
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
When you have to go to a hotel to meet a lady does it matter to you what type of hotel?
What hotels won't you go too?

What do you look for in a hotel?

I prefer 3 to 4 star hotels, but they can be very pricey depending on the location. I have stayed in 2 star and there always seems to be something broke or bugs.

What is your thoughts?
MuffDiver1975's Avatar
Personally I'm not picky so I don't care if it's a truck stop hotel. I'll only be there for an hour and I'll only use the bed and maybe catch a shower afterwards. I prefer hotel room you can access from the outside so you don't have to do the walk of shame through the lobby.

So bottom line, no bugs, no rodents, then I'm happy.
Just my two cents.
I agree not picky. And perfer ouside entrance
jaja133's Avatar
I third that.
Outside entrance the best, otherwise I like the larger ones with meeting rooms or attached Bars, someone is constantly going in and out anyway and out my way the side entrances are usually open during the day on those. As far as amenities, that ain't what I'm thee for!!
Mike1961's Avatar
I prefer the outside entrance also, but I've seen some of those that there is a lot of people hanging around outside and that makes me nervous.
I agree. I like larger hotels as well. However a nice quiet area at a park is always pretty hott.
oldmanoftheroad's Avatar
I stay at nicer hotels on a regular basis... The ones that do NOT have any outside doors for each room. I know several do not feel this way but I don't think a thing about any "walk of shame" when I enter and then leave an hour or so later.. When I stay, I can go in and leave a few times per night.. I don't have a guilty look on my face, I act like I belong, (Which I do!)

Don't get me wrong, I'll NOT go past the front desk if I don't need to but it doesn't say, "I just visited a lady upstairs for the past hour" on my face when I leave!! No worries brothers!!

If it makes you feel better...NO ONE has EVER asked me what I'm doing in a hotel.. when I'm there for business or pleasure... If they do, it's always "business" I'm thinking - What are they gonna do, kick me out? Detain ME?

Now, if it's a new lady I'm seeing for the first time, yeah, I'm nervous, nervous as hell! But not because of the front desk person that I may or may not say hello to, who may or may not be busy anyway and certainly is not going to ask me what I'm doing in this hotel!

Relax brothers!!

To the original question, yes, I prefer nicer places, clean comfy sheets, a nice shower and a fun lady waiting to please me in every way!! Thanks for asking Ms Y!!
I was about to post a response but another old man who is on the road a lot beat me to it. Excellent advice.
Oldman pretty much nailed it. I always stay at nicer hotels, ones that have a fair amount of traffic all day. At the cheaper ones there's little to no traffic from mid morning until late afternoon, so if you're worried about looking like you're there for a nooner you're going to stand out. A couple of other points:

*I prefer indoor corridors. Like OMOTR said, I belong there. Many a bust has happened because LE sat across the street with a cam watching the parking lot and room traffic.

*Finally, nicer hotels usually have larger rooms and more furnishings, which give more options for different kinds of activities and where they'll take place.
Guest 111116's Avatar
Agree with OldMan. I don't like exterior door entrances. I always carry a backpack with me so it looks like I belong there and I never make eye contact with anyone near the front door - just walk by like you know where you are going. I also make sure I memorize the room number so I don't go in looking at my phone.
DallasRain's Avatar
Agree with OldMan. I don't like exterior door entrances. I always carry a backpack with me so it looks like I belong there and I never make eye contact with anyone near the front door - just walk by like you know where you are going. I also make sure I memorize the room number so I don't go in looking at my phone. Originally Posted by nap.solo

and I always give the guy the hotels layout,so he does not look suspicious trying to find the elevater

I use pricleine most of the time and never spend over 75 or 80 bucks on a nice hotel...most I can get for 50 or 60

I try to stay in larger hotels that are 3 or more star...I luv convention center or casino hotels..the busier the hotel,the better!
12blue4u's Avatar
One that I do not have to pay for.