Fox 16 special on LR Vice

Just saw where Fox 16 is airing a special on the 9 pm news tonight 2/12 about LR Vice and their attempts to stop on line prostitution in LR. Here is a link to the promo.
That sounded like my
LR Vice has made 2 arrests in the last 6 months. Katy and her friend.
That looks like it's profiling streetwalkers. I wouldn't even know where to find that and I've been in LR for years
ramblinman69's Avatar
That looks like it's profiling streetwalkers. I wouldn't even know where to find that and I've been in LR for years Originally Posted by dirtysanchez0069
Aw come on Sanchez, don't lie to the mates. I kid, I kid
willro's Avatar
Every time a news station does one of these stories, many will watch for the salacious and voyeuristic look into people's personal lives; but the comments are almost always overwhelmingly of the same nature. Most ask, isn't there a better use of the time for the police. This can't be the most needed protecting and serving in central Arkansas.
I saw Lyric. She looked delicious.
I seen that too.. lyric that is
I saw Lyric. She looked delicious. Originally Posted by firststick
Yes she did!
Now I am going to watch a special on TLC at 11:00 PM titled Sex Sent Me to the ER Extra Dose
Says a woman is rushed to the hospital after experiencing a 2 hour orgasm!
Should be interesting!!
I'm curious about what it included.. I wasn't able to watch.

But personally, I'm like geez Louise shouldn't you be worried about the people killing others?

They're trying to come up with a law to prohibit it in the Canada. However, the internet is free game and still legal.
I'm curious about what it included.. I wasn't able to watch.

But personally, I'm like geez Louise shouldn't you be worried about the people killing others?

They're trying to come up with a law to prohibit it in the Canada. However, the internet is free game and still legal. Originally Posted by YourFavFlavor
It mainly was about lrpd talking about prostatotion by the way of bp and Craigslist and saying they are cracking down on it lol

heck everyone knows we don't have crimes like murder,rape,banks being robbed or day care workers dragging kids across the floor by their jacket causing rug burns... even the L E knows this
And while it was running, there were 7 arrest last night. I guess it was to prove a point.
Arrests by the Pulaski County SD. Not lrpd.
It's fixing to get hot and heavy. I personnely probably only going to see trusted providers tell the shit blows over. They didn't have that special for TV time there going to make examples out of some unlucky people.
Yes they sure are