The World Would Be Better Off Without....

Feel free to name the person, place or thing that you feel brings nothing to the planetary table and in fact would improve it by their absence. I'll start it off.

Levi Johnston. I don't like Palin much, but this guy is definitely running for the Dickhead of the Year Award.
JnR82's Avatar
  • JnR82
  • 08-10-2010, 12:48 PM
The cast from The Jersey Shore.
yaddayadda's Avatar
The Taliban.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
The whole Iranian regime.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Child molesters and animal abusers. Line 'em up and I'll get my shotgun. Wait, nope, too quick. How 'bout an electric chair on low voltage? Make 'em stew in their own fluids like a crockpot for a while.
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
Stress, I won't get into that one. But I mean it in a sense more than the word actual meaning.

People who love living in the fantasy of life, than tackling the fear of just living head on.

... Oh yea, Night clubs and bars. The world would be better without those.
ogre39's Avatar
As a native Texan, one word: "Fireants"
Fancyinheels's Avatar
As a native Texan, one word: "Fireants" Originally Posted by ogre39
And they can take their buddies the mosquitoes with them.
Reality Shows. Hip-hop.
I cant belive that she decided to marry the jerk.
Captain Caveman's Avatar

Sorry, they are the only bug that creeps me out. Nothing else creeps me out... but centipedes give me the willies.
Boom Boom's Avatar
Damn, this is practical stuff.....I wanted to say my ex.

Well I guess I did.
JD Retired's Avatar
People who drive for miles, and miles,
and miles with their turn signal on. It makes no difference which one, left or right.
Hey JD. That is a God given right after you turn 60
@ Tara,

She didn't. It's off. He had "forgotten" to tell her about another baby he fathered. Oops!

He still must go, though. His 15 minutes are way up.