Reference friendly providers????

Can't seem to get an answer and its really shitty!
Is this the usual or are most of ya girlies provider friendly for references?

I guess I really don't know what to do if I can't get providers to answer when I ask for a reference any advce please!!
Is this the usual Originally Posted by shayla84
Yes. Providers dont owe you a reply. Learn to screen without having to depend on other ladies.
It is what it is!
Wow, well your etiquette a shit!
You're right they don't owe me anything but some guys don't want to go through all the hassle again and if you guys tell them that you're willing to be a reference for them will then thats what you should do.
I guess that also means that if a client does something I don't need to alert any of you and let you know. Some of you girls tend to think this is a competition I guess that also means that if a client does something I don't know it to any of you to let you know. Some of you girls tend to think this is a competition, real providers don't.
It takes nothing to have manners and respect with other providers.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Yes Shayla....some providers in this area can be pretty catty about it. Some feel that they somehow "own" the hobbiest! Now, let me reiterate SOME do, but the vast majority of the ladies (and I emphasize, ladies) are a well mannered group of helpful women .... A lot I call friends.

As you know, le has lots of folks on edge on both side of the hobby and you VP's should pull together to make the verification process and the sharing of info easier. Also, a lot of the guys here should be more forthcoming with their verifiable references. I have a long speech welling up with n me, but I'll STHU now and go back in not my underground bunker.

Wish your trip had been better. You should have come next weekend and enjoyed the biggest MardiGrass parade north of NOLA!

Take care,
Sounds strange to me but I am no expert and just kind of go my on way but I have a eccie account and P411 and have not had any ladies tell me they had a problem verifying me. The only issues I have had of late is ladies setting up a time and forgetting and or being late. When I call them on it they get pissed and I don't see them. The hobby from my short time seems to swing different every few months. I think my feelings are that we are dealing with people and we all know some are nice, some are super nice and some are just an ass.
It's very annoying when providers hold back on references... I don't understand it. References are an integral part of the service we provide to our clients, IMO. Attempting to corral a client never works, anyway.

When I'm dealing with an uncooperative provider, I message the client and let him know that I'm waiting on a response from the provider, and tell him that if he could let her know, it would help expedite things. Then the client effectively puts the pressure on her to respond. If she doesn't cooperate, she risks alienating him for future visits.

Works nearly every time.
destinydevine's Avatar
Can't seem to get an answer and its really shitty!
Is this the usual or are most of ya girlies provider friendly for references?
I guess I really don't know what to do if I can't get providers to answer when I ask for a reference any advice please!! Originally Posted by shayla84
I was told to always ask for at least 3 references and that is why its safer here. I agree 100 % I screen still and ask for references I don't think it's competition it is not Miss America. I have been asked to introduce 2 of my clients to my friend whom is a provider, I honestly think that it is catty to be like that I mean if I refused to tell another provider when asked anything about a bad experience with a client that I had and something ended up happening I would feel like shit thats just bogus.What is wrong with the world today when some think that a girl doesn't deserve to know about a guy being abusive or anything SMH
mrredcat43's Avatar
P411 helps quite a bit
Maybe reviews should go both ways? To count as credit or to post one could not without the other type of deal. Js
P411 is okay, as is ECCIE, I use both. However, in light of the heavy LE presence in Shreveport, and the fact that some hobbyists can't keep from rolling their accounts to said LE, I like to try to give a Security Question and Answer to the lady seeking the reference. Usually about something the client and I talked about during our session. To me, this better ensures that she is seeing the same gent that I did, not just the same Handle/phone#/name
I also make an effort to get to know the other ladies in the area, some of whom I now call friends. When I request a ref, I ask for some lil extra info or physical description.
As always, I am reference friendly and available to anyone who would like to share/learn screening tactics
Have fun and play safe!!
~Ynot~'s Avatar
Nice to know there are a few ladies that will look out for each other as well as the greater good of the providers as well as the hobbiest. To all of those who do " I salute you"
Maybe this is why I Never have a problem being screened.. hmmmmm.