Accused “Craigslist Killer” commits suicide in jail.

Good riddance..
Thats a great thing.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Looks like Mr. Markoff marked himself off.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Didn't take long for that pun.

Looked like the kind of guy that would pass any and all screening. Continue to be careful out there, ladies.
Bestman200600's Avatar
Anyone that hurts the ladies deserves to fall on a knife.
Precision45's Avatar
He won't be missed...
LazurusLong's Avatar
You do realize that just like Ken Lay from Enron, this guy will forever be innocent of all charges since he never stood trial?

The article showed conflicting reports, one report said he had a cut artery another a bag on his head.

I just hope that if the guy was whacked in jail that they don't waste any more tax dollars on him.

+1 to Rambro's comment......
dollar14's Avatar
I hope he got at least raped before his own woman should get what he did to her.
There's that karma thing again! Life has a funny way of eualling out and people like this always get it in the end (in more ways than dollar14 mentioned but +1 there too!).
sky_wire's Avatar
The world would be a better place if more like him did the same.
cookie man's Avatar
It would be a nice gesture to donate the bag he croaked in to Craig's List, so it can be sold there and not on Ebay.
Didn't take long for that pun.

Looked like the kind of guy that would pass any and all screening. Continue to be careful out there, ladies. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

Great, he saved some tax money by killing his self (we will not get a refund). Most well known killers are white. All of the mass-murders I have heard of are white. If you didn't know, there are some f...ed up white people out there. Some are even racist...

Dude, I do not like the racism you bring to this board. I am fairly new, but you seem to have a problem with most white people. Most were thinking it was a good thing that the white trash f... killed his self. All you saw was a white guy did wrong, and all of the rest were not held accountable. The thing that you do not understand is most of the people in this world go by their personal experience. If you met 1000 green people and had 12 bad experiences would it be the same as if you met 20 purple people and had 14 bad experiences? I know of white ladies that only want black men, I do not care, that is their choice and I do not care to change them.

Ladies, I do not think Rambro is a pimp or a thug. He does not seem to care for white men, but does like white women that are not racist. Please fill his inbox with invitations to see you. If he does not respond, it must be due to your race....

Come on dude. This is 2010, not the 1800's. The white people that hate on other races are banned from public life. Think about Howard Cosell's comment that ended his long great career that was built by his relationship with Mohamed Allie. It was not a racial remark; it was his assessment of the agility of the running back...

So I am sorry that you feel cheated in life. There have been many times I have wished I was not white, because I didn't want to deal with the stereotype issues brought against me because I am. I do not have a racist bone in my body, but that will not stop someone trying to get over me at my expense...

Rambro, Your money spends the same way as mine does. Let it go, and they will cum. Live and let live, leave the past in the past, heal my brother.