Mega hypocrites

give examples of maga being hypocrites

Example: one poster claiming Biden is weak, and then claiming Biden is going to get us in WW3 because he is standing up to Russia and China
They all love to say how they "back the blue" and respect "law and order" until trump breaks the law, or orders them to break the law (i.e. January 6).

They claim to respect the Constitution, until trump loses the election and suggests we "suspend" parts of it so he can illegally remain in power.

They claim to support our military until trump takes a giant shit on the graves of our fallen soldiers at Arlington Cemetery. Or until anyone in the military criticizes dear leader or testifies against him (John Kelly, Alexander Vindman, John McCain and Mark Milley all come to mind).

At one point during the 2020 election, they were simultaneously calling for all votes to be counted in Arizona, while in Georgia, they were demanding they stop counting the votes.

They love to say "All Lives Matter" while wanting the lives of immigrants to be destroyed.

I could go on and on... these fucking cretins thrive on hypocrisy.