being a good ...citizen ...a the beloved board

Plastic Man's Avatar
ya knows this board a blessin an a sorts a ...home ta our many special ...members an yas also knows yer ...plastic man here as a spiritual guide as ya moves ...through yer depravity an debauchery

...buts ta makes this board even stronger there steps you as individual ...members can takes ta bring home the big fer the whole team

...first be ta always be respectful a ...others an their opinions just like yer ...plastic man ...always does by takin time ta say ...thanks an salutin our diversity an mutual

...second be ta help our ...overburdened mods in their too thankless cause they be here tirelessly behind ...the scenes makin everything run likes a well ...oiled machine

...finally be sures an clicks ...on the banner an pop up ads as there be some ...amazing ...offered that represent great value fer both ...jimmies an funnels!

...thanks an may jesus christ the ...lord bless us ...all
Next Best Thing's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
which mod getting the free mod seep ass kiss Sir? thanks for this review