When life throws you lemons make....


That's what my body decided to do anyway. My fun surgery will be postponed. Obviously, the cholecystectomy needs to come before my vanity (although I have mulled the idea over a time or two if i should just pretend everything is fine. Logic thankfully won). Tons of pain. Definitely just wanted to keep moving forward with my life but I've been forced to take a detour but not all bad still losing weight cause I simply can't eat. Life hates me right now but that's ok cause feelings are mutual.

Thanks for all msgs expressing sympathy/empathy for my recent loss. Thank you for the well wishes for surgery. ..still having one just not the one i want.

Life, how I adore thee. Ugh.

Still not available for actual business related fun activities but be warned when I'm back on track it'll be best time of your life. I assure you.

Not available for references either. Kinda disappointed with some who have not respected my requests of needing time and space goes for men and women.

Posting this to help save time to those who have been offering well wishes for surgery. Super bummed but such is life.

Miss you guys,

DesireMeDestiny's Avatar
That sucks balls! I wish you a quick recovery and good luck with your surgery!
That sucks balls! I wish you a quick recovery and good luck with your surgery! Originally Posted by DesireMeDestiny
Lol...thank you and it does suck balls but clearly life needs to take lessons from me on how to do it right.
You don't drink and all, but you might just want to use that lemonade as a mixer for something a little stronger one time Good luck with everything, Sarah!
Mike1961's Avatar
It's a good thing that you have such a good sense of humor and that you are an upbeat person, that will help you get through this rough patch in life. Hang in there and I wish you well.
Life sucks balls sometimes but Sara sucks 'em right back and better. Be well, my dear. I know you'll be back and in top form again soon.
DallasRain's Avatar
Stay strong & sane babe...hugs!!!!
I feel your pain Sara I just had them a couple years ago while I didn't have a lot of pain I always felt sick for like 5 months before we figured out what was wrong get well soon and can't wait to see you
I've known a couple people that have had gall bladders removed. Easy surgery and doing most things after a week.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 06-17-2015, 08:28 AM
Gladiator69's Avatar
Wishing you a speedy recovery gorgeous!!!
12blue4u's Avatar
Well on the bright side at least they are not kidney stones. Good luck and surgery should not keep you down that long. Well unless you want to be.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I had mine out last year was up and back at work after about 4 days. Hopefully yours is not swollen to big that they can just do the belly button.
Wish you the best.