon as they hit Congress they started sucking money from the lobby tit and toeing the lobby line on all matters.

Strict terms limits might be the only way.
joe bloe's Avatar
A National Return to Self Reliance and Personal Responsibility!

I don't pretend to know how to fix what has become this Klusterphuck we have created. . . . it's probably too late anyway!

All of the super-compassionate jackagons out there can piss up a rope, for all I care... they are ones who have voted for the idiots who have created the systems we now have! They are responsible for who they have voted for!

I've done a pretty decent job of taking care of myself, with very little help from others.... I really don't give a dying rat's ass, if anyone disagrees with me!

I'll probably vote Libertarian again. . . some would call it a wasted vote... but I cannot possibly see how it's more of a waste than what we have now! Originally Posted by MrGiz
To change things for the better, we have to get the MAJORITY of the people to vote for self reliance and personal responsibility. That will never happen. That's why we HAD (past tense) a Constitution. The founders knew that the majority would always vote for looting the treasury. The Constitution was designed to prevent a social welfare state from devouring everything. The Libertarian Party will never win the White House because the majority of people are happy to trade freedom for the false promise of security.

We are on the path that leads to the loss of both freedom and security. We are approaching the end of that path.
We are approaching the end of that path. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Joe Bloehard, if you are so sure that "we are approaching the end of that path" then put your money where your mouth is and take the $100 bet I offered you. My money says that if Obama is re-elected, America will survive for another 4 years as a country. What does your money say?
joe bloe's Avatar
Joe Bloehard, if you are so sure that "we are approaching the end of that path" then put your money where your mouth is and take the $100 bet I offered you. My money says that if Obama is re-elected, America will survive for another 4 years as a country. What does your money say? Originally Posted by bigtex

So, bigturd, let me get this straight, you're betting America will survive another four years as a "country," if Obama is re-elected? That's really stupid, even for you. The Soviet Union was a country and so are Cuba and North Korea. Of course, America won't cease to exist as a country, but it will be so severely damaged, that it will take generations to repair.

Greece is still a country.
So, bigturd, let me get this straight, you're betting America will survive another four years as a "country," if Obama is re-elected? . Originally Posted by joe bloe

Joe Bloehard, you're the one who seems to be claiming that we will not survive as a country. In fact, your exact words were:

We're going to find out if this country can go on living or not. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I am just saying that if that is what you actually believe, than put your money where your mouth is!

The way I look at it: We survived GW! 'Nuff said! (By the way, did you vote for Dub twice?)

I am willing to bet my $100 that if Obama is re-elected, America will "go on living." Are you?

It is a simple concept that even you should be able to understand. On 2nd thought, that might not be true! That could be asking a little too much of someone with your limited intelligence!

You and StupidOldFart seem to have several things in common.

1) First and foremost, simple minds think alike!
2) You both talk alot but at the end of the day neither of you have said anything of value!
3) He cut and run from a bet offered him by WTF, just as you're trying to do here!

We used to call it, "your mouth overloads your 4th point of contact!" If you don't understand that, I will make it easy for you! http://www.urbandictionary.com/defin...20of%20contact