Need to get some things off my chest.....

I am not quite sure where to start because there is so much I want to talk about.

First I guess it is all this talk about the recent events that have gone on in my life involving "AAG" lol sorry it IS funny to me though because he IS my ex-husband! I had no idea until recently and I will be the FIRST to say that I am not one to have drama in my life AT ALL! but just so happened that I had a rough patch in my life that is now all passed me. None of these stories (which I have heard soooo many) are true. I need to say, if it was not messing with my lively hood it would honestly be amusing to me because all of it is sooo far fetched I can not even believe that anyone would believe that they are true. I wish that if any of you have any questions you would just ask me I do not mind explaining, without gory details of course (not needed), what really went was simply a SEPARATION a DIVORCE! Well I guess not simply because if you do your will see that the day this supposed event took place...I hate to admit it was a domestic assault. Yes that is the truth and he now has a protective and will never be anywhere near me.

I HATE publicly posting my personal issues (it all seems like DRAMA) but I need to clear the air...sorry if anyone feels as though it's all too much.

And the other thing is all this talk that I am flaky. I am sorry if I seem that but there are reasons that I do not always take appointments from everyone. I will first say that I am not a rude person in any sense of the matter, in fact I try to be very conscious of any other persons feelings. But there are things that me taking appointments is contingent on. My rates...are nonnegotiable. And I feel as though the gentlemen can be "picky" in who they see well sometimes we are too. I am sorry but cleanliness is a big deal in my decision to take appointments as well. These are common knowledge things in the hobby.

I LOVE what I do and I take pride in it and I love all the friends I have made. I really do not want to come off rude in what I have said it is just that I am hurt and upset right now and really feel like it's all silly because it is not true but in the same hand I understand that everyone has to be safe and discreet. I just really had to get some things off my chest and out there so hopefully this will put some of your minds to rest. And better for me to speak out like an adult then just hide in the shadows.

I am not normally this outspoken but I felt it necessary.

Thank you for listening.
Nicely said bailey! I really hooe that things pick up for u and you don't leave us and go to denver like you were saying... Hang in there and if u ever want to disclose who AAG is myself and several of my riding buddies would love to visit him and show him how we feel about wife beaters . I know I am excited as hell u are back around and can't wait for our next time together!!
NeoChrome's Avatar
Thank you for telling your side of the story, Bailey, it's never comfortable to air your dirty laundry in public, that takes a lot of courage.

I can conform that the police blotter reflects an arrest for assault, and no other charges on the day in question, which corroborate Bailey's story, and contradicts AAG's.
Thank you reap and noechrome, I am staying positive and I feel this will all fix it's self
very interesting. Now come to poor little Abilene.
With enough interest I would LOVE to glad you can see past all the bs cash! thank you!
Thanks for the info Bailey. The ones of us that have seen you know that you are neither rude nor flaky but a very good and fun lady that provides a wonderful service. Again I'm glad you told your story and I look forward to my next trip to Amarillo and getting together with you.
Hats off to you, girlie! Glad you have overcome the bs and starting one is perfect; there should never be judgement one a person's life but I can see how in "fun factory" the discretion/safety aspect always comes into play.

With that said, good luck with everything and stay safe!!

lionheart's Avatar
Now everything is all starting to make sense's great to see you give us your side of the story. Glad to have you back in the hobby, and I feel sure you will find a lot of support from the classy folks here in west texas.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Thanks for all of the info Bailey. I've always known you were not flaky but as both sides of the hobby has stated, each side has to be safe and proceed with knowledge. You have taken a huge step in putting everyone's mind at ease. It is hard when we have heard only one side of the story. You are very brave to let us know. Good luck to you girl!
WoW thank you guys so much you have no idea what this means to me you really don't I felt like I was going to get shunned for coming out with all of this is so good to have your support. It all sounded so crazy even typing it but I assure I am telling you the truth. I am so grateful for all of you guys!
I only have 1 ? and this will all be behind me I think.

Did AAG know you where in the hobby and set a session up with you?

and bring that ass to abilene
johnnybax's Avatar
I only have 1 ? and this will all be behind me I think.

Did AAG know you where in the hobby and set a session up with you?

and bring that ass to abilene Originally Posted by cash69
This is what I'm wondering too
you got to get a new avator johnny, that red eyed dog freaks me out. LMAO
I only have 1 ? and this will all be behind me I think.

Did AAG know you where in the hobby and set a session up with you?

and bring that ass to abilene Originally Posted by cash69
AAG definitely communicated with me electronically, I will be real honest it is a chore keeping up with who is who on here and other boards. I didn't realize until recently what his real identity was. I assumed it was someone I had seen when he would shoot me a "friendly" pm or email, since he had details of my incall other personal details as well. Also I have to say that if you remember correctly or if you even knew I had quite a few reviews, especially from the "dead" board. I liked to read my reviews but I also did not have time to detail over every single one.

I am a little embarrassed at this point because I was played like a fiddle.

Thank you for the questions anything I can do to get the truth out there.