A suggestion for the Ladies to help the guys

dj8rocks's Avatar
Just a simple suggestion for the ladies to help the guys. With the latest changes to the signature lines policy that now allows for rates and availability to be included in your signature lines, please consider adding it. The majority of the encounter reports being written still are not including the fees even though it’s allowed in the ROS. This is one thing that will help us to be a little safer by not having to ask any unnecessary questions that causes some discomfort.

Another thing that will help the guys to find you, especially with the changes in 19 to P411, is to perhaps add your ID number to your signature line. It’s my understanding that in the future, our ability to search for you will either have to be by links or your ID number.

Just some thoughts on ways to help keep things moving smoothly as things transition. Input from the ladies and gents are welcomed. dj8
Mature Companion's Avatar
There are some of us who clearly link our site in our profile/sig. With all the details that you need. Thus, all it takes is for men to actually read!!! Esp, when said links are clearly noted in the encounters. My mature visit encounter is an example!!

Yet, some men don't bother to read.

Asking the ladies to help those men who don't bother to do the simplest of things like READ. Is redundant. As those men will still ASK and ask and ask!!

So this this thread should be more about schooling grown men to READ!!

So for the ladies who don't have sites.
Ok. List your rates. But fricken READ men!!
LoveXO.Tara's Avatar
There are some of us who clearly link our site in our profile/sig. With all the details that you need. Thus, all it takes is for men to actually read!!! Esp, when said links are clearly noted in the encounters. My mature visit encounter is an example!!

Yet, some men don't bother to read.

Asking the ladies to help those men who don't bother to do the simplest of things like READ. Is redundant. As those men will still ASK and ask and ask!!

So this this thread should be more about schooling grown men to READ!!

So for the ladies who don't have sites.
Ok. List your rates. But fricken READ men!! Originally Posted by Mature Companion

dj8rocks's Avatar
MC, your point is very clear about SOME... some ladies have links, some don’t. Some men read, some don’t. This thread was not intended to blast, flame or direct hostility towards either of the parties involved, so I’m not sure why you felt the need to blast the thread with agitation about some of the men that don’t read some of the profiles that do have links.
Moonchild's Avatar
Can someone call me and explain what she said 😂
dj8rocks's Avatar
Can someone call me and explain what she said 😂 Originally Posted by Moonchild
Yeah, it’s pretty easy. My post mentioned 3 things to help. Rates, availability, and adding ID number to their signature line. Obviously that wasn’t read
Guitar's Avatar
I'm all with ya Dj. If the fee was told like it used to be, we wouldn't have to go to a different site and READ. But unfortunately, they are probably NOT gonna give us a FEE SECTION for us to list it, PLUS, a lot of guys aren't going to put it in the ROS SECTION, either. Guess we'll HAVE to READ, now. I wish it was the way it used to be. But hey, I wish a LOT of things were the way they used to be.
Guitar's Avatar
O, and Good Morning, Ms. Tara!!!! U sure are typing beautiful this morning!!!
LoveXO.Tara's Avatar

I don't believe that she was approaching the topic with
agitation, she was simply stating her opinion and her own
personal suggestion for the gentlemen on the board. Many of us
spend countless hours perfecting a website to make it clear cut,
safe, and simple for those to book with us. I typically only post on here to let new friends know I'll be in their area or for review | verification purposes. Personally I love when new clients book through my site, it lets me know that they cared
enough to actually do research and learn me as well as my donation.
I think her suggestion was warranted . . . this is a forum of opinions after all
LoveXO.Tara's Avatar
O, and Good Morning, Ms. Tara!!!! U sure are typing beautiful this morning!!! Originally Posted by Guitar

Good Morning Babe Thank you !
Hoping all is well ?
Ok, I can see both sides of this issue. We have to use E as best we can within its guidelines and polices. Additionally, not everyone has access to ROS even if the information was there.

IMHO I think the ladies have a responsibility to give us as much information in their respective areas and or Bio as permitted. 3 clicks and I found MC's rates and her required information.

But we have a responsibility as professional hobbyists to read it. 3 clicks and I found MC's rates and her required information.

Yes, I know it's a duplicate sentence above. It just proves how the ladies can make information accessible to us, but once it's there, how easy it is to access.

You can justify either position either way. But if the parties communicate in a respectful manner, and treat each other as they would want to be treated then great things happen.
LoveXO.Tara's Avatar
But we have a responsibility as professional hobbyists to read it. 3 clicks and I found MC's rates and her required information.

Yes, I know it's a duplicate sentence above. It just proves how the ladies can make information accessible to us, but once it's there, how easy it is to access.

You can justify a position either way. But if the parties communicate in a respectful manner, and treat each other as they would want to be treated then great things happen. Originally Posted by Mr Lickher Right

& This is what it's all about Good Morning !
Mature Companion's Avatar
Exactly, doll.

When a woman voices her opinion. Some men can't handle it. And thus said woman is blasting and being disparaging. LMFAO.

I also stated in said varying example, which DJ chose to ignore.
That for those providers who don't have sites. Feel free to post rates where rates can be posted.
But in that same breath. That will NOT stop some men from NOT reading and still ask the ladies.
Thus reverting back to my point.

Why not school the men to READ!!

And FYI, DJ, for those ladies who don't have sites.
Haven't been allowed to post rates on this site (anywhere) until the recent week. Thanks to St. Chris.
So give those ladies time.

I don't believe that she was approaching the topic with
agitation, she was simply stating her opinion and her own
personal suggestion for the gentlemen on the board. Many of us
spend countless hours perfecting a website to make it clear cut,
safe, and simple for those to book with us. I typically only post on here to let new friends know I'll be in their area or for review | verification purposes. Personally I love when new clients book through my site, it lets me know that they cared
enough to actually do research and learn me as well as my donation.
I think her suggestion was warranted . . . this is a forum of opinions after all
Originally Posted by LoveXO.Tara
DJ, I know you personally and know you had good intentions with your suggestion. Unfortunately, a lot of sites are doing away with rates being offered at a visual stand point as well as link back to our websites.

I wished it was as simple as it was before the stupid signing, but it is what it is.
And another reason it's important to use all the information a lady provides is it's a sign of respect. It demonstrates goodwill on the gentleman's part.

This may be a guy's very first contact with a provider. And imagine getting this:

Good morning, I saw you on E (or wherever) and would like to spend an hour with you. I am comfortable with the donation requested. I am (Whatever info asked such as race/age/location), have references from (Provider A and Provider B). Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to meeting with you.


Hey, what's up?


What are your rates?

Can I come see you?

In case you are wondering how I know. I am in several Facebook groups and I have seen numerous threads titled "How not to get seen".

Just because these ladies are providers we should treat them as professional women, just as you would in any other profession.

A little effort on the front end makes it easier for all involved.